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Status Updates posted by crazyaboutmika

  1. Keeping my fingers crossed for you it can be soon :wink2:

  2. awww :huglove:

    Your turn will come sweetie :group_hug:

  3. Hi my dear sis :huglove:

    Sending you big hugs and kisses :huglove:

  4. Hi my sweet friend :huglove:

  5. That's a pity :tears:

    The deadlines have been extended a little, maybe if you sent it today it could still be in, I'm not totally sure but maybe it's worth trying?

  6. Hi, didn't you register for Mika's birthday gift?

  7. 71973_100975856639724_100001819294442_5923_1725563_n.jpg

    Big , big hugs for you my sis :huglove:

    I love you :huglove:

  8. I hope you went up sweetie :huglove:

  9. I voted for you with all my fb accounts I could remember today, I hope that helps :huglove:

  10. I also wanted to offer a chicken to Mika :mikadas: but I missed him so it'll be for next time :wink2:

  11. what a pity...but I do have other facebook accounts that I don't use much , but that would be useful for that :naughty:

  12. I forgot to ask you, can I vote everyday ?

    I voted with facebook and twitter as well and I've asked more people to do too on my facebook and twitter :naughty:

  13. Of course sweetie :huglove:

    Best of luck, I hope you are number one , you deserve it so much :wub2:

  14. Enjoy your holiday :biggrin2:

  15. exps39605_TH1193306D67.jpg

    And...a very Mikhappy birthday to you dear Wendy :huglove:

  16. I like it when you stalk me :woot_jump::lmfao:

    I'm off to the beach to swim, the weather is lovely for once it doesn 't rain :wink2:

  17. Je ne suis pas douée , je ne trouve pas la photo :doh:

  18. On saura se reconnaître la prochaine fois comme ça :wink2:


  19. Thank you :huglove:

    It was a wonderful gig :swoon:

  20. Thanks Kath :huglove:

    you're a sweetheart :wub2:

    I'm online tonight as I'm home until Friday morning.

    I'll send my stuff for Mika's birthday tonight, so I'll be ok with the deadline as I'll be back home on the 22nd or 23rd only.

    See you on Friday woot_jump:

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