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Status Updates posted by Petra

  1. I was more or less lying on the floor at Tesco(s) because of that card and I think it was in January when you told me something like "Oh wait- THERE IS JESUS ON IT!". :blink:


    I think we should go to Dublin. Why not? It's noice there. Sea, a river, a pub. Uhm, wait. *scratches head* I should go to sports. I dont have to think so much there.

  2. And then I just had these words in my head - I have no ****ing clue about the spelling :fisch:.

  3. Yes yes, Jehovah will lead you :pinkbow:. I still can't believe it took you so long to disciver Jehovah behind the curtain on your birthday card :sneaky2::shocked:.

  4. I also don't know what that sentence means by the way. I suppose its something like "Go with god" but :dunno:. It's a song which is (I THINK) half German, half, uhm, Iguessitsspanish.

  5. Vaya con dios mi amore.


    And I dont even know if thats Spanish. It could be Italian. Katalan. Chinese. I'm not sure about the spelling either.I*m applying for the Roundhouse right now. deadline on MOnday, interviews on Friday. But they want someone who has experiemce in teaching and supervision children and juveniles (hey, that's for me :dunno:).

  6. Did you win the netball thingy?

  7. Super. Now I cant stop thinking about this idea. I need a job. I need a job and I need holidays from this job. Flights are €1000+/- right now. And it actually seems that flights this December are (slightly) cheaper than in mid-2010. Strange. Oh dear. Hahahaha, ok, I need to go to bed. I actually switched on the pc again to write this (and save money). Texting freaks me out. It's so freaking expensive! And typing takes soooooo long. And then T9 always changes the word I need in the very last second to a different one. :mad3:


    (I had already clicked send when I saw it :sneaky2:)

  9. Stupidest FML ever: "Today, I realized that our generation will be remembered as the kids who liked sparkly vampires. FML" Yes, and?

  10. Stupidest FML ever: "Today, I realized that our generation will be remembered as the kids who liked sparkly vampires. FML"

  11. I don't think I've ever possessed a pair of cooler sunglasses. I was halfwy through unwrapping it and... when I felt what it was.... (well now, that sounds dirty :lmfao:). ****, ANA!!!! HOW ****ING AMAAAAAZING IS THAT!!!!!!!!! (And Rod replied to your question!)

    I need to PM / eMail you. ****ing hell. I'm sorry. I dont have time right now (I'll explain later) but I'll do it asap.

    THANK YOU OH SO MUCH!!! I'M ****ING AMAZED!!!!!!!!! (and officially cool now :das:)

  12. Hello! Are you still in Sydney? I know, I should just go and check the threads. Sorry. (I dont have time right now.) I need to text Bianca back. I hope you lot had a ****ing AMAZINGLY AWESOME AND FREAKING OVERWHELMING TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. HDR_489495545_header.jpg


    The two houses in the upper right are actually the two houses next to Canada Water tube station which is where Ana & I lived (close to the station; not IN the station I mean :naughty:).

  14. Maybe she is just listing up the general tour list with the European dates.

    Or she is just ****ing rich and ****ing insane :lmfao:. Look at it and start calculating. It's ridiculous. And pitiful.

  15. You are just jealous that I'm being checked on. I'm dangerous, you know.

  16. Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday my dear!!! :woot_jump:! I hope you'll get LOTS of cake, sunshine & presents!!! :cheerful_h4h:! xxx

  17. Actually this thread was entertaining. Creepy, but entertaining for those who don't care enough (like me right now).


    Hello btw. I'm off to cook lunch. I miss you! I ripped open my middle finger & cant type properly :pinkbow:. I need the Hugh review. :pinkbow:

  18. I cant be arsed to go and open my email account now, so I'll do it here (which is surely not the "right" thing to do but - really- I canNOT be arsed :dunno:). So: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20802 read this thread if you find a minute later and... well, yes. What ****ing idiots. :lmfao: ;dunno: :blink:

  19. I just thought I'd come here & say that I like your username :pinkbow:. Awww, the Kooks :cheerful_h4h:.

  20. What is Cintina saying about Paul? :blink:? What macabre (?) plan? :das:

  21. I hope you are aware that I might need a review :sneaky2:. :pinkbow:

  22. Consider yourself in :naughty:. Let me just finish my stuff here now; I'll update the list later today :woot_jump:.

    And welcome to MFC btw :pinkbow:.

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