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Everything posted by themetalmunchkin

  1. sounds like a plan got to love the evil laugh thats allright i've had three thorat infections in less then two months plus a virus i've just had another thorat infection and virus the past three days i have to eat regulary and drink loads of sugary drinks has i have mild epilespy and if i dont i drop seizures pretty bad so i think where even
  2. so am i or i do one huge meal i have been sick so im building my tummy back up
  3. a real promise when i make a promise i dont break them if i dont came on for a while u may hunt me down just dont kill me
  4. i totally forgot what i was going to write Flipping parnets
  5. haha yes i have came back up from the land down under haha i totally forgot this theard oops:thumbdown:
  6. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
  7. i think half of australia did sweltered I spent the day in 37 degrees
  8. i signed as well when he comes im traveling interstate welcome to the boards
  9. thats a lot of puppies im kinda glad it was puppies and not kittens my birds are stenky beck when im on mika fan club
  10. haha that pic would make a great pic for the caption thread
  11. my wrists arnt much biggger then a childs
  12. well if you saw him the night before then im pretty sure its a fake couse wouldnt the area around the tatt be all red and possibly have a bandge over it to get infections away
  13. it depends on the size, weight and where exactly your sending to the us it costs me $50 australian to colorado and $80 to canada
  14. its not me but its my father he and mika have the same birthday
  15. i dont blame you wonting to see that photo on another page
  16. hehe i was thinking " for god sakes wheres that whiskey i asked for"
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