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Cynthia Mulat

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Posts posted by Cynthia Mulat

  1. We didn't wait to long and as Samantha, Lu and Walter came towards us, we set off to the doors where the crowd was waiting.


    It was extremely cold outside now, and the looks on everyones faces were of pure desperation. I really hoped that Mika's gesture would help them to feel a bit warmer inside. Always reminding myself that "this could be me".


    So Naomi, Michelle and i split up into three groups. Somehow i got stuck in the middle of a huge group of people without security but i managed it well. I told everyone to " hold there horses because i had a limited amount of shirts and technically only the first 30 people in line were supposed to get one". Luckily we didn't get killed but we handed out way more shirts then we had expected. After which, Samantha, Lu and Walter headed back inside the studio leaving me, Naomi and Michelle to figure out which ten people could be so lucky as to be Mika's honored guest at the show today.


    We were all getting pushed and shoved by the crowd who was paying us no attention at all. It just hit me that they had no idea what we were up to. Michelle turned to me and said, "Mika really want kids and or people who look very colorful, so lets decide." I was looking around and thought "Kids i can find, but everyone was looking very colorful. So as soon as we start things are going to get crazy". At first we saw a boy standing on a metal high rise that was keeping the rain out. He looked like he was having some serious trouble seeing in the studio even from that high up. Michelle asked him if he was alone but just then about 7 people popped out of nowhere (literally) and said they were with him. Michelle and I looked at each other and said, "sorry" and turned away. People started asking us what we were doing. "Were we letting people in or just looking for someone?" So Naomi started to explain while Michelle and i skimmed the crowd for potential candidates. Shortly after everyone started yelling at us, we found several random people in a clump all with different groups and seeming very desperate. We told them to follow us and started pointing out a few more people,mainly because we were due back inside and the whole process of checking them through security would take a bit of time in itself. It was around 7:58 and Mika was set to go on stage so we had to be quick.


    We finally found ten people and pushed our way through the crowd to the security check point. Suddenly, we realized our group of ten became a group of 14. Naomi laughed and told them in a pleasant way that "we are only allowed to admit more then ten and that we all are very sorry".


    Humm........security,security,security and now we, all ten guests included, were back in the studio just as Mika and the band were coming on stage. I put everyone in the corner i had found earlier and explained to them briefly about Mika's request and said, "you guys are so lucky , you have to be Mika's cheering squad, especially since he chose you". They were all like, "Omgs! we will be the best cheering squad ever" They were so siked i just wanted to stick around them. Michelle turned to me and said "great!, Thank you sooooo much and walked off toward backstage. The show was about to start and i was just as excited as the people next to me.


    It was crazy because right when they said "cameras are rolling" Naomi and looked at each other and realized that in all our running around we left our cameras, boas and hats backstage in the security closet. Ahh, we were both giving each other that look of despair, we thought, "we can't cant miss this moment". But as Mika started singing Love Today, i looked over by the backstage door and realized that all of Mika's family (30 to be exact) and friends were now covering the wall right in front of the backstage entrance. I thought to myslef,"no why am i going to get through there before the song ends.


    The crowd next to me started the cheering and singing along and my attention fell back on the stage where Mika was drawing his audience in with his usually amazing hip movements and vocal styling. At that moment i was in pure heaven. I was jumping and singing. I think i got a look from Mika like, "i thought you were one of them?", referring to the GMA crew. I just gave him a huge smile, attempted to wink :biggrin2: and kept right on singing. "Oh joy, Oh rapture" that explains what i felt in that moment. Suddenly any anxiety i anticipated in the moment of meeting Mika had been swept away. After Love today was over, i ran toward the backstage door, Naomi at my heels, sending "excuse me" and Thank you" through the crowd. As we made our way through all of Mika's friends and family, we started hearing small request like," oh, there you are are. Do you still have shirts left and can we get closer?" I just smiled and said "I don't have anymore shirt at the moment but if i see one i'll hold one for you. and I'm not sure if you can get closer but you can ask Samantha". One of Mika's Aunts i met earlier was right in front of the doors and said in joking manner, "you can't get through unless you get us shirts". I laughed and told her i would try very hard to find more and she could check back with me after the gig but my friend and i were in a hurry, which she quickly stepped aside and said something like "Next times going to cost you a shirt". :roftl: I couldn't help but thinking to myself, "friends and family should be able to get t-shirts anytime they wanted, shouldn't they? They were, after all "friend and family" of the artist. Oh well, I'm not that familiar with how the business works" and just let the thought pass.


