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Everything posted by violet_sky

  1. I'd say: WHY NOT - looks quite erm...passionate 'backstage tour pic' - what a nice paraphrase
  2. ...and less is more than nothing LOL (just because I heard somebody say that today )
  3. In the WHAT ??!!! :roftl: ... I can't believe it! And they say I WAS dirty....LOL you want tongue pics??
  4. Who? *looking behind herself* Me? Noooo waaay! That's the dirty, filthy reality of life
  5. BTW, just a question; a few days ago I saw this in the captions thread interpreted there that Mika could possibly have been about to sneeze ...and well, I didn't get that immediately, so I thought something different.... Look and tell me: Is it just me?
  6. ...you're suddenly blushing violently whenever you just hear or read the name let alone see Mika himself - even though it's just a pic or video ...you badly wish you had the remote control used in the "Pleasantville" movie
  7. I have never seen those pics - where r they from? Must have been a lot of fun at the party
  8. All that playing around with his hair... LOL I bet he did this JUST FOR US! I'm sure, he knows to push the right buttons....
  9. done.. The last thing Mika could be associated with is an ice cube - LOL Ice cubes beware! Mika will make you melt away! Instantly! :thumb_yello:
  10. HAHA! Exactly! I see this right in front of me LOL
  11. Yes, indeed, check out the "Picture Captions" Thread on page 51
  12. a little far-fetched as I think but nevertheless a hilarious image Well done!
  13. Oh, dcdeb, thank you soo much for finding and posting this wonderful article. At this moment I have just skimmed over the text but I will for sure get back to it. It is so warm and compleasant, really good after all that crappy bollocks I have read in the last few days... Thank you. "He lost (and found) himself in music." I love that simple sentence. To me, there is all in it.
  14. REMEMBER THE RULES Rule No. 1: Nobody is talking about Mika's curls being not natural. Rule No. 2: Nobody is talking about Mika's curls being not natural. Rule No. 3: Nobody is talking about Mika's ....
  15. Good one blackwildkitty but.... it must be "who wanted MY signed pants?!" LOL
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