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Everything posted by crazyaboutmika

  1. Mika No Place in Heaven Mika's fourth album songs have as many colors as its cover, shiny songs next to relaxed Afro-Cuban rythms (Boum Boum Boum), disco (L'amour fait ce qu'il veut), or electro-pop (Staring At the Sun). He also allows himself half night shades in more intimate songs, -among which Last Party, and the very charming "Les Baisers Perdus". In this mosaic of sounds, there is also sense-in particular in Good Guys - when he pays a tribute to the famous artists who helped him being at ease with himself (Cocteau, Bowie, Rimbaud, Cole Porter...) All this is well done, and the artist being very likeable, we would like to be sure that some borrowed sounds are either official or totally unconsciously made. For example, it is impossible not to hear "No Place in Heaven" chorus without hearing the one of "Love don't come easy" by the Supremes. Are similarities with other songs simply due to chance? Cancer should not rime with children Help research against children cancer
  2. Avec Mika "Sur son visage, je vois un petit frère qui me dépasse de deux têtes. Un type aux multiples talents qui devient un autre lorsqu'il monte sur scène et enfile l'habit de lumière du showman. Mika possède une espièglerie naturelle teintée de politesse non surfaite. A la fois gentleman British un rien nonchalant et Oriental à l'oeil perçant à qui rien n'échappe, Mika est une star, mais dans mon objectif j'aperçois un gamin conquérant au regard grave. commme s'il fallait grimper sur tous les sommets du monde parce que la vie est trop courte et que le temps se joue de nous." With Mika "On his face I see a little brother , two heads taller than me. A man with multiple talents who becomes someone else when he gets on a stage dressed up in his showman glitter suit. Mika is naturally playful with a touch of genuine courtesy. At the same time a bit of the British gentleman phlegm and an Oriental piercing eye which sees everything, Mika is a star, but when I take pics of him , I see a conquering child with a serious look in his eyes as if one had to climb on top of all peaks in the world because life is too short and that time plays with us."
  3. Thank you Marilyn, it came out straight from my heart. I hope we have a poetry section in our next MFC yearbook and I can put it there
  4. Yes I had Good Wife in my head too I struggled a long time to find out which one is my fav in the new album but it's got to be Good Wife That's the one I can listen to on repeat for hours
  5. I wrote it at the beach yesterday Mika still needs to compose the melody for it Hey baby blue Come and join me I'm at the beach like you But not in the same country I see you on my phone I see you on my pc I'd love to see you home But that's not very likely Our story is true Virtual and friendly Good gone big girl, me With a good guy, you We would be two good wives Happy as can be in daily life But when it comes to chicken The truth is I'm a mother hen
  6. So happy for Mika ♡

  7. Thank you so much Eriko I love them
  8. New Mika twits just after midnight , two of them are about Andy http://i765.photobucket.com/albums/xx299/crazyaboutmika/new%20Mika%20twit_zpsub131ils.png http://i765.photobucket.com/albums/xx299/crazyaboutmika/Mika%20Andy%20twit_zps4y8nxjho.png
  9. I love Mika and MFCers so you'll never get rid of me
  10. Translation of the summary about Mika:He is extremely talented and energetic , yet, he remains incredibly humble during interviews. This week , we had the pleasure to meet Mika at his place for a very relaxed chat. And on the cover under Mika's photo : "I have a trashy side"
  11. You're all very welcome my sweeties I love translating Mika's interviews
  12. I think that's a way of saying he might not be in The Voice France next season because he prefers to tour all around the world, and doing both would be too much time and energy lost for the tour...that's only my interpretation of course
  13. Translation into English Enjoy! Mika: my songs tell about me. Familiar with worldwide success, he even seduces Chinese people. We met this charming toreador who plants his sparkling banderillas all around the globe. Mika: my songs tell about me. Familiar with worldwide success, he even seduces Chinese people . We met this charming toreador who plants his sparkling banderillas all around the globe. He could look up and down on people based on his 1 m 91 and his international popstar status. But not at all. Wearing a white shirt under a sweater decorated with a few butterflies, our dandy seems to wear almost sober clothes in the living room of this palace in Brussels. Mika's assets are his his candid eyes, his irresistible smile which reveals himself fully when he camps it up. He cultivates his difference in a fierce manner. The artist is engaged in many fronts: the promotion of his third album "No Place in Heaven" from New York to Milan, his first concerts in Asia, preparing his european tour that will start in September (He'll be on stage in Forest National on the 23rd ) the shooting of his video for "Staring at the Sun" in Sicily and the start of a new album that he has started recording in Brussels. "I'm anticipating a bit, it won't be out before next year" he says with a smile. In this very busy schedule, he managed to find