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Status Updates posted by Petra

  1. I neeeeeeeed your help!!! Get online!!! PLEASE!!!!! :crybaby:!

  2. I don' dare opening my emails because I fear that you are shouting at me in them :crybaby:. Like a howler; just worse. ****.

  3. Him or his agents or John-guy or whoever - **** **** **** **** **** ::shun::pinkbow:!

  4. Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, I'm really happy for you lot! It'll be FANTASTIC!!!

    So are you back? Like in backback? :woot_jump:!!!

  5. What joke? Where are you? I miss you! Ok, I havent been here as well :dunno:. Did you get my offline messages (Just wondering.) New MSN is a bitch. Just like life.

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! i

    :groupwave: :groupwave: :groupwave:!

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i


  8. But quotes have a different colour than the original post now & thus Light Blue is useless too then :crybaby:. ****!

  9. AAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!! Your letter arrived. Ana, stop sending post the most expensive way possible! :shocked: :shocked: I owe you money. And don't say no. :shun: I love the glasses :naughty:.

  10. The tiger belongs to Mike Tyson, Bruce Willis is dead and Edward Norton & Brad Pitt are one person. I'm currently thining about movie-secrets one should not know before the film. Hmmm... :think1:. I might go to see Hangover tonight (after it has been in the cinema for roughly 5 months :lmfao:). I still havent made it to HP though and it seems as if I wont see it on the big screen. It just runs in the afternoons now and the cinema-website tells me they'll stop showing it on Wednesday. **** :pinkbow:

  11. I did apparently not win tickets for Brussels but at least I won tickets for Razorlight next week. Stupid thing is that those idiots sent a code or something to scan to my MOBILE. My mobile is SIX years old and was one of the first cell phones with a camera and a colour-screen :lmfao:. I emailed them & they asked for my mobile-type and now they haven't replied anymore. (But I told Skully, so things will be fine :naughty:.)

  12. It was the Forum when we were there but now the HMV Group purchased 50% of the MAMA Group Plc (which is a venue operator / management company) and thus HMV got naming rights for a couple of venues like the Forum or the Hammersmith Apollo or the Picture House in Edinburgh.


    Life sucks SO MUCH right now. Sorry for not emailing.

  13. I'll love you instead :das::naughty:.

    I can't make it glow. I wrote with it, I held it under a lamp and then I shook it and it's still not glowing :crybaby:

  14. Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh! You are so fast! I'm so lazy! Ana, your parcel was great!!! :huglove: I feel baaaad :crybaby::sneaky2::wub2:!

  15. Razorlight! MGMT! AAAHHHHHHHHHH! Let's go there again next year :crybaby:!


  16. "Je deelname aan de wedstrijd is geldig! De winnaars worden telefonisch op de hoogte gebracht op 1 september 2009. Veel geluk!"


    If I win tickets (which I won't :dunno:) it'll piss off a lot of people :cheerful_h4h:. Oh, and I saw yesterday that there will be yet another Razorlight gig close to me on September 17 :woot_jump:.

  17. Great great GREAT photoshop!! :lmfao: Awwwwwwwww!! :wub2:

  18. :fangurl:! Where areeeeeeeeeeee you :fangurl:? I think I even missed your short appearance in the Aussie-thread :crybaby:.
  19. My father said he'd switch off the phone and internet line as soon as the thunderstorm comes. It's fricking hot today and very.. is "damp" the word? I think so. Moist. :naughty:


    So I'm hoping and begging for the ****ty weather to come. Because THEN I can't do anything. Officially. I have no idea what to do and where to apply. I simply CAN'T find anything. I wonder how tf I managed to get an internship, really :sneaky2:. I wrote an email to someone at TAG (asking for help) but people are NOT replying. Bianca, I need, I want, I HAVE to go back!!!!!


    And I'm victimising HK to help with language stuff. She is lovely :cheerful_h4h:.

  20. So where were your tickets? Did you tell me? I can't remember! Tell me again! :naughty:

    And was it Rainbow your heard in Sydney? I came along your old text messages last night & I'm wondering since then. :blink:

  21. I just thought I should come here to say hi :cheerful_h4h:.

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