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Posts posted by mgpm

  1. I agree that they are all still learning....After all, it's only been a year and a half-two years that he's actively been in this, yes?


    I'm happily anticipating the next moves. I'm not impatient with Mika...I mean he's still 24...all work and no play makes one a dull boy. :naughty:

  2. Jack Violet did a drawing of Mika for the scrapbook we gave him in DC and Mika adored it. He was very taken with her talent! It was so beautiful!! He appreciates our art!


    I have a picture of Jack's drawing, and I'll post it if she says it's OK.


    I guess the rendering in the paper is an "age progression," eh? :)

  3. HEY MIKA If you read this please check out a band you will LOVE. They were (are) a band who never made it big time in the US but had a large and loyal following on the East Coast.


    They are Crack the Sky. Look them up on You Tube--- look for Crack The Sky We Want Mine Crack The Sky Nuclear Apathy Crack The Sky All American Boy and Crack They Sky Ice.


    I adored these guys. They still play....I'm going to see them in July.

  4. You people are TOO much:bleh:


    I'm loving the Mika blogging....so cool. Such a wonderful medium we've got here to talk to each other.


    Mika, as always.....you are the bees knees. Hope you are having fun with the new songs, and getting a good rest in, too. xoxoxo

  5. Sorry Pam....I think Pat Travers sings "Boom Boom..Out go the lights!" :)


    And Babs, I really appreciate the hard work you did getting all those tv appearances on vid for us!


    My husband refuses to pick a "favorite" anything. He loves music, but would never give the title "the best" to anything. He's just not over enthusiastic about anything. What's really funny is our 7 year old son is the same way. He tells me, "Just be happy, Mama. Not crazy happy." LOL!

  6. And this is just me. It takes all kinds of people to make the world spin. Some people are not over effusive and aren't keen on people who are. Sorry.


    No need to apologise. As I said in my post, this is your right, and I'm certainly not offended by it. I know well there people who are not over effusive...I'm married to one! I am curious, though, if you aren't keen on people who are effusive, why do you torture yourself reading a website that is, for the most part, gushing about a subject? And I may be incorrect about this...but aren't you the one (or part of those who did) who posted all the Mika videos on You Tube? If so, why are you now saying "let his promoters promote him?" I'm not saying this to be critical of you---I could be wrong, and please tell me if I am---but have you always felt that way?


    "I have this friend from russia and this other friend from norway who introduced me this very nice girl from africa and all of them are very passionate, i had no clue that being passionate was an american trait, is it?


    but i know so little, i actually thought you country was already into 4 D technicolor for so long leaving us old european nation into that old dusty sepia, we are the ones who need some colors really, i wish mika wasnt so careerist and that he would never be famous in America, he doesnt need that, he shouldnt give a **** about being validated there since anyway the best bands or singers in the world have zero recognition from the US of A. so its just a good sign. " quoted from Pat Travers.


    I certainly didn't mean Americans had cornered the market on passion (actually might belong to the Italians, mmm? :wink2:). And I can see what you mean that America might seem 4D technicolor to the rest of the world. But for me, in terms of popular music, for the last 15 or 20 years it's been colorless.

  7. Guess it's an American trait--being "passionate" about things, and if that's true, I'm damn proud to be an American who is passionate about Mika.


    If I felt so blase about him I don't think I'd frequent his website so often, either. I'd listen to his music when I felt like it and wouldn't really waste my time saying "meh" about him where others are besotted. But that's just me.


    I think this is a fine idea, and in fact, have already been doing this via email for some time to the stations in my area. Not every day, but on a regular basis I email them.


    I think the comment Mika made is total bull**** though....about not playing Grace Kelly because it's about a man thinking about being a woman (or like a woman) or about not playing Love Today because he sings in a higher range like a woman. I don't know who told him that or where those thoughts came from but they don't make ANY sense. After all The Kink's "LOLA" must get played in the US a hundred times a day....and there have been men singing in higher voices who have been popular in the past---Franki Valli, the Stylistics, Prince (listen to "Kiss") etc. I don't even believe the thing about "Billy Brown." Hell, here in the states, we have gay sitcoms, gay talk show hosts, etc. It is definitely NOT taboo. The problem with Mika here---I think---is that he's kind of retro. He doesn't take himself so serious, and he's different than what's out there now. I went to a Panic at the Disco concert last friday. I saw FIVE acts there---The Black Gold, The Hush Sound, Motion City Soundtrack, Phantom Planet, and PATD. NONE of these groups, some of whom have been playing for years together, had one lick of the talent Mika's got. No showmanship. No fun in the music, no vitality. Yeah, some of them play hard but so what? The music is so full of angst and self importance it makes me sick. Going to see Mika after seeing these bands would be like Dorothy walking from Kansas into Oz. Total technicolor. Wonderment. Joy. Whimsy.


    Mika gives 100%. I've met him twice. I've read accounts too numerous to mention of how kind and thoughtful he is to his fans. His music is awesome. That he isn't given airplay when there's so much junk on the radio is a crime.


    So...if you feel "eh...take it or leave it" about him and how he is received in America, you are perfectly within your right. But I cannot feel that way. I'm a true fan. I want to see him succeed here in a big way. I want my country to walk from sepia into technicolor.

  8. I was a little disappointed 'cause I thought Mika was going to sing "Over The Rainbow"!!!


    Then I realized I was in the LA area a week or so ago...and I wished *I* could have had dinner in a wonderful French restaurant with Mika and his mum (and Perez!). Sigh...


    I was at Disneyland last week. I'll bet Mika likes Disneyland.....



    deep sigh....

  9. I just read a book by the author mentioned in the article. Gabriel whatever...

    called "One Hundred Years Solitude." Very complex, book, and the story mixes folk tale fantasy with reality. So MIKA.


    Thanks for the article. :)

  10. LOVED IT! I adored Mika's theatre set. It was weird seeing him standing next to Beth Ditto. Total opposites! :) His set makes me look forward to the day when he'll be playing big venues and have really cool stage stuff. I just hope he remembers to save the first ten rows of every concert for the MFC!


    Saw brief glimpses of Cherisse's crystal mask. Cool.


    Amy Winehouse has a wonderful voice, but her stage presence is really lacking. She looks so insecure, like she has to go to the bathroom. Then she hitches up her skirt like she is some timid street walker. It's really weird.

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