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Status Updates posted by Petra

  1. Thanks a lot for your effort :original:. I hope that one final day we'll get Humphy and Alfred (his fishbag) back on track again.

  2. I have no idea why the heck you are doing that. Really. It is highly unfair. We have all been investing a lot of time & passion into that. And after all a LOT of money. It is simply notnotNOT fair.


  4. Hello!! We are working on the words. I had an idea on how to layout it but then I heard that you were drawing a picture! I'll PM you in a minute!

  5. I'm really wondering what kind of custom title you'll use after this one :think1:.

  6. Come back at once :shun::mad3:! *books flight to GB to drag Wendi back*

  7. I know there is a song called "Let's call that whole thing off" :naughty:.


    Anyway - no idea about Nat. He is strange & I dont like the way he moves his mouth & tongue while singing :dunno: but it's Nat and he was with the Holloways and so... but I really think he is trying to get more recognision with mentioning the Kooks and Luke :dunno:. Well, everybody has their way, right?

  8. Working on it now! I'll PM you a useful version and you can proofread it / change things!

  9. Hahahahahahaha, yes, I saw that! I tried clicking it but that was one of the moments my internet screwed up. People should stop googling themselves :lmfao:. I googled myself and found out that my Apple Store Sofa Song is on a porn page (not a hardcore porn page though) and that people have obviously been discussing my Kid Harpoon stuff a LOT on other forums. Oh well. And then I stumbled over Kooks fan fic and I was distracted :fisch:.

  10. Sometimes I've got the feeling that nobody apart from us is actually faning Nat Jenkins :lmfao:. He is good but I didn't like the way he moves his mouth while singing. Sam McCarthy or others are MUCH better (generally: also regarding the songs & the singing itself). God, do you remember this BAD guy in the Punk club? god. He reminded / reminds me a LOT of Bella's father actually :think1:.

  11. Ah, we'll do it. I actually have no clue how the artwork thing is supposed to look like (like photoshopping, or painting & then scanning it or whatever). I need to check the thread. Another option is also just taking our text (creating / stealing it won't be a problem :naughty:. I guess :blink:) and putting text paragraphs into present boxes or parcels and make a page full of parcely with text inside or so. Tomorrow. I'm trying to sort text for my thesis right now & it's quite a mess :crybaby::naughty:.

  12. I'm going to see James Morrison on Tuesday :woot_jump:!! He was REALLY great in London and it'll be ace :cheerful_h4h:!

  13. Oi, holy ****. I just replied to her on FB. Did she email details? Good God. I wonder what happened. Well, honeypie WAS a tad bit wimpy. I just hope that everything works out well for both of them now.

  14. "Today, my little brother learned that breaking a glow stick and emptying it into someone's eyes does not help them see in the dark. It's a good lesson, I just wish he hadn't used my eyes to learn it. The doctor says the burning feeling should go away in 3 or 4 days. FML"


    It's a ****ing awesome thought. OMG. Why did THAT never occur to me?!

  15. YOU ARE THERE!!!! (that's in capitals. MFC will surely change it. :sneaky2:) Awwww!! Hello!! :pinkbow: Are you backback or just temporarily :tears:? How are things?

    Nothing (repeat: NOTHING) on the job front. I'm still working on it. :tears:

  16. That guy I PMed on the Kooks forum never replied, too :sneaky2:. I should really come. I dont have money though.

    Guess what - I sent out applications to Coda (Mika?), Primary (Holloways) & 13 (:das:) an hour ago :S

  17. OMG! I love you!!!! Like in: I LOVE YOU!!!!! Milk Duds!!! Paul!!! MASSIVE lollies!!! Chocolate!!!! It is so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm unwrapping it right now & taking photos :woot_jump:!!!!


    (and I didnt send you maps :tears:)

    (or postcards :crybaby:)

  18. Mika is so awesome. So so so lovely :cheerful_h4h:. I hope Tegan will be well soon!

  19. Hello :pinkbow:!

    England got my MM :cheerful_h4h:!

    My parents are about to kick me out :pinkbow:. How are things on (in?) the southern hemisphere?

  20. Awwwww!!!!! I'm glad it arrived safely! Did they open it :blink:? I hope they didn't :sneaky2:. Oi, I know there are far too many DVDs to watch (I still havent watched everything Bianca & Tegan sent :blink:) but in case you are up for the Kooks, then put in Rock am Ring! I had quite a nice view :stretcher:!

    Waaah, I need to work!!! I'm glad it arrived :cheerful_h4h: and if you like it it's even better :cheerful_h4h:. And I need to update the list in the MM thread but I don't have time :crybaby:. Niiiiiiiight!!!!

  21. Hahahahaha!! Yes, no way :lmfao:. If it was the UK, I'd go but this is Germany and this equals NO WAY :dunno:. Offenbach would be closer but even that's south of Frankfurt. I'm not willing to pay that :naughty:. And I still got the hope that I'll be somewhere else then :cheerful_h4h:. Lying on a Mexican beach for instance :surfing:.

  22. Your signature-guy (I still need to learn the names) looks exactly like Luke, whatever he says in interviews :lmfao:.

    Dashing :das:.

  23. *goes to meet Ana in thread* :cheerful_h4h:


    ****ing Razorlight added 4 more German dates. And yes, one is in Cologne. **** yeah.

  24. I got that hitchhiker's guide film on DVD but it's just in German and so I'm not really willing to watch it. I like the main actor though :wub2:. I usually don't read fanfiction because it makes me fricking sick but I just stumbled over it yesterday night and I'm currently taking every chance to NOT write my thesis. :dunno:

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