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Everything posted by myky

  1. mingi jutt oli, et kui asi peaks rahunema siis suuremad grupid kuskil suvel ikka lubatakse..vähemalt nii öeldi klassireiside ja asjade kohta..
  2. ma usun...aga meie lennu lõpureis jääb Moskvasse nüüd igaljuhul ära(paras neile, kes ei nõustunud meiega tulema lõpureisile Rootsi ja nüüd me 14 lähme reisile, ma ei teagi, mida ülejäänud 90 inimest siis teevad..)
  3. I'm not going to survive...this is my absolute favourite thread!!!!
  4. I love his hair on that one! I haven't seen it before and I'm also looking foward if anyone has it :wub2:
  5. Jap - just praegu ETVs räägitakse ka, et viigu oma lilli, mingit suurt mässu ei tule
  6. I HAVE THAT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Yeah - as I "borrowed" the poster from the magazine that belonged to the public library....
  8. What is that white and red little ballshaped thing?
  9. I just right now saw that..I know you posted that a while ago but still THANKS!!!!
  10. Well hello and welcome to you
  11. WOW - That's some cool thing you've got!
  12. Welcome around and have fun!
  13. No, loodame ,et sa jääd siis ellu ja terveks, mina lähen nüüd igaljuhul mõneks ajaks minema
  14. nojah, meil on asi vastupidi..need paar venelast, kes siin saare peal on, on väga vaikselt ja väga varjunud igale poole
  15. sest meid lihtsalt julmalt lükati järgmisele päevale
  16. I'm not a fan but I like them eonough to listen
  17. käisime eile tähistamas, et meil pole homme(ehk siis täna) inglise keele suulist eksamit, vaid hoopis 9ndal Kuna aga läheneva keelu tõttu varsti alkoholi ei saa, otsustasime kõik eilseks mõeldu puutumata jätta
  18. Yeah - I used to think the same about Estonia until some teenagers magazine suddenly had Mikas poster between it...
  19. Oh - I listen to music while I sleep and lately I've been listening only to Mika so I see all sorts of weird crap luckily mostly I can't remember but once I dremt that I had to preform Lollipop and I looked just so stupid and forgot all the words and stuff
  20. yeah, well atleast some pictures on some wall
  21. hmm...well...once I had a dream that Mika was killed...I don't remember why and that was officially the worst dream I've ever had!!!!! :blink:
  22. I have got 9 total * 4 small ones * one is a big framed one * the rest 4 are posters
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