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Everything posted by 1kiwiabroad

  1. Do you have any idea what you want to do "when you grow up"? (don't know how else to phrase it.) yay! i love germany.....strangely, the cheese. im, as you probrably guessed, from New Zealand. but i live in england. have you see mika live in show yet?
  2. good. i miss the late night ramblings with other mika fans with insomniac tendancies....its lonely! but i guess it is exam season. but hang on, youve finished....what exams have you just taken then? ( i probs already know, but i'm feeling slow - humour me!)
  3. nice!! then we both have very importaint roles in the MFC. so where you from mario?
  4. yeah, now where will i shop?! i love punkyfish. oh well. anywho, where is everyone?
  5. ish. the part with punky fish ( the GOD worthy shop!) is gone. and the shop with all the clubbing gear, that when you walk in GLOWS and is soo cool is gone too. but they've set up new stalls. i get a shirt made of bamboo fibre there last time that said "ABSOLUTE WEASEL" from an insane austarlian guy. so that almoast makes up for it. is maths A level really that bad? i am kinda a geek! i'm taking physics too.
  6. they're going okay, i think! i've finally decided to take maths A level, which couldbe suicidal, but i kinda like it! but it means i have to get an A* to convince my mum in the next exam (which is on monday). london, eh? i was so sad when camdem burned down. i used to practically live there! now all the good shops are gone!
  7. hi! who are you? i dont think we've met before as i havent really been round...I'm kiwi! i am the keeper of philip, the mfc's impliment to stroking mika's nose.
  8. no wonder you're on 27,131 posts! im so jealous! grrr.....i've got 9 to go...then 11 weeks of summer! what are you doing over the summer? going anywhere?
  9. i'm great! managing to survive GCSE's .....what about you? sorry i havcent been round for ages...
  10. oh my god this has grown since i was last on! (it was onle part 12!!) so how is everyone? is clarood around?
  11. okay, i've been looking for an hour and a half, but i can't find it anywhere - there used to be a mikafied thread, where people could post pics of things they had "mikafied", i.e., obsessive fans who do crazy mika related things for fun. so, finally, i finished mine! i actually mikafied my ROOM! wanna see? heres the link! http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll45/1kiwiabroad_bucket/DSC04687.jpg (thats side on) http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll45/1kiwiabroad_bucket/DSC04688.jpg (thats front on...i live in an attick, its the stairwell) http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll45/1kiwiabroad_bucket/DSC04689.jpg http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll45/1kiwiabroad_bucket/DSC04690.jpg http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll45/1kiwiabroad_bucket/DSC04691.jpg (a lot of people have these now...but mine are pretty old. they where better befor i tried to make them summery by cutting the tops off. oh well....comfy at least!) http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll45/1kiwiabroad_bucket/DSC04693.jpg (my "world as observed by the tight pant wearer" painting, as my best friend calls it. plus my GIANT lollipop.) i didnt paint my room orange to be mikafied, i just really like orange...but it kinda adds to the feeling doesnt it? hehehe....final one, then i'll let you lot post YOUR mika obsessive possessions: http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll45/1kiwiabroad_bucket/DSC04676.jpg http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll45/1kiwiabroad_bucket/DSC04685.jpg (i made this today...it's not really mika, but can you see him wearing it? it's actually Stargate Atlantis related, me being the sci-fi geek i am....i wonder if we can get him to wear it on stage somewhere? beware lemon fearers!) okay then, knock yourselves out! can't wait to see what you have to offer!
  12. oh my god! i know this has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with mika, but i just HAVE to share this, as it's 11pm, and i won't be able to tell my friends until tomorrow! There's this BBC competition called "young musician of the year" for 7-18 year olds, and there's one in every region in England. I just came back from the Young musician of the year finals carrying the title of FIRST PLACE and a really huge trophy with my name on it!!! ( i also won £200!!!!!) i'm just so overwhealmed because i've never entered any competitions before, and i've only been playing the 'cello for 5 years!!!! this is sooo cool. you don't have to reply, but i just wanted to share this with you! hope you all had a really really great day, and if you didnt FEEL BETTER because in mika's words, i really do just wanna get everybody to love today. right now. forever!
  13. truly great blog! it's so nice to see more people loving him for the reason we do! (ie, not just cos he's hot) and. to top it all, she has JUSTIFIED her love for him! in a very inteliigent way.
  14. yup, im alive and making wiered noises! hows life?
  15. he just had his kitchen done, why would he move?
  16. fare well mika freaka, im sad now you're gone, but what a fantastic exit for a song! our time here was fun, we put on a show, but sadly, for me too, i must also go! goodbye everyone!
  17. byeeee....ill explain philip another time. you obv, wasnt here
  18. http://i229.photobucket.com/albums/ee197/Carol_Queen_album/Tree.jpg hahaha...1..2..3... TREE!!!
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