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Everything posted by ohwowitsnicka

  1. It is her! Hahah, with some fan's baby!
  2. Wow, thank you for that! It is now my desktop
  3. thank you, thank you. I'm so glad its backkk ahhhh
  4. OMG, alex you win best icon/avatar whatever award. Omg. edit: Well, besides this one lol now im gonna go on a cedward icon searching rampage
  5. Im sure she will! She has too! I pre-ordered Breaking Dawn. Well I think I did, the girl might have done it wrong, because I was told that I would have to pay for it, but I never did. I bought two other books, and the preorder, but only paid for the two books and thats all I have on my bill. So im going to Chapters this weekend to see if they can check it out or something.
  6. Leona owns. Seriously though, I really love her music.
  7. I'm back. Wow, I couldn't stay away! Hahahahaha I may have lurked a couple times. Its been like two weeks, but it feels like foreevverrr. Thanks everyone, i ACEDDDD a french exam, by the way. It was goooddd to take a break. I did say little hiatus.
  8. There's nothing wrong, I just need to focus more on school! I'm sorry. I'll be back soon. This is my last post for now.
  9. Sorry everyone, but real life is really hectic at the moment, and I think it would be in my best interest to stop spending so much time online. So after one year and two days of posting on the MFC, I'll be taking a little hiatus, not only from the forum, but from the online world. Everyone is free to send me messages and post comments on my myspace page i'll check them sometime next week! After a long time of thinking about taking a break, I came to a decision after getting my math test back (which I failed, with 47%). I doubt everyone's gonna go crazy, but just in case you all wonder where I went, I made this thread. I don't really know if what I am saying is a load of gibberish, so I'm going to stop typing now. I love you all! xx Be back before you know it.... and I'm off. To do my math homework. ...... OK, im gone for good. Well not for good for good but you get what I mean. Bye!
  10. LOL, this is lame but Thursday, November 18, 2083 Man I'm really bored.
  11. I am getting ready for school. I DONT WANNA GO!
  12. Haha, I totally fell for it. I was just like "Ok, weird. "
  13. Did this actually really happen? Or is it an April Fool's joke? Did Mika actually do that?
  14. OMG at 1:03 the noise he makes! HAHAHAHA "Do you know what it's like to be annoyed Jackie??"
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