    So finally we had braved the crowd and were in the backstage area again. We knew by now the next song was about to start, so we ran as fast as we could to the security closet were a guard was looking quite forlorn. We rapped on the door for him to quickly let us in. All the excitement of recent events had just hit me like a wave. I didn't care anymore about being a VIP. I didn't care how if knew or found us out. I just wanted to be what i originally was, a Mikafan, nothing else mattered.


    Today i realized that Mika really does care about us and really wants to meet us and is such a deep hearted person. I wanted to show him my full support. So we entered the security closet, i took off my fancy shirt and shoes, right in front of whoever was looking(i was wearing a tank top under my shirt). I hadn't noticed how many people we around backstage until someone said, "wow, whats gotten into you? " and another security guard (a women) said " we do have a dressing room if you need it. " I looked at both of them with the last bit of professionalism i could muster up and said," I'm sorry but theres a show i must get too." It was lame, i know, but i didn't care. I never wanted to receive a look from Mika again where he didn't know were i stood. I never wanted him pass me by thinking i was one of those snobby production folk, who don't care about anyone but ourselves. I thought,"never again" and started shaking my head to which Naomi grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the closet.


    We were back through the door to the studio again passing through the crowd of Mika friends and family. Back toward the chosen ten and into place. Mika had just finished an interview with Sam and another lady from GMA. Everyone from that side of the room turned to look at us in a humorous way. We hadn't noticed at the time that we were the only ones dressed up this much for the show. Security guards that we were friends with earlier started to give us suspicious looks, but we didn't care, we were ready to have a good time. Mika glanced over at us along with Mikey, Cherisse and Luke who was giving us a huge grin. Naturally big sheepish grins appeared on our faces as Big Girl had just begun. Oh my gosh, the amount of stares from the producers had given me a heat wave. Naomi and i stared to dance so vigorously that the other Mikafans were looking a bit afraid but humorous as well. I felt reckless abandon, nothing could have giving me more joy, especially since Luke had decided that we were his new audience of choice. He stared at us through Big girl and lollipop at which we had moved near the from of the stage. I jumped more than i ever had in my life but it wasn't tiring at all, it was refreshing. Now i understood why Mika jumps and goes crazy on stage like he does so endless and effortlessly. This was the best feeling in the world. We kept getting smiles and looks form the band. Mika on the other hand was still giving us that look, as if he didn't believe us, he didn't want to believe that we were in fact Mikafans and were in fact, cheering, not out of force but out of pure admiration. I just ignored it. I was having the time of my life and not even "Mika" himself could stop me.

  2. I know i should be sleeping but i didn't have a chance to read anyone else reports for I've read them all and i will finish mine in a bit. You guys are lucky in your own right. i will explain in the next few "installments" as there being called.


    I have to add that i am really happy that you all like my writing style. I really think my writing sucks but I'm glad you all are enjoying it. You guys know how to make people feel good about themselves. :thumb_yello::punk::blush-anim-cl:

  3. Cynthia..appreciate your effort ...it is sooo long and there's more to come. I'm intrigued by your experience... thanks for sharing. :biggrin2: can't wait for the next installation... btw can't believe they asked you if they could let 10 more ppl in:blink: what's that all about.... :blink:



    It was a request from Mika. He was trying to do something for the fans and he knew there wasn't enough space, so he only requested ten more people.

  4. I found this video on youtube of this 8-month-old baby who seems to appreciate the song Love Today


    Sooooooooo cuuuuuuuuute!!!



    Actually, i have a niece who is 4 months and love every Mika song. She squirms around when ever Mika comes on.

  5. I have to admit there might be a part 6 and even seven before i finish. I haven't even gotten to through the first gig and i met Mika backstage at both.