ten days for a holiday , but he's still looking for two plane tickets! Because Mika has a lifetime companion, Andy, his Greek shepherd. "I chose discreet places. But as soon as Andy is by my side, paparazzis show up. For him, it is annoying." This summer you're running after time! I'm involved into many festivals, in Korea, in Japan....and in China where I was on stage by myself for the first time, there were 7,000 people among which only 5 percent of foreigners. Hallucinating! In Spain I sang into a rather violent festival where the ticket price is low to attrack young people who are often broke. But depending on the concerts, the audience can go from 25.000 to 8.000 people. I sang after Ibiza's DJ. At 3 AM, they were singing my songs along and dancing like crazy! At 32, I feel I'm in a transitional period in which I can enter the lineage of artists who have a career. I'm happy to be creating a buzz in festivals. My public becomes younger and more numerous. All generations liked "Boum Boum" Aren't you ever tired? Sometimes I'm extremely tired. And I wonder if it's all worth it. I haven't stopped in ten years. When you're into pop, it's not obvious to fight and manage to have a stable career. This joyful and colorful universe of yours that we know almost hides your balads, your more intimate songs with a piano... However ,during the concerts, they are as successful as more upbeat titles like Love Today or Rain. My songs tell about me, they help me seing my own evolution as in a mirror without any calculations nor strategies. Photos: "Zazie my friend? On the set she was the witch as Samantha in "Bewitched"and backstage my true witch!" In New York in July Here is Mika's famous house in Miami which costed the earth to Mika! "It had many flaws. Home for a little while. Do texts get more mature as you go through personal crisis? Yes. When you're 17, you think about writing a love song. But in fact, it's about sex. Actually it's a delirium about being obsessed about owning someone. Later, it becomes more complex when it tums into love, it becomes less sparkling. It doesn't mean that it's sad, it evolves. I hate melancholy. It's dangerous. It is anti creative, emotional porn. In your songs, you have become more and more open about yourself... My public life evolved a lot faster than my private life. It took me a while. Before I used not to be able to deal with the consequences of having my private life being exposed because of notoriety. I thought I was protecting myself but it was the opposite. Once I talked about my private life in a more transparent way, it led to many negative reactions. However that's my life. I learned more from my failures than from my successes. Sharing your life doesn't seem to be simple. Where do you live? In London, close to your family or in Paris? My home and my dogs are in London. During the last three months I spent fifteen hours there. At the moment, I'm happy to do my job. And what about Miami where you bought a house in 2011? Buying that house in Miami was a totally foolish thing ro do and I regret it. I thought it would make me happy. When I began my career, no one wanted to work with me. I started working in Miami where producers who felt frustrated by latino music had seen a potential in me. The girl who had discovered me mortgaged her apartment. I had spent my student loan. I recorded my demos at night incognito in the Bee Gees studio. When Barry Gibb found out about it, he fired both his main engineer and me. And it worked because I signed with a record company. I had this emotional link with this town. After I saw that house on internet, I visited it, loved it and bought it in fifteen minutes. It was protected and it had many flaws. I had to have it raised and have the foundations rebuilt four meter down. It had to be done three times and it costed me a fortune. I ended up turning this house into an artistic project. With my sister Yasmine, we painted frescoes, and we designed the furniture. The style of the house is a gothic, and it's not even overlooking the sea! No kidding, in my life I sometimes make bad choices. In Miami Florent Pagny as for him, has got a beautiful and modern house right by the sea. (laughs) What will new Mika shows look like? With my brother, we designed the stage set. And last night, I also did many sketches with my friend Job Smeets who is a famous belgium designer. I'm also working on the staging with a group of street theater a fan had told me about. All the craftsmen in one village have a month to create the stage set of a totally destroyed nuclear plant, something in between "Mad Max" and Tchernobyl. I will be on stage in a caravan. As the show goes along, the universe changes. It is based on the idea that we look for paradise in the wrong places. That's my trash opera rock side!