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Everything posted by Eir

  1. Lol..ok, I changed you, I hope to remeber of filling #68 at the next request Ps. have you seen I answered you about the signture some posts ago?
  2. Lol...I would like to see the original pic from which this (Caz's avie) : was taken
  3. This is the raimbow one...the code is in the previous post and this is the banner I made for Ioana..but anyone can use it if knows what it is about
  4. LOL, thank you, you again, you're a big help Sorry, I ADDED you finally! and about the signature: I think I had already answered you o.O However the problem is the way you wrote 'xxxSparkly1xxx'..I mean: if you use a lot of colours and change the font, all the "[COLOUR][/b]" etc are counted as letters...that's the reason you can't add anything more WOWOWOWOOOOOW!!!! 1. I have no time to answer in the right way (I would like to talk about details and ask some suggestions) but, I mean....WONDERFUL!! 2. I THINK WE WOULD LOVE YOU!!!!!!!! make a poster and give it to him maybe with the list we have in the first post and the link to the website (if we'll do that) *leave me to my daydreaming*...
  5. This is gonna be a looong post You're doing a great work...Me and Jamakkronic are very grateful!!! (I quote all the stuff so ppl who missed it can see again) I remember you angels our request of showing the fact that you're angels at next gigs...thank you and let us know!!!
  6. done in 5 mins...nothing special if you want the code look some pages ago..you'll find some, you just have to change the second url with this image one...
  7. Of course I want THE perv angel and if you give a look some pages back you'll find your perfect Mika-Angel... EDIT: I added it here under
  8. oh well....give a look to the first post: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4232 wispering: *I can't tell you here..we're too off topic*
  9. yes! it's cool! a badge or something like that... we're trying to do something new...I'have not much time now, but I think that for december I'll manage to do that I accept every suggestion and if anyone wants to partecipate as MIKA MANIA has already done we'll be glad to collect everything
  10. nooooooo! THAT WOULD BE WONDERFUL!!! and if you'll manage to talk with him you could just explane him the whole thing i'm sure he will think it's a funny thing...afterall, we take care of him
  11. Ps...sorry, but if there is an Mika's angel here, just check the thread (sorry again..)
  12. err...I think my mommy forgot to give me cleavage... I don't think that would be fair for ppl like me
  13. Oh thanks to you and for all the advertisment youre doing for us! ehy girls (why can't you carry onnn??? oupsss) noone wants those wings? Please pay attention: as I said before, we are thinking to make this group more official... we are still thinking and are very busy, so there is nothing planned yet, but were thinking to a web-site, and to fix some rules this way we could be the starter of a more serious thing, not just a funny group among many here on mfc...can you get me? we could be known...Mika would say..oh those are my angels!!! and so on..in order to be more recognizable! Well...tell me what you think and if anyone of you has ideas...just write here!! ps. the wings could be the start for being recognized!!!!
  14. oh...and sorry if I bother you..but if here there is any Mika's Angel, please, give a look to the thread, because there are some news kisses and sorry about the OT
  15. he is tanned! seems a latin boy
  16. ouch...I had never thought that he could have done that on purpose... But now you're making me think about... I wasn't there too, but I have to say that in Milan he did such crazy things that I can't swear he's not walking backward...he's very athletic on the stage dunno..maybe we should ask to people who was there
  17. yeah, now I remember...but I'm not completely sure he did that on purpose I think he was trying to fall down the stage without trousers..lol
  18. Oh, LOL it sounds interesting can you try to find that?
  19. Yes, such a selfish girl but she's not so bad indeed: she promised next time she'll advise me
  20. Omg a tete-a-tete??? Call me next time!!! Lol...thank for all these amazing pics!
  21. suggestions suggestions!!! and have you decided the pic for the group? I still believe in Mika-lollipop-beast But I have not many pics on this pc, so I'm sure you'll find some better Maybe give a look here
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