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Status Updates posted by Petra

  1. Too much booze gives you the snooze.

    (No idea if that's English; I just made it up myself.)

  2. You should better ask what mediacation I'm NOT taking today. :naughty:

    Bianca isn't there and I need someone to.. uhm, well, :das:. :fisch:



  3. Kinky :das:


    I'm killing it with a cookie-monster shirt today :stretcher:. It's soo hot, you wouldn't believe it :das:

  4. :lmfao: I might get killed sooner or later :lmfao:

    Oh, my thesis is ready apart from the summary in my native language (:sneaky2:). I need to go to my granny in now (the one who doesnt live here - didnt we go there? Yes, we did.). :bye:

  5. So what are you wearing :das:?

  6. :das: Hello Kelzy :das: Nice to see you around :das:
  7. :lmfao:!!!!!!!!! Hahahaha!!! Go Kelzy!! :lmao:!
  8. Oi! I had NO idea! I noticed his English was kind of un-English but I always thought that was because he was strange anyway. Honestly... this is weird. Hm. It needs some more research I guess :fisch:. And Kid and F&TM... :think2:.... are they actually all doing each other? :naughty:

  9. :crybaby: Mando Diao are so great :crybaby:. Their drummer is weeeeeeiiiiiiiird but they are ace. And their CDs are so expensive. And there are so many of them (CDs I mean) :crybaby:. I need to Wikipedia-check them :think1:.
  10. Nice glasses btw :naughty::wub2:


    Gaaah, work Petra! :mad3: I'm so easily distracted, frick.

  11. "We talked at the Bush Hall." - "No. :blink:" - "Oh yes, I'm SURE we did!" - "No :dunno:"


    I just had to think of Rod :lmfao:

  12. Don't read the text. I've changed a lot.

  13. Still, MANY things sound very stupid and it annoys me. It sounds good though if I use a mixture of both ways though which is grammatically **** :blink::naughty: (like "Kelly: I'm in a better position than many and I agree with what Skully said." to Kelly pointed out she would be in a better position than many and agrees with Skully." (stuuuuuuuupid example. It doesnt show my point.)). Uhm, so it sounds good (to my German ears) but it's WRONG, right? Can I do it anyway? Nobody who knows about English grammar will ever read it!

  14. My knees hurt from sitting. *insert wimpy :crybaby:-smiley*


    I'll probably go with the grammatically incorrect way in my MA thesis, so it will most surely hurt your brainZ when you read it (really - don't do it if you don't have time. I would honestly not be willing to read 100 (or 80) pages of a thesis :naughty:). I'm using a lot of indirect speech and I learnt that I have to shift back the tenses (like 'Mika: "I hate my fans and I never liked them except for the Australians."' to "Mika said he hated his fans and had never liked them except for the Aussies.") but this sounds very very stupid. I can also go with leaving it in the present tense (which is usually just done e.g. when you are telling someone what another person is saying on the phone in this very minute but as I'm having the interviews right next to me, Vera and I agreed I could do it like this as well).

  15. And I'm sorry that I have neither emailed back nor been on MSN or anything. I haven't switched on anything because I NEED to work. I'm really almost finished. I canNOT believe it, really. Ok, the ****ty introduction is still missing (and it's going to be hard to write it because it's there where I need to try and state why the heck I think that I can write about a topic like this in Geography. Bugger.) but BASICALLY - the main text is there. It's not 100 pages. More like 62 or so (non-formatted) and it should be 75+ when it's formatted. And I don't have ANY pictures in the second part which basically means I have been writing 33 unformatted pages of mere text as an interpretation. That should be enough. Grrr.

  16. May I say that I HATE it and think it's stupid when people name their photo albums "*insert name*'s randomness" or use this as the subject line in emails or PMs? I just think it's utterly stupid and it annoys me UNBELIEVABLY because it does NEVER mean that people just use it because they need a title / subject line but because they want me/us/whoever to think that they are utterly creative brains who come up with so many different things at one time that their heads are likely to burst soon.


    I still need an introduction. ****. I started typing the stars directly because it's less work than actually typing the very word which is going to be censored anyway. And I still don't understand how DC (I guess) managed to actually curse on / in the Aussie-thread :blink:. Oh, AND I HATE people that say things like "oh! random me! :naughty:" or something. It makes me freak out, dance around madly and wish that I could rip out my left leg.

  17. I see you have internet now :boing:. Oi! I'm ALMOST finished :cheerful_h4h:. I uploaded Time Awaits from Rock am Ring to YT because I think it's ****ing amazing. I dont know if it's wrong though :think2:. I need to go & finish the last chapter. And then write the VERY last chapter :naughty: (I dont have an introduction yet, ugh!).


  18. Parts of your birthday-present arrived today :fangurl:.

    (You should better like it :sneaky2::shun:.)

  19. Hello :pinkbow:

    Are you still participating in the Travelling Bear (now Hippo)-project? :biggrin2:

  20. Just sending you a picture of Johnny Borrell ukuleing :cheerful_h4h:


  21. Where are you? :crybaby:

  22. I'm wondering..... they have guestlist tickets which means they dont have actual TICKETS. They need to go to the box office as far as I know when the doors open. So why tf queue? I'm not sure if that is actually a queuing-situation. It might be though that they could get something ticket-ish before (the Roundhouse is open anyway :dunno:). Hmmm... that keeps me thinking. Hahaha, I'll read the text I wrote this afternoon & then go to bed. It's 1.23AM.

  23. ...or just send him on for heaven's sake. I do NOT understand what is going on your head.

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