(laughs) You will soon release your book "Diary of an accidental optimist." What is it going to be about? I felt like talking about my life today and about my family past. My grandmother was 16 when my grandfather shook her hand for the first time. He was 60 and he was about to get engaged to another woman. My grandmother accepted to get married to him, if he took care of her six brothers and sisters. He got the archbishop of Beirut involved to negociate the deal. One needs to know their roots, even if you belong to a generation who feels lost. All the colors you talk about are a symbol of my miscegenation. And what about The Voice? You don't feel like seing Zazie again? The witch? She is a tactician. She calls me "the bastard", you know (laughs). We fight a lot. I was lucky I turned around for Kendji Girac. He had not been ruined by the system. He hadn't sang in all the piano bars around and he wasn't 55. As far as "The Voice" I'm all for doing it again. But I have a huge tour to take care of as well. And I'm going back to Asia too. And "The Voice" tends to eat one up. You were also an actor in "Zoolander 2" a Ben Stiller movie. Was it a good experience? Ben is torturing me and he won't stop! I have to music to turn to him. No, I didn't like my movie experience. You have to wait for so long...Whatsmore they shaved me to draw custom temporary tattoes on my skin. It took four hours for my make up: moustache, tattoes everywhere, earrings. You like Belgian fashion, don't you? Walter Van Beirendonck! I've been working with him for many years. He dares, he is important for men. Art and music inspire fashion. From Bowie to Bryan Ferry, the dandy style was created by music. But one musn't become a slave to fashion at all costs. There's this big trend for popstar women to get inspired by fashion. It's very ugly. You enjoy beer. Are you happy in Belgium? I can't drink beer anymore. It ruins my voice, more than wine. But I catch up when I'm on holidays. "My family? A circus team" The American-Lebanese Penniman family in London, around Mika, his four sibblings, three sisters and a brother. The eldest are Yasmine, illustrator (she creates the album covers) and Paloma, stylist who takes care of the organisation. "She makes the impossible become possible" says Mika. Zuleīka who is a very gifted student and stylist designs jewels for Christian Louboutin. And the youngest child of the family Fortuné just finished his studies in architecture. "My mother was born to a family of immigrants who arrived in Ellis Island. Her father was a builder. He became very rich but later he lost everything. This financial roller coaster she had to go through made her aware that the only thing that can give you freedom is creativity. You can't buy it and it gives you a power. She taught us that. Between us, we belong to the same circus team!" Must see and watch: "No Place in Heaven" Universal Music. Mika will be on stage at Forest National on September 23rd. Photos: Ready to conquer Asia! From left to right, around Mika, his sisters Yasmine, Zuleïka, Paloma and his brother Fortune. Mika has been a big fan of the Belgium fashion designer Walter Van Beirendonck. Urban chic version.
  14. Mika Paris Match interview proofread We left Mika getting lost into a electro pop that was a bit bland. His third album logically backfired on him. After his triumphant start, his music was less popular. The clever singer had foreseen that becoming a coach in The Voice might help him boost his career. And actually people found out quickly about this charming young man, confortable in his own skin, wearing extravagant outfits, and mainly an excellent musician. In June, Mika gave its music all the importance it deserved. "No Place in Heaven" is a powerful and very intimate CD that makes you want to dance. From now on, the boy isn't hiding behind false pretenses and he talks sincerely about himself, about his doubts as well as about his wishes. Have you been disappointed by the reactions to your previous album,"The Origin Of Love"?Mika. Creatively, I was very happy.But commercially, it has been hard. During the recording of the album, I was looking for myself , I needed an aesthetic rupture, to give me more freedom. A song like “Underwater” took months to exist on the radio... and whatsmore , it’s because I agreed that it could be used in a commercial. So does an artist has to go through this kind of gateway nowadays?I didn’t want to stay in my corner and wait to see the failure of the album as the old guard of the artists would have done. No, in my generation, you’ve to be committed : in fact, for example, on TV. We do everything we can to put our music in the ear of the public. This is also why I didn’t hesitate when they asked me for some partnerships, including Swatch, "X Factor", or a campaign for a Spanish beer and"The Voice", of course .Except that each campaign is intended only for one country. They are not global.In each country I work differently.In the US, I am a cult singer , I am independent and I am very cool. I'm the guy who makes shows in Brooklyn that get sold in two minutes! In Italy, France, Korea, Spain, everything is different each time. It is a priviledge that allows me to work with lots of different people.Do you not get tired of this constant vortex?No, because I separate things. If I make "The Voice", I devote myself to it fully during a month and then I don’t work for television during weeks.My priority is to be a musician, so to write, sing and make concerts.This is not the case for all coaches. Jenifer no longer sells a lot of records and isn't much stage...It's different for her because she took the decision to have a child, which is totally understandable. I know she is preparing a new album, she is taking her time. You only have to find the right balance and not to spit in the soup. It worked for me in "The Voice" because I decided