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Cynthia Mulat

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Posts posted by Cynthia Mulat

  1. Yop and Freddie what a cute convo your guys are having. FD Your sooo lucky. i was only lucky to be added on her face book. But i bet a lot or people are as well. Yop i'm so sad about Mika falling on her. I really hope she's ok. I hope that won't ruin my chances of meeting her @ GMA.

  2. OMM!!! i hope Cherisse is ok. Apparently Mika was since he still carried on. But i hope in the end they both are ok.


    Aww, looks like an awesome show. i can't believe I've been on all this time and just now came here. Omgs, i can't believe you met Zuleika and Fortune and backstage too. Gawd, amazing pictures.

  3. Oh, did i mention that its not strange for someones who is a lesbian Anne Heche for example to married or fall in love with a man. Just in case you didn't know Anne Heche is married to a man after being a lesbian her whole life an she in her 40's or 50's.


    So, "YAY!"or Mika and Beth!!!! :mf_lustslow::thumb_yello:

  4. Sorry guys i beg to differ. i think there is something going on between them ever if its a bit over exaggerated.


    First off, Mika stated the Beth Ditto is the most beautiful big girl and after meeting her in Scotland has mentioned her in almost every interview since. Here' an recent interview, Check out what he's says about her. http://ibrm.fimc.net/mc/Article.asp?id=335198


    No offense but some of you are young. I know i felt and saw a lot of chemistry between Beth and Mika when they sang together. I think thats partly why i didn't like there duet together. To much emotions to give a good performance. It happens all the time with actor who are involved in moves prior to working together. The movie always sucks.

  5. i've never started a thread before so sorry if this is a bad idea


    i thought it would be fun to start a thread on posting mika pictures that aren't that mikagasmic :bleh:


    is this a good idea? :thumb_yello: /:thumbdown:


    well i might as well start..

    i didn't find this very appetizing haha



    haha such a cute picture!

  6. i was just wondering if there was a certain mika song we were supposed to sing if were were going to sing one because it would be cool if you could put clips of everyone singing a mika song together.. just a suggestion :cheerful_h4h: i probably won't be singing myself.. i'm the worst singer EVER (i get it from my dad)


    We could do that. I like that idea. Its will only be a small part of the dvd, but its great. Or i'll probably just use it throughout the whole thing.

  7. First you don't talk about Cherisse like that :sneaky2: :sneaky2: :sneaky2:


    Second : why not ? It's better than letting noone singing this part and showing everybody that the voice is recorded.


    Third : you don't talk about Cherisse like that :wub2: :wub2:


    i second that :thumbdown:

  8. Oh well there we go again! :roftl:


    I see nothing wrong with fans getting upset with such news and even being angry at Mika. I've said before, being someone's fan does not equal giving them absolute, blind, unswerving, unconditional adoration no matter what. It's perfectly possible to love someone's work and love them and still be pissed off when that someone acts in a less-than-upstanding way.


    I'd be a little scared if being on a fanclub forum meant we were not allowed to be critical of anything Mika did, ever. Especially when it comes to cancelling gigs on the fans, which, as I've said before, is a breach of basic contract, and has to do with the fans directly. (As opposed to say, getting all bothered if Mika did something we didn't like in his personal life, which is none of our business.)


    I'm not upset or even annoyed anymore because I'm just resigned to it, but I really am disappointed in the management here.





    Omgs! Jack, i love you!!! This post is like music to my ears. Finally a sensible understanding of what a fan is and shouldn't be. Lets not get carried away people. He's only human.

  9. Oh, no! :shocked:


    That was the best part! They must've cut out everything that wasn't on the album. *sigh* Oh well.


    I hope that they showed a few seconds right after each song so that I can find my "look". :roftl: I'm wanting to think that it was after Happy Ending but I'm not sure...

    The best part was definitely um........ "relax" at the beginning and "lollipop" at the end. But everything was amazing. The quality wasn't that great though. they did..... lets see, relax,big girl,my interpretation,ring ring,love today,happy ending,grace kelly,billy brown,any other world, stuck in the middle and lollipop. So yeah, they did most of the album. At the end the just put"life in cartoon motion our now in music store near you". You know same old same old.

  10. Yeah! I could NEVER describe MIKA.....

    either you get it or you don't. Either you LOVE him

    or you hate him, there really is no inbetween with him

    just the EXTREME:wub2:


    OMM!! So true! Mika to me is like the acclaim to everything i am. To anyone who live life out to the "box". Its not just his music but everything he's putting out there that amazing!!!


    But your right about what you've said in your introduction. Life in Cartoon Motion is an album for the many moments in our life where we need to "feel" but many of us can't or choose not to. I feel hope when i listen to Mika. For music for the direction of people younger that me and even for myself. I feel rejuvenated and more youthful,even though I'm only 25. I thought that from here on out my life was going to be this drab recycle of the same routine, over and over again until i died.

    So yeah, as corny as is may sound Mika is that person that showed me that there are still many roads to choose in life and that whatever road i choose, just make it worth living.

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