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Everything posted by alpenliebe

  1. I don't know, if that has been already posted, but Ok: http://www.viva.tv/Charts/Detail/id/6/part/0/name/VIVA+TOP+100 Check out the fourth position! http://www.viva.tv/Charts/Detail/id/5183/part/0/name/VIVA+Album+Top+50 The sixth in here http://www.viva.tv/Charts/Detail/id/5185/part/0/name/VIVA+Downloadcharts The second! Mika, great job!
  2. Thanks for translating, I would never find out what have you wrote! Anyway, welcome ^^
  3. Herzlich Wilkommen! Actually after 5 years of learning Deutsch nothing more sensible comes to mind right now
  4. I'm not on myspace, I haven't got an account there, so I'm just reading ^^ But I'm already in Secret Society only by e-mail.
  5. I always take UK. I think, that I might not understand some american words, so that's why. But I know now, there's no difference, anyway, I always choose UK. Strange.
  6. I can't do this, I give up. So, now I know what is MP4 (Mika Penniman Four) xD
  7. I think, that Freddiesdouble is Mika No, just kidding, but he'd better not read about his body hair... xD
  8. Wishes for aunt! Welcome another european fan, this is it
  9. Do I see right? A guy, here? Welcome Marco, what a name ^^
  10. Na MTV i na VH1 jeszcze nie widziałam, ale to nic, kiedyś obejrzę, wariuję za bardzo, kiedy mika jest w TV Moja mama każe mi ściszać, buuuu ;( A mój brat odkrył, że Mika to moja miłość, cóż zrobić?
  11. Yes, you're right. But I'd like to have one of his curles I know, I'm worse than crazy
  12. Such a funny thread I wish I had Mika-dream. But it's like that: when I think a lot about somebody or something, I'm sure I won't dream about it, so, I have to forget about dreams with Mika...
  13. But you know, Britney's hair you can buy now on ebay or somewhere. Don't you like to buy his curles?
  14. I got used to the thought, that he is 6"4. And it is I think about 195cm. Well, I'm 174cm (no idea how many feet), and everybody says that I'm tall. They have to see Mika to change their mind
  15. Wiem, że na VH1 dają poplistę, ale przecież Relax nie mogą dac, bo nie ma klipu. Wiem też, że na 4.fun.tv można głosować, żeby pokazali teledysk Miki, Grace Kelly, ale nikt na to nie głosuje i mój jeden glos nic nie zdziała... :/ Za to na Vivie Polskiej dają Grace Kelly dość często... I raz pokazali Love today w tym programie o Mice, o którym już mówiłam... Czyli propagandę w Polsce czas zacząć PS. Proponuję, żebyśmy byli w kontakcie, jak chcecie, macie moje GG: 8247549
  16. Well, Switzerland... He's getting closer and closer to Poland, soon that moment will come!
  17. Uff, dobrze że wykopałam ten temat! Na pewno jest nas więcej! Siostry i bracia, gdzie jesteście? Ja zwerbowałam kilka osób z GG do słuchania Miki, i koleżankę z klasy... Ale to jeszcze chyba za mało, żeby kupili płytę... Jak płyta będzie się dobrze sprzedawać, to może Mika i nas odwiedzi? Mam taką nadzieję. Tylko jak przyjedzie, to pewnie do Wawki a tam ja raczej nie pojadę...
  18. Hey, hello, hi, good morning, good evening, good afternoon and whatever else Bon jour?
  19. Hey, Hey, wazzup? xD Have fun and feel the obsession ^^
  20. I love your signature ^^ And of course welcome home
  21. If I met Peter Pan like that I would kidnap him from Disneyland, hehe
  22. Yeah, Poland rulez! Siemanderko i witaj w klubie BTW, grzałka is immersion heater xD Cool
  23. Well, actually, I wouldn't mind if he lived in Poland. And if he attended my school Oh boy, then I would like to have no holiday
  24. I can't swim. And I'm allergic to water with chlorine. I really don't like water, but I have to I'm also afraid of height. When I was at my aunt's flat, on the sixth floor, I wanted to go home, terrible, brrrr...
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