not to hide, not to have complexes, and so don’t think about the consequences.Did people discover you as how really you are?Probably. I express myself in any case spontaneously without ulterior motive . I was wary of TV, I was afraid of being asked questions. Now, nothing scares me. I dreamed of being in this state of mind, totallyfree.It is reflected in the lyrics of your new album... You don’t hesitate to talk about you, about your feelings.To grow up, we must preserve the candor. Because it protects the “enfants terribles” we are. Otherwise, we turn into as a stone, we lose love, we lose the sense of humor, we lose sex, we lose joy. In the song "Good Guys", that's me telling to myself "At last be the " enfant terrible " who used to inspire you when you were a teenager." I have had to give myself a shake. Having talked about your homosexuality, did it make you free?I wouldn’t have spoken about it before. When we think to protect ourselves by saying nothing, in the end, we isolate ourselves. It was becoming a creative cancer... Putting my privacy clear with the media and the public was very good for me. For a long time journalists seek you out about sexuality. Was it complicated?Some Some journalists were litterally after me. [Laughs] I've been able to protect me and I decided to take it with humor ... I agree that it is easier for me than for others. For me, it's a choice, some are still unable to reveal their secret.Did your way of writing changed?Obviously. Now I dare! I'm almost at the other extreme, now I restrain myself not to say certain things. Especially because in songs I manage to say a lot more things than I in reale life ...You honor Freddie Mercury in"Last Party," was he a role model for you?A model, no, but someone who counted. He was actually very punk. I realized that there was always a lot of humor in punk, whether at the Sex Pistols in their early stages or with Marilyn Manson recently. At the moment, I listen to this young australian Courtney Barnett. Well,she seems very punk too. As can be Arielle Dombasle and Fanny Ardant.The album makes one think of Elton John, Queen, this elegiac pop of the seventies. Do you claim this ?Of course. The album of Elton"Tumbleweed Connection" is a real influence. There is a sweetness in this writing that appeals me. Which is also found in Harry Nilsson. Queen was a way for me to understand how make the connection between the classical, pop and rock, weither in the voice, in the harmonic progression or in the color of music. I come from opera, classical music, and long time I sought a way to canalize if all into pop. Queen showed me that it was possible.What do you like in the current pop?Not much. When we think of pop today, we think of a stuff that worked in an office, built, and not spontaneous. It's a little sad. What I like, are the melodies in the organic pop, far from the machines. The last shock pop I heard was Christine and the Queens. She really knows what she's talking about. As Stromae last year.Your family is very present in your career. It is not heavy?For me not at all but for them most definitely. I p*** them off constantly! When I decided to make TV shows , I also decided that I would have fun with clothes. So it was my mother who took care of it, with Valentino. The aim is to stay a dandy. It's like music, the outside remains traditional and the interior can be quite forward thinking! [Laughs.] Speaking about my family, they surround me since I started to work, I almost always had the same team because I think if we destroy the team, we destroy the artist. With me, anyway, if you can survive one week, you can survive eight years.Are you unbearable?No, but I don’t stop. And that is what pleases everyone.Will you do the coach again in"The Voice" next year?I do not know. I feel like it, ut I have a tour to make ...Jenifer, Zazie, Florent Pagny, who surprised you the most?Florent Pagny! This is the same kind of guy of Johnny Hallyday. When you meet them, they are tough, closed. But once you have overcome that , they are the super likeable, eccentric and super tender type of people. The first time I met Florent, I read in his eyes:"Oh dear, who is this boy?" I felt uneasy. And now he's like a brother.You entered at the museum Grevin. How did you feel?[Laughs.] I knew that already but I am more beautiful in person!He has projects in abundance."I will soon release a symphonic album recorded in Montreal in the spring with 120 musicians. Then I would like to work soon on an album with four or five musicians. And I'd love to do a concert at the Philharmonie de Paris with a big orchestra. "He rented the house of Orlando Bloom"In Los Angeles to record the album. I didn't like like to be in L.A. . He was in thr middle of a divorce and tourist buses would stop each hour in front of his house. One morning while I was outside, people aboard a bus took me for Orlando, and I threw my coffee at them. Alas, there is no recording of this on YouTube! "He played at Parc des Princes"In 2008 I launched in this extravagant concert. I have invested more than € 1 million. Even though it was sold out I lost a lot of money. I had to do two years of tour to get my money back .But I have excellent memories.
  15. I'll do it later tonight as I still have my sister in law here...
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