    Ok.... part 4,part 4?? So i'm a bit confused but good new is i've found my place.:naughty:


    So i was finally listening to the sound check but still near enough to Mika's mom and sisters(Yasmine and Zulieka) not to take any long looks at Mika, just in case he was still glaring at me. Luckily he turned his attention to the crowd outside in between breaks.


    Just as i was starting to enjoy myself, Walter one of the head security guards(i knew them all on a first name bases by this time) came up to me and said that he needed to talk to me. I was a bit afraid but i was a lot more confident that it would be harder to throw me out after all that had happened, so i just kept my cool. I followed him right in front of the stage where the sound check was going on,trying so hard not to look over at Mika and the band and crossed the room to the front entrance where they were letting people in......... or should i say, not letting people in? Haha. At first i though i was going outside when i was met by two glass doors. He stopped me right in front and went outside for a bit. Right in front of the doors were Naomi and a bunch of other people that I'd seen from this morning. I was about to try and motion something to them like, " i'll get you in" but Walter had come back now with a man and a women by his side. He introduced them as Samantha Green and .. ok, i don't remember the guys name but apparently he was someone from a radio station in NY. Walter told me that Samantha and....(we'll just call him Bob) Bob :naughty: both had VIP list and he wanted to know what list i had because it seemed that Bob's list was from a radio station competition and mine and Samantha's were very similar. So we compared lists, which were exactly the same and i explained to Samantha that i was supposed to meet with her to make sure that all the MFC members got in. She quickly excepted this(good thing is was true) and deemed me her assistant. She said that she was waiting to meet me and that she needed my help setting this whole thing up because she didn't know everyone and was a bit confused. So once again we compared list and made sure we had the same names checked off. It was funny because i saw my name on the list and she was like" I'm looking for this person i heard she was here". I was like, "oh thats me" and for a second there Walter was giving me a suspicious look, but by that time i didn't care. We laughed it off and just continued what we were doing. Then she and Bob left meat the door. I though to myself 'this was my chance". I opened the door and called Naomi. Walter shut the door and said we can't let anybody in yet. So i quickly pulled out my phone and said " that is my assistant. I've been trying to call her all day and she's been waiting in the crowd all this time." Walter was shocked, he relied" oh thats your assistant? I'm sorry lets get her in then." So he pulled Naomi in and i gave her the other VIP/ GMA tag that Mika's mom had given me earlier. Just then I had an internal moment of triumph when Naomi says to Walter" wow, thanks, we didn't know how this VIP thing works so we were all confused". I went into complete shock(Naomi i love you!). She was about to give me away completely. But i stayed calm, said something funny to Walter which got his mind off of what Naomi had said and pulled Noami back into the studio where the sound check was going on. I had a bit of a chat with her about what she had almost done and we laughed it off and then got serious. Now with both of us inside we had to stay professional to keep this going.


    Samantha returned shortly afterwards and i introduced Naomi as my assistant after which she lead us to the side wall where Mika and the band were just getting off the stage. I was kinda disappointed that i missed all of the sound check but it was nice to be so close to Mikey,Martin, Mika, Luke and Cherisse.


    Mika and Cherisse disappeared into the backstage area before anyone else did but the guys kinda stuck around behind us chatting for a bit with the sound guys. I think we both were a bit tempted to turn around and have a chat but we thought better of it and let them leave instead. Shortly after that, someone brought a big box of shirts up to the from of the stage. Samantha came over and asked us to stand near the box and wait until she came back.


    So we waited feeling completely awkward to be standing in front of the stage while so many eyes were looking at us. We waited for quite a bit of time with which i started to share with Naomi about recent events back stage in an inconspicuous manner as to not draw any attention to us. About five minutes into my story, i noticed that Mika was peeking out of the door leading back stage and talking to his production manager Ray. He was trying really hard not to be seen. I turned my back to him a bit to tell Naomi what a was seeing but as she turned to look, Mika had passed right behind us onto the stage with papers and a black marker in hand. We both looked in shock as he kneel down by the drum set and started to write on these pieces of paper. At first my attention was averted to the fact that his butt crack was showing :roftl: and I thought to myself, "that shirt is getting way too small for hiim" when he got up and started to hold his sign up to the window. He went from one window on one side of the stage, to the next. He kept kneeling down, writing more on his paper and holding it up for the crowd outside to read.


