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Everything posted by ohwowitsnicka

  1. OMG, that's an early birthday present for me.WOW. ILOVETWILIGHT ,ewrijkaek. :shocked:
  2. Sickk, that sounds fun! For Canada day I went to the fair. It was cool, even though I didn't ride anything. Imagine, their trying to sell wristbands for like 27$ to ride stuff that were built over night.
  3. Aw, sucks that you can't get BD when it comes out, but imagine when you get it you won't have to kick anyone out of your way for the last copy lol.
  4. omg go die i wanna see them lol well no, don't die, that would suck but, wow you are? lucky. if you by any chance meet any of them, get me an autograph
  5. i only know of him cause a bunch of people wanted him to play edward cullen in the twilight movie he's cute, very cute
  6. hahaha i was fine up until a minute ago for some reason i just got really bored are you doing anything for the fourth of july? i would if i was from the us lol heyyyyyyy i know, but i try to get on when i can lol well i can, practically all the time but i just never do cause ... i dont know haha anyway how are you? i like your siggie. coldplay, yum.
  7. they are being sold on ebay -- i just checked
  8. LMAO, that's gold. I hope that once I get the chance to buy the SE, the iron ons work. I'm gonna give team jacob to my friend... There's always one.
  9. Ahhh, thanks but I read it already.. The one that Alex posted a while ago. With the mercedes guardian or something like that, and Jacob missing and stuff. (good)
  10. Ahhhh I'm sorry for bringing that up. Anyway, did you see the cover for Breaking Dawn? I finally got around to seeing it ... Took me a while. Did you get Eclipse SE? I didn't.. but I hope to in the near future.
  11. LOL, well it is true. Yeahh I wish it was December 12th already too.. now that's far away.
  12. True, true. But August is so SOON! Think of it, we have to wait something like 40 days for it. That's not like back in January over 100 days of waiting!
  13. hmmm i'll join but probably never go on it xDD can I have the link to it anyway? I want to check it out.
  14. they are great, no?? ahhh I'm reading Eclipse for like the seventh time now. What the hell is going to happen in Breaking Dawn? I'm trying to figure it out ... But I can't. Alex I love your avatar, wow.
  15. my friends think im retarded for listening to BWO. but whatever i dont care, they are awesome
  16. Facebook for me man. It used to be myspace, but none of my friends use that anymore.
  17. LOLZ, i've been studying like a nerd. Haha. I completely forgot how to speak lolcat, so you'll have to forgive me. I'm a bit rusty.
  18. Hi Canadians. What's this about a meet up in the Montreal area? Geez, i'm so lost.
  19. Russell Brand is awesome, I was watching him being interviewed the other day on The Tonight Show. He has awesome hair, and apparently Jay Leno keeps flirting with his mom, lol.
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