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Everything posted by Em'

  1. Bonjour Allegra!


    Moi aussi je suis très contente de te voir demain soir! Si tu as besoin de quelque part où dormir n'hésites pas, la porte est ouverte !

  2. Yep both nights... I don't know in which state I'll be tomorrow morning (gotta wake up at 6am to go to work), I'll probably be half dead by tomorrow night... You're not the only one getting old I can tell you !
  3. Actually I'm pretty quiet, as I was telling Soaring Simpson I'm more excited about meeting her and seeing all the people I know than by the gig itself . And needless to say, a gig is never the same without you darling .
  4. Hiiiiiiiiiiiii I'm still at work, leaving at 5pm only, but let's start the chit-chat !
  5. OK Blue Sky ! I'll try to send a couple of SMS to people to keep you all updated !
  6. I myself will not be able to make it before 7pm (coming straight from work), but I believe people will start arriving around 4pm to meet up.
  7. If you arrive tomorrow Friday you can stay at my place I have a spare sofa ! (tonight is full).
  8. No problem Sosi I just stole one from work when I saw your post ! I'll have one!
  9. Ah ça aurait été avec plaisir Lasara mais je serai au boulot, je viendrai directement après . Mais je suis sûre que tu trouveras des gens du MFC et du Mikawebsite directement sur place ! Et tu peux leur en parler demain soir!
  10. Oh yeah very franco-french, they did a great criticizing of the French administration .
  11. I bet he missed the Eurostar twice cause his taxi is stuck in the traffic. I myself experienced London when it's only raining a lot, and you're just stuck! And if you add the strike... Everybody took their car or got taxis... So lots of traffic. Sometimes there's only half an hour within two Eurostar, so maybe that's how he managed to miss two... Anyway M please get yourself over here, no way there is no show tomorrow!
  12. No looks like they don't Rose. You need to buy 3 days pass.
  13. Je ne sais pas Ingie... Il faut que tu regardes. Et vois si tu peux trouver une place pour le 12!
  14. YES YOU CAN!!!! And I would add: why not ?
  15. Let's put some animation in here too Biche ! Although I should be working, I've done nothing all day...
  16. Ingie, je pense qu'il y aura des places à vendre au dernier moment, ou regarde sur Mikawebsite. Si tu as besoin de quelque part ou rester, tu peux rester chez moi.
  17. No it's in pounds Giulietta, so a bit more for us. I'm definitely not going. I'll just be back from holiday, I can't do it all. Have to prioritize .
  18. But it's awfully quiet in here ! Where are the excited people????
  19. Moi ma question existentielle c'est: ET COMMENT JE VAIS ME GARER DEMAIN ???? Sinon j'avoue, à part mettre du violet demain, pas d'effort particulier, je ne me mets pas sur mon 31 parce que je veux pouvoir être à l'aise pour danser... Mais bon je mettrai pas de jean (mais je risque de le mettre vendredi du coup ). Et vais prendre mon sac à dos car si on attend dehors longtemps pas envie d'avoir mal au dos.
  20. Oh no they don't ! I sent you my letter by email Niki.
  21. Ah ben ma pauvre le bordel... C'est pas jeudi qu'on met du violet? Et vendredi que chacun ramène une fleur? Perso moi je suis pas DU TOUT au point, j'ai quasiment regardé aucune vidéo donc à part Lady Jane que je connais à peu près bien (j'adore), le reste des nouvelles chansons je ne connaitrai pas une parole, je vais faire la fan basique du coup...
  22. I'll be at work so won't manage to arrive before 7pm (if I find easily a parking space ). But I intend to see you all guys while we're waiting for Mika after the gig !
  23. Maybe a Canadian fellow could tape it on TV and put it on youtube??
  24. Yes you did my dear . Now you shall repent . But you still can come to the next gig in Paris for next tour ! And I propose why we wait Mika outside we all have wine and cheese to help waiting! OK I'm off now ! Good night everyone !
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