    I wished i was in the crowd at that very moment. I couldn't see what was on those notes but had a feeling Mika didn't want any of the people in the studio to see what he had written. After doing this for a bit and having security get on stage to try and stop him, he finished quickly and walked off, not even looking in out direction. Right then, i really hated being a VIP i hated that i was in and not out there with everyone else. I had a feeling that Mika thought we were a part of the GMA crew, which he seemed to loath at the moment for letting his fans suffer outside in the rain. I just told myself, "I will have a chance to meet him and explain all of this and hopefully, he will take me/us off his hate list."


    He had gone and i really wanted to go up on stage and get those notes. I started to wonder how i could get away with it as it was so close and curiosity was getting the best of me. But Naomi advised me otherwise. It had nothing to do with my job and would be really suspicious. Besides we were right in front of everyones view, so there was no way of getting away with it.


    After i had given up hope of getting those papers, i just waited. Samantha returned with another security guard named Lu and told us that plans had changed. We were now going to give the shirts to 30 people outside as apposed to the MFC members. We only had 60 shirts as is and 44 MFC members, so only a few of us wouldn't get one. I as well as Naomi immediately thought to ourselves that we would sacrifice our shirts for the those people and started sorting the box of shirts into sizes to make it easier to pass out. Half way through this, a young lady came up to us and said that she was coming on behalf of Mika who wanted her to choose ten people from outside to come into the studio. I was so happy to see her. She was coming to us on behalf of Mika, who wouldn't be happy? Samantha on the other hand was a bit opposed to this idea. She said that the producers at GMA already discussed this and decided that it wasn't going to happen because of the limited space in the studio. I quickly looked around the studio and spotted a corner right behind the main camera that was directly in front of the stage. I told Samantha that ten people could fit right over there but she was still insistent on the decision that was made. So i introduced myself to the lady who name was Michelle and we automatically clicked. She said that she'd be right back and strode off backstage. Samantha noticed Naomi and i looking at her in a questionable way. She quickly stated that she was the one who was trying to make sure people get in and that she was really excited about the gig today and hated that more people couldn't fit in the studio. She seemed very sincere so Naomi and i let her off the hook. We did notice her diligence in make sure all the MFC was accounted for and she was very sweet when addressing the other Mikafans waitng outside. She said she wanted to make so many exceptions but didn't have the power to do so.


    A moment later Michelle had come back and said that Mika still wanted to get ten people from outside to come in, kinda of like his personal request for GMA. Samantha quickly excepted this left us for a brief moment to explain to the producers what was happening. I turned to Michelle and told her that we could help her choose people when we go out and present the crowd with t-shirts. I asked her if she could help us carry shirts out,which she agreed too. Samantha had come back to tell us to stay put while she went to get security for our venture outside. I had a small chat with Michelle bit more and told her that Mika was being so sweet communicating to his fans and now wanting to get more people in as a gesture of his sincerity. She looked a bit surprised as to what i was saying, but i went on to explain to her that i was a huge Mikafan and was representing the MFC. She seemed very pleased to hear this after which we just waited for Samantha to come back with security.

  6. Ok this is for bexxy, who is urging me to finish. :wink2:


    So where did i leave off? lol! I'm serious! :naughty: Let me check. oh, ok. Sound chech,band........... ok, now i know. Cherisse, Mikey and Martin headed in the main studio hall for a sound check which doesn't have much to tell. I tried to hang around in the studio while they were sound checking but i kept getting called to escort more of Mika's friends upstairs. The guys in charge of security wanted me to stay in the back hall near the door so they could cross check VIP's with me. After trying to sneak back and peek in on the sound check for a bit in between meeting Mika's friends,who were all so sweet, they announced that Mika was here. So they rushed me to the back door where he was entering. My heart went faint. I was completely in shock. By the back door on both sides the line of Mika fan was wrapping all around the building. I hadn't been outside since earlier that morning, so i didn't notice how long the line had gotten. So there i am standing next to a security guard in a nice suit, practically in the doorway where Mika was about to enter. I kept getting pushed more and more in the doorway because the security guard was trying to make small take with me about the fans yelling "MIKA,MIKA,MIKA" when his car pulled up. You can only imagine my look of shock. But since the security guard was looking at me i had to play it off. He said" there's your charge, make sure no one stops them while they come in and immediately get security from inside to escort them upstairs. I was like, "isn't that your job?" To Which he just laughed and said "your the VIP person here" I'm just going to keep the fans from breaking the line. :shocked: yeah, that explains everything.


