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Everything posted by Eir

  1. I love him!!! That's the kind of silly things I would like to do, but I have no friends enough crazy to follow me!!! Mika, come with me, we'll have fun together!!!! Ps. to MPG (MikaPervertGroup)...DON'T HAVE BAD THOUGHTS! I mean PURE fun...(Ioana, Violet_Sky I'm talking with you )
  2. I love your philosophy Esperia! I'll be one of your disciples! Can I?!
  3. Oooh..my dream was to become a journalist ...even if finally I chose psychology (wich I love too ) but the aim of the thread was also to be helped by you, since I have no time to look for everything everyday..so...as I just copy/paste the link of something funny I find around, I hope you all will start to do that You are definately right!!! I've already started and I'll pay attention to always remeber the intro
  4. I don't know what you mean with 'blend and stuff' because my english is just too poor But you can do lots of things with that...except for animations and gif files Oh well...I have to go to sleep..I'm too tired! I'm sorry to leave you my angels... Flying angelic kisses to everyone
  5. This is fun! Mika is a woman...here the proof!!!!! http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5339&page=17
  6. Well..I did the drawing and it was not easy neither too hard...you have to be patient Anyway I didn't used original photoshop..I used a Canon program, very good, but not as good as PS.
  7. WAIT!!! kitekat you forgot something.... AHAHAHAH! thanks for giving me this link
  8. Mika on Perez http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5298 Hilarious interview http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5281 enjoy!
  9. Thank you all! tomorrow I have a sucking exam and I won't pass it because I spent too much time on MFC during the last weeks...so now I have to study the whole night... I have no time tonight, I just passed to give a look and found this http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=250125&postcount=373 I love it Kissessssss I miss you! ps. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4251 even if I'm sorry for Sparkly
  10. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5245&highlight=july I feel so lonely here
  11. Oh thank you Today I found this...It's the second part of Toys interview http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4976&page=16 Now I'm gonna study, I hope someone will take care of me posting here what I'm missing Ciao!
  12. Well..I think we can do that on here...afterall it's about news and stuff...why not? We can open the thread for the discussion as we have done till now and then post the link here Thank you, I hope other people will think as you! I feel as if I'm always missing something important and that doesn't allow me to study because I'm always checking here This would be a greeeat help!
  13. and this http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5284
  14. Omg..this sounds nasty you can choose to go to Holy Johnny and confess yur sins or to go to Mika's pervert group and ask to be added I'm just kidding
  15. Today I've noticed these: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5273 http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5213 http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5236 http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4232&page=42 The last is about Angels interesting news
  16. Hello guys! I was thinking we needed a thread about threads I'll explain better: do you have noticed something veeery interesting today? New pics, new interesting threads (etc)...but you don't have time to read it, or just you want to share those with people who doesn't have the time to look everywhere too (As I've been in these days, unfortunately)? Well...write here the link of the page and maybe a little explanation so it will be a reminder for you and a help for other people!!! And I think that we could also use this space as the Requesting Picture one: do you need a thread but you can't remember the correct name? ASK HERE! I hope you'll like the idea
  17. Yes, they had already been posted, but thank you anyway, it's always a pleasure to see them again And I love your avatar, he's just wonderful in tha pic!
  18. OMG! I can't believe that! I'm used to say the SAME thing about me! I can swear! "In winter when I'm not tanned I'm green as an olive" Omg omg...we're predestined...first the pic..now this And what about musical tastes One day he'll love me
  19. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v36/jen2004/IMG_1169.jpg
  20. If I were Mika I would be pretty scared by you, girls Please, don't make him run away
  21. I think you can invent your own tiltle No ideas for the rest...I have already too many ideas for Angels and Mikaville and Fan-art project...
  22. Omg..I had missed some new entries... Girls, now I understand why this forum is so much fun: YOU ARE MAD Me too and I love it!!!
  23. Eir

    here i am

    WELCOME!!! So happy to see new italian ppl! and boys! don't think bad, but we just have luck of boys and that sucks because Mika's music is without age, sex and...sexuality I'm sure you'll have fun!
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