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Everything posted by nico_collard

  1. *climbs onto pool table, holds FD down* You're not going anywhere now!
  2. Hey FD... thought I'd wear the dress again...
  3. *wanders in to boy's thread in red dress* *looks around* Anyone home?
  4. Yay! I'll get it again soon for you!
  5. The Scottish Association has a ball every year... lots of kilts and dancing! Don't think I've ever heard The Children... And we haven't done Itchy Fingers in about 4 years... Same with Highland Cathedral... I like it...
  6. I wa going to say the same thing... I thought Mika couldn't drive! I'd personally like to see him get properly interviewed on Rove... last time they sat on the couch and talked... I actually want to see him do $20 dollars in 20 seconds... They ask guests all sorts of questions on 20 seconds and if Rove likes the answers they get $20... the guests almost alway get asked "Who would you turn gay for?" (or in Darren Hayes' instance "Who would you turn straight for?")... I doubt he'd get asked that question though...
  7. I have to post this... When someone said that Becky was vulnerable during sleep, my first thought was, "Oooooh! Freddy Krueger!" Sorry... I'll go back to lurking now!
  8. OMG!!! I haven't seen these, and I was there!!! Though it's not fun when you race to the front of the stage, to be told that photographers will be standing in front of you and you can't really see...
  9. YOU STOLE OUR TABLE!!! Not fair! We played better than that!!! *sticks tongue out at boys* Awwwww.... we have to entertain ourselves in some way you know! Sure it was Freddie! Well... we helped keep it going... Awwwww.... *pats DavidM's head* You poor thing! Tassie!!! Have you made your way over to the Australian thread? We really need someone there from Tasmania... we don't have anyone from there yet (I think!) *looks around* ummmm... no. Of course not! We've been very well behaved!
  10. Okay... I recorded some stuff off a video to share with everyone... Sorry about the dodgy quality... This is the Canobolas Highland Pipe Band (my band!), at the Orange Tartan Ball in 2001: This is Highland Cathedral: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lljEapZIPbk I'm one of the tenors on the left of screen... And Scotland the Brave: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlMHtk_7Shs I'm second tenor in line as we march off...
  11. *frowns at FD* I hope France wins... I feel we Aussies were robbed in that game... Not fair!!! GO FRANCE!!!
  12. Sydney concert!!! I haven't seen that one before... I love it!!! It's sooo.... mmmmm... That looks like part of a pic that Mika had with Rove McManus (a TV host in Australia) Sunrise!!! I so wish I could have made it to see him perform... even if it was cold... and early in the morning! *grins about Sydney concert*
  13. ...3... *lifts table and starts to carry it to door*
  14. *sneaks in* Ready to take the table??? *picks up the balls and pool cues, sneaks back to Aust thread to drop them off and returns*
  15. Yeah, I think so... You're a real mix! I'm sure Rainbow Sky will add you as an honorary Mikamite if you ask nicely!
  16. Wow!! He does too!! Well done for picking an Aussie pic! No way was it my idea!!! Hang on... *goes to toilets to change into suitable girl attire* That's better...
  17. *tries to rush out with balls and cues* Damn... I think we lucked out... Uhhh.... She did it! It was her idea! *points at soangel*
  18. Good point... how do we distract a male when we both need to carry the table?
  19. Couldn't help myself... the opportunity came by and I had to go for it
  20. Sweet! We'll do it when Cubitus isn't looking *looks at cubitus slyly*
  21. Of course, orange (I must resist the urge to type orange with a capital)! *lines up orange ball, misses*
  22. we might have to steal the table... Cubitus, you just wish someone was struggling with your... wait... I don't think I'll finish that sentence!
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