    It took them so long to get out of the car. Through the tinted windows i could see the outline of Mika, His mom, sister and another lady. Mika was talking to the driver i think and then for a brief moment i felt like he was just staring at me. For like a brief moment someone rolled down the window and i saw that he was staring at me. I quickly turned away from his gaze out of fright of being right and tried to maintain a professional composure as he was getting out of the car and heading straight towards me. I looked up just in time to smile and say something but i was too late. He was extremely tall and as i smiled he passed right over me while looking at the ground. i was like "darn,I'm an idiot. i should have just kept eye contact". But who could survive such an intense stare from Mika. I really think he was trying to place where he knew me from. (Which turns out to be true , but i'll explain later) So i being a mikafan did what anyone would do and followed him inside the build, not noticing for a bit that the security guard was calling me to come back because Mika's mom and sister were about to get out of the car. by the time i realized i was breaking my professional stance, i looked up to see Mika turning into the studio where the band was doing their sound check. I thought , "darn, they are going to kill me, i was supposed to lead him upstairs to his dressing room" As i turned around to go back His mom was heading through the door with Zulieka and i greeted them both. His mom made small talk with me about the rain and told me that Yasmine would be coming in shortly. She asked me which way mika went and i told her and her and Zulieka quickly went into the studio. I just watched them pass without telling them anything because they seem pretty content on being with Mika. So i just stood there for a bit watching looking back and forth from the doorway where Yasmine was to be expected shortly and the huge door of the studio which was half way blocking my view of the GMA studio, where Zulieka and her mom were standing. For about five minutes i did this because the security guard kept peeking in at me just to see if i was still around. He then said he needed me to stay near and not to leave the area. I was dying in side, i wanted to see the sounds check. Then another five minutes went by when i saw Yasmine and another lady, which i later on found out was Nadia, Mika manager,coming out of the same black suv, Mika, his mom and sister had arrived in.


    i tried to greet them but they seemed like they were in a hurry. Yasmine just passed by me as if i said nothing but his manager just looked at me when i greeted her. I was like,"ok, i guess this is where my luck will change."


    luckily i was wrong. :punk: After everyone had entered the building they closed the doors and i was free for a little while to go and watch the sound check. When i came to the door Zulieka was standing a behind it sort of spacing out and i approached her and started chatting with her. i introduced myself and asked her how old she was, mainly because she didn't talk or look as young as a hear people say she was. I've heard 16 sometimes 17 but she told she was 18. She's extremely tall, especially because she was wearing high heels. She seemed so much taller than Mika, Yasmine did as well. I asked her if she was going to sing Happy Ending with Mika today which she replied that she wasn't and that he wasn't planning on singing it as well, just a few of the songs on his singles. His mom came over to where we were and i quickly averted my attention at her. She had a bunch of "backstage GMA" tags with chains that she was putting together. Some guy came up to her adn gave he a whole bunch. So she gave me and Zulieka one and introduced herself as " Joni, Mika's mother" and asked me what was on the list i was holding. i told her i was a representative of the Mikafanclub and she was like "really!?". I was a bit shocked that she's heard of us but i said"yeah" and she told me to make sure that i get all of those people into the studio today because Mika really wants to meet all his fans. He really appreciates the fans. i was in awe. I said to her that, that's one of the things i respect the most about mika, he really cares about his fans. he knows that if it weren't for us he's just be a talented musician sitting in a room all by himself. She was really inspired by this and said" yes, he really knows this very well. he didn't' expect to see so many fans outside the doors today. He was so shocked that so many people came out in this weather to see him." I was like" wow, thats very modest of him. i thought he knew he had tons of fans here?" She said, that they were all shocked to see the amount of fans waiting outside. i reassured that it would have been tons more if it wasn't for the rain and we had a little laugh. This moment was almost like a movie, it was so hilarious. i told her that the MFC had a thread up once saying that 'we wanted to remember Mika like this" because we were afraid that soon he would be so big he wouldn't have time to meet with us or recognize up anymore. She quickly added that she hopes he NEVER gets that big and that its was so hard to keep a level head in this business but the family works hard to make sure Mika does and repeated herself by saying "Mika really loves the fans and wants to met them all". After which i noticed some commotion inside and looked up at the stage to see that Mika was peering at me in between a conversation with Ray and a few of the production crew. i kinda got nervous, because i was thinking" maybe he doesn't want me to talk to his family, and how long has been watching me?" Oh well i resolved that they were just people and i wasn't a special friend of his so it didn't matter. I could be anyone. After a bit of feeling uneasy i heard some one say "everybody in, we need to do an official sound check." So Joni (mika's mom) said lets go in to me and Zulieka and someone closed the door behind us.


