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Everything posted by yooligan

  1. okeeej I'll try:roftl: but there's always family and people here and the computer and piano are in the room where everyone is so it's not easy to find a moment alone:annoyed_h4h:
  2. hey I like this idea!! I'll try to sing some songs, but if I think they're not good, I won't post them:mf_rosetinted: because you all are soo good singers!! =O I'm very shy:biggrin2:
  3. thanks!! finally: your first post has a first reply:wink2:
  4. yeah..colourful..like mika:roftl: (now I'm really going^^)
  5. I can't help it but I don't think thats beautiful boys kissing boys. although I don't have anything against homosexuals and I've seen boys kissing.. what's wrong with me?? my heart beats very fast now. I just can't look at them, I'm sorry:sad: *walks out of this tread to the mikagasmic pics ( )*
  6. In that case I would believe it was mijn greatgrandmother:blush-anim-cl: when she died I was 8 (I think) and 10days after we burried her (it was a normal schoolday). I was sleeping and suddenly my greatgrandmother woke me up in white clothes and she could walk again and smiled. But then she suddenly was my father, who woke me up to go to school. It was just an image in less then a second, but it was magic to me. still, I can't believe in god and life after dead like I was when I was little. When you're dead, you're dead. And I hate that thought. but yeah.. maybe it's just a fase in my life.. indeed with talking you can use your hands and movements:bleh:
  7. I once was like you but somehow a few years ago I couldn't believe it anymore, especially with the subject 'after dead'.. not believing anymore makes me scared, because I do want to believe, but I just can't. A lot of people who were dear to my friends (so not people who were dear to me) died the last years. Since then I don't believe anymore in life after dead and god and that's what makes me scared.. It's the first time I talk about this but I just want to say that I look up to you and its good that you believe. Maybe there is no god or allah, but people need to believe, or life becomes miserable. People need hope and need to know that there is a loving person out there who will always be there for you. ok I got a littlebit out of this subject^^
  8. ooooh okay then^^ on all the other tread when it becomes pervy, they always say: "go to the knitting tread" and I thought, let's have a look there:bleh:
  9. looks like I got on the wrong page of this tread an thought it was the page of today, bot it wasn't:bleh: I'm sorry..
  10. I can see it for me: mika is his room on a free day with a pornmagazine before him while straightening all his hair:roftl: oh I don't belong here=p
  11. I think you're absolutely right!! here in belgium it's legal (I think) and it's not like: "Oh, I'm pregnant but I don't want a child. Let's go to the abortion-clinic and get that baby out of me." It has to be clear that you can't raise this kid, or at least you need to have a good reason. If people want to have sex when they're 16, that's ok, but they got to be carefull (use condoms of the pill). But they can also get raped or the condom is broken or blablabla. And having a kid when you're 16 is just ridiculous. Your mother's freedom is gone, because she needs to help you. You can't do it alone. Even if you didn't use anticonception, you're just too young for a kid. abortus is the answer at that piont (only if the girl herself wants it), not adoption. You can't let the girl have a tough period of 9months and give birth to a baby and have all the pain, and then take the kid away from her.she can't take that emotionally, I think. ooooh I'm sorry for my bad english and please don't interpretate this wrong, because I don't know how to explain in english..
  12. nnnooo.. your life makes my life interesting:roftl:
  13. heej you're right!! (about the wrong pics I mean, not about you getting a life:naughty: )
  14. yeah but thez other not (that one with the blue shorts) I think it's a hot. and the other hot where you don't see his curls, it4s true, but only because you can't see his curls (and the clothes are fine) conclusion: no nots^^
  15. I don't have a scanner so I took pics=) It's about his clothes, about wheter they're HOT or NOT (bad bad english)
  16. that's how I like his hair most:wub2: Just naturally:wub2:
  17. :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow: that's all I can say
  18. oooooh I love that movie!! he's so lucky!
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