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Everything posted by crazyaboutmika

  1. Could it be a hidden track? For the version of LICM I bought in France Over My Shoulder is the hidden track. It doesn't appear anywhere. The first time I heard it I thought it was playing only in my head and that I had gone mad I didn't know a singer could hide tracks in an album. I do now Mika is very naughty and he loves to surprise us
  2. I can't translate it into Italian but whenever I find time I'll translate it in French and that text could be put into google translate so it would be more detailed. I really want to but I need to find time....
  3. I love this interview Thank you so much @Kumazzz
  4. Have fun guys I'll be thinking about you and about Mika I' m looking forwards to your reports
  5. If you upload it on youtube, youtube would transcribe it for you. English transcriptions are not bad nowadays. There might be mistakes but a lot less than in the past. If you send me the transcription hopefully I could fix it for you. If I have time though...
  6. Hi and to MFC @sarinaa I find MFC works well on phone if you use opera browser. I can do as much as used to do when I joined and a computer was the only way to be online (not even a laptop back then) At some point I didn't have a laptop anymore so I did everything with my phone. Then my son bought me a laptop which I use but less often because I like being able to take my phone with me everywhere. When I open MFC on the laptop it's like good old times because I get to see the siggies again but do give opera browser a try Have fun with us here
  7. We could all come up with our ultimate setlist I can't remember if there's a thread here to share it...but Mika will always chose....and hopefully he will add new ones too Feels like fire and No time to leave have yet to be sung on stage too This is so exciting
  8. Keeping my fingers crossed for you Keep checking this thread and good luck
  9. Can I turn into Mika's pool robot please? I wonder who filmed his gorgeous smile underwater... Andy?
  10. Joyeuses Pâques à tous 🐰🐇🐣🎉 Si vous voulez participer au yearbook 2022 dépêchez vous, vous avez jusqu'au 30 avril.
  11. He has a long history of that even in Versailles and it never fails to make me laugh Maybe he wants us to know his toilets are not made of gold
  12. I thought it was like a cuddle to my Mikado but Mikado came for free and has no duck feet thankfully
  13. He's just having fun His fav song changes in each interview anyway so I wouldn't trust him on this
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