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Cynthia Mulat

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Posts posted by Cynthia Mulat

  1. Yay i finally got my 2nd piece of fan art done!!


    Its a bit rubbish but I have my excuses....


    I had no rubber....


    I only had a HB pencil so the shading is appalling....


    Annnd my scanner messed it up a bit lol.....


    But I'll post it anyway lol :bleh:




    He looks a bit depressed in it lol.... that wasn't intentional...


    I love it! its beautiful! I like the face expression. it really looks like him. Good job! I'm not nearly that talented.

  2. favorite mika quote:"i love you too" (from the custom made drawers interview) and "That's mad/that's mental" and (hehe) "dragons and elephants with tutus"


    favorite mika mannerism: The Mika laugh, how he moves when he's preforming, oh just the way he talks.


    favorite mika song on LICM: Stuck in the middle/Relax/Big Girl (oh i can't say, i love them all)



    Favorite mika lyric: "My troops are bigger than yours, you'll never stand my fight"



    favorite mika unreleased song: Holy Johnny and The Only Lonely One



    favorite mika moment: Whenever Mika goes "Kaching ah!" at the Glastonbury Festival preforming "Big Girl" that little dance Mika does right at the beginning, and of course Roxercise!

  3. Absolutely fab - colourful - delicious pics. It WAS just like that. Yes - I have just come back from the event..... Being lucky enough to be a North London Lollipop Girl - I decided I would pop down and see Mika. Wearing lots of pink, psychadelic effects and an array of hearts I walked out the door saying to my family 'bye - just going to see Mika'.:mf_rosetinted:


    Arriving at the Blink I must say I had to take a walk round the block to calm my queesy euphoria. Anyway... slipped in and grabbed a Pims and walked right past Mika - just like that... Lovely lovely chat to fellow lollipop girl and then... managed to have a little chat with Mika himself:wub2: :wub2: :wub2: . I congratulated him on the show and he said I looked very nice. He loved all my hearts and I explained that I'd had a 'broken remanent' experience before leaving in that I couldn't match up any of my heart shaped earrings so had to settle for dangly lebanese type ones instead.:thumb_yello::bleh: Just delicious basking in his presence - somehow :bleh: I managed to stay cool and didn't like to bother him with tiresome autographs and more photoshots. Had a lovely relaxed time chatting to various people, including the lovely Cherisse and Yasmine who was wearing a super suger pink dress.


    Danced up Oxford Street bursting from the experience wanting to shout out to everyone - 'hey I've just met Mika'. Just reeling from the effect - headphones on - sang 'Love Today' at the top of my voice all the way down my street ... and I just didn't care.


    Oh yes the artwork was absolutely fab - fun - colourful - vibrant and uplifting.

    Do go see and get yourself some lollipops as well.

    You really did that? Omgs, you have nerve. So nobody realized you were'nt supposed to be there? i'm envious of you. I love it! Next time invite me.

  4. "Ibiza" was the first place Mika played as "mika" with a "k".


    Tamagochi can be one of the players or martin,Cherrise, luke or Mickey??? just random ideas.. um................so of course there's all the places he's played that can be used for locations. Then there's "Mikaville" and uhh............... i'm sorry how I'm writing this but there just a few ideas. this is how they come to me. haha. Ok,its late and i;m done for now but i'll write more if i have anything.


    By the way, did i say this was a great idea? Oh wait, i just did. :biggrin2:

  5. Many here have voiced their fears about the possibility of fame getting to mika's head... that sooner or later, the glitz and glamour of celebrity stardom would change him. This to me, is the scariest thought concerning Mika. I used to fear it, but I don't anymore.


    and let me tell you why: I Met this man one month ago (yesterday was our anniversary lol) and I finally got to see what so many of you have seen. He has this glow about him, a radiance. He seems extremeley gounded and down to earth. I can't see him ever becoming a "Diva".


    No, what I fear now is that his star is rising so rapidly (which is awesome) that soon it will be harder for us to meet with him after shows Or that he'll see us as just "fans" not friends anymore. He loves us all I think because we were the first... everyone here...we were the first to say..."He's our guy and we're proud of him!"

    Do you think he'll ever change?


    I agree. That was one of my fears as well( the limelight changing him bit). And it still is actually. I think since I've been on the forum I've felt a little better about it. But its the MFC not Mika and reality has got to kick in. I'm not sure about how Mika will/has already changed but I'm with you when you say that this is how you want to remember him. Its the same for me.


    About him seeing us as only fans............. i don't know,i think thats probably the think that i believe has changed already. I think we might just be ,just fans to him already. Come on, its hard not to be. His fans keep getting bigger and bigger everyday. if he could remember all of us as his first then where does that list end? I don't know. i guess for those who were truly here first then maybe you feel something different.

  6. Wow, even though you guys are joking, Don't you think your going a bit far with this?


    If i were Mika and reading some of the things on this forum. I'd start to think that you all were doing some of the exact samethings as the bullies that teased him when he was younger, except in a slightly different way. Remember we're talking about someone who's experienced sever bulling from a young age all the way up until 18. Lets try to be a little considerate.

  7. This is not stupid. He cancels the show, plays a secret concert, doesn't prove his ill, cancels Roskilde and and he hasn't cancelled Oxegen.


    I understand what's wrong. Mika isn't cheap (he's actually very well dressed )


    Aww, i love the way you put that. But it's really hard to say, because something is fishy and well we don't know if it Mika himself or the Management. Mika does say he's able to do what he wants in the end.

  8. Look up this video oon Youtube. Mika in the hot seat" someone asks him what his real nam eis and he explains.


    But just in case you dont feel like doind the research; he says that his father wanted to name him Micheal but his mom wasn't a "jr" fan so they name him Micaella. Growing up everyone called him Mica. But he later had changed it to Mika with a "k" because of mispronuciation. So i believe he said his real name is "Micaella". If im wrong then then i stand to be corrected. But i'm definately sure he said his real name is Mica with a "c" but later changed it to a "k".

  9. Mika spiller desværre ikke på Roskilde Festival alligevel

    Den engelske sanger er blevet ramt af lungebetændelse og har derfor fået forbud mod at synge af sine læger.






    Mika er ramt af luftvejsinfektion, som har resulteret i at han har mistet stemmen. På grund af forværring med lungebetændelse har hans læger givet ham forbud mod at optræde.


    Mika beklager dybt at måtte skuffe publikum på Roskilde Festival og håber at kunne gøre skaden god en anden gang.


    Der arbejdes på at finde en afløser for Mika.




    In short it says that he has lost his voice, and now he's gotten pneumonia (whats up with that word??) And he's doctors demand that he doesn't sing.


    Mika's very sorry for letting his audience down (and probably also fans). He hopes that he can make it all good again later.





    Now he really have to take a break. And read the forum. That poor poor boy :mf_rosetinted:


    What? Ok, can somebody give me a link to this article?

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