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Holy Johnny

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Everything posted by Holy Johnny

  1. I don't know how yo make it look good either but DO and they will come. Have faith.
  2. My goodness child, you really know your Mikabible inside and out. It is good to have such loyal followers. Lollipops to you my child.
  3. Not at all my child. The Booth is always open, even if I'm not here, I will always answer eventually.
  4. Your English is impeccable my child (very good:wink2: ) I mean for you to sing out loud the words to this great hymn.
  5. Well I think a burst of Love Today is in order here. Next time ask your siblings if they would like a bit first ( you are allowed to do it very quietly)
  6. Now that IS bad. Please say 15 Hail Mikas right this moment young lady. Then recite all off the lyrics to Over My Shoulder.
  7. Was it the church of Mika? If not, then it matters none. As for picking your nose, well at least you washed your hands before touching the holy keyboard of communication:naughty:
  8. My child, I will be going on a pilgrimage very soon. I will be spreading the word far and wide. The footage will be posted a few days after each event.
  9. Well, maybe pay him back in kind after the concert. As I have said before maybe treat your self to something off here to make the experience more pleasureable. http://www.curlywigs.com
  10. Our Lord should be all our thought and dreams, so this is no sin my child.
  11. Thank you for your concern. I might well have to do that, as over the past 2 days I have done not much else (not such a bad thing:wink2: ) But I will bear that in mind.
  12. Thats great. You put our lord even before your own family. You sound like a great model member of this holy temple. People should read this and take note.
  13. Thats no sin at all. Everybody needs to escape the grind of daily life. You are not a bad daughter, you were just making sure you mum got plenty of rest.
  14. I wouldn't know as I have never seen it but I hope he was good looking.
  15. Well think of it this way, you were only helping her to get her recommended daily dose of vitamin c. So no sin there then. Go free my child, with a clear conscience.
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