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Status Updates posted by mariposa

  1. Ah, you're also coming to NYC?! How cool is that? No puedo esperar. :)

    Cu there, Marion

  2. Thank you. I just managed to book myself a ticket.

    I'm sure you'll find s.o. to take your ticket.


    x Marion

  3. Hey Laurel,

    Christine just told me that you're trying to sell a ticket for the Lovebox Festival (Sunday, 18/6). Is it still available?



  4. Hey!


    I think that Zürich airport is closer to Arbon than Milan (I'd say this one is very far away). Trains from Zurich airport to Arbon central station are about 1:20. From Friedrichshafen airport (in Germany) it is about the same time.

    Hope you'll find the flight you need!


    See you there! :)

  5. :huglove: It was lovely to see you again. It's always cool to talk to you at gigs!

    I seriously start thinking of soing Helsinki no matter what...Though I don't know if Mika PLUS Finland isn't too much for me to take (need to take valerian for sure lol)...


    rakkaudella x


    PS: Are you planning your Luxembourg vids of the death march and Lollipop on youtube in the next couple of days? ;)

  6. Yes. It was a real tragey. Hope you're feeling better soon.

    Sending you loads of positive vibes, Marion x

  7. I know. They are amazing, aren't they?! :lg:

  8. Heya!


    Lovely to see you posting here! :-)

  9. That's great! I'll add you to the list. x

  10. Thanx. Had to do it before going to bed. :D

    So far, I will be in Basel, Stasbourg, Amsterdam and Luxembourg. Will you be doing any of them?



  11. Heyho!


    What's up? Le Lux s'approche. :)

    Can't wait!

  12. Hello!


    Freu mich, dich bald mal wieder zu sehen! :)

    Btw, ta soeur et toi, vous avez encore une fois réfléchi si vous allez faire Bâle?

    N'hésitez pas de me contacter si oui. D'accord?



  13. Thank you, Sara...I'm doing alright . just moved to Cologne and have a lot of things to do in my new apartment as well as for my studies...So not much time to sneek in here :(

    But still enough to learn all the important things :D :D


    Right now I'm trying to find out all the functions of this new thing here...Love it!


    x Marion

  14. Hola Anna!


    How have you been doing lately? Hope everythibgs' ok.



  15. Merci pour ton "coucou" ;) Em a passé ce petit coucou à Paris.


    biz et une bonne semain, Marion

  16. Heya! It was great to meet you in Paris!


    x Marion

  17. It will!!!! I so can't wait!!!

    I really hope we will get to listen to the whole album very soon....


    have a great week, hun. x

  18. Ahhhhh :das:

    Also, kann ich dich zum Fady Fan konvertieren :)

    You make me happy!

    Kannst ja mal auf Fadys myspace vorbeischauen (siehe meine Signatur), dort sind einige Songs im Player...


    Gute Nacht, "meine liebe einzige Gesprächspartnerin im Deutsch Thread" (ok, not that was long lol)



  19. Hello Anna!


    Mitä kuuluu rakas? ;)

    (please ignore me tryin to speak some Finnish, it's getting worse every single day lol)


    I hope you're doing alright. Back to college? I moved to Cologne where I'm currently doing my final B.A. year. Love that place but the amount of work just sucks...But, hey, c'est la vie...


    x Marion


    PS: Maybe I'll be able tospot you on the Paris DVD...you said you were front row, weren't you? ;)

  20. Haaaaaaaaaalllo!


    Ich wollte dir auch mal einen Gruß dalassen :)

    Scheint so, als seien wir die beiden einzigen im Deutsch Thread im Moment...I feel lonely




  21. Tu sais bien que si jamais tu es à Cologne, n'hésties pas à me le dire. :)

    J'espère qu'on se reverra bientôt (il faudra mieux que Mika se dépêche avec l'enregistrement de cet album... :D)


    Bonne nuit ma belle,



  22. Coucou Laurence!


    Je suis heureuse d'avoir de tes nouvelles. Désolée que je ne t'ai pas écrit plus regulièrement. Mais j'avais bcp de travail à faire et des choses à arranger. Maintenant, tout va bien. Je viens de demenager à Cologne il y a 2 semaines et je commence, à nouveau, de me sentir bien à l'aise ici.

    Et toi? Quoi de nouveau?


    Je hâte d'écouter un cd nouveau de Mika...Mais je crois qu'il faut encore attendre un petit moment...:)


    Gros bisous



  23. Coucou!


    Je vais bien, merci.

    Ca m'a fait plaisir d'avoir de tes nouvelles.

    Tout va bien?


    bisous Marion

  24. Danke für's Annehmen! :)

    Danke. War in den letzten Monaten eher auf Fady "getrimmt" statt auf Mika...aber mittlerweile hab ich wieder Zeit beide zu unterstützen.

    Bin schon sehr auf das neue Album gespannt. Wie lange wir wohl noch warten müsen?


    Liebe Grüße



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