    For the first time in several hours i could see Naomi,Kjoshi,Finkster, Brianna outside the window waiting with a whole crowd of people. It was a real reality check because that was supposed to be me.


    (fourth part in a bit. I really need a break now.)

  7. Part 2


    After i came out of the bathroom i spotted Ray who also say me and just smiled. So i guessed it was ok for me to wait back stage for Serena,especially after the tumteenth time he passed me and didn't say anything. He just and kept smiling at me I could tell he was very busy. I got to meet a bunch of GMA people as i don't watch GMA, i didn't know there names, so I just introduced myself. A lot of time passed back stage where i was getting a lot of attention and people started to offer me food and coffee and such, all the while making small talk with me. I started to notice that even though i introduced myself as the VIP coordinator for the MFC they seemed to think that i was way more important then i was stating. So after about three hours Mika's friends and lollipop and Big girl dancers arrived and for some reason security sent them to me to ask where they should go and make sure they were on my list of "VIPs". So as I've been backstage for hours now and knew pretty much where everyone was supposed to go i just got security to direct them to there dressing rooms. It was funny because security gave them all such a hard time so when they met me they were very relieved. They all were offering me cookies and telling me how sweet i was and how it was such a pain to deal with security and then so pleasant it was to have me coordinate for them. I was like WTF?( its more like "what the freak", for me) This is great but they everyone around me was assuming i had way to much authority. By this time i was really flattered and really confused yet really happy to be meeting with Mika's dancers and friends but i needed to find Serena and didn't know what she looked like or anything. I even though i might have missed her in all the commotion. But two seconds after Mika's dancers and friends got escorted up to the dressing rooms, i heard the security talking to a group or older ladies and they had called me over to verify who they were and make sure they went to the right place. The lady in front of me introduced herself as Serena Gallagher and begged me to tell these people that she was suppose to be here and that she had just seen the dancers go upstairs. I was like" oh Serena, I'm Cynthia Anderson! I'm supposed to be, meeting with you." Then as i fell relieved that this very fun but very weird experience was over she says to the security "see, she knows me so please let me in" and then asked me to check her name off my list. I was like "but I'm supposed to meet you on behalf of the MFC to pick up shirts for us to wear when the concert starts. She totally ignored this and came in and said "Thank you soon much for getting us in. I'm so glad your here. So where are we supposed to go?" I tried another time to explain who i was and she said she had the shirts for me up and it would come in shortly with the band. Right then the Cherisse,Mikey, martin and Luke came in and stopped directly in front of me. I was completely stunned. They started talking to Serena and introduced themselves to me. Cherisse who i had been writing on Facebook took a double take when see met me and so did Mikey and Martin. They all had that " i know you from somewhere" look on there faces. i knew Cherisse might but I've only written martin a few messages since his birthday. I didn't meet any of them in Atlanta, this was my first time, so i was throughly confused now. They all were asking me where they should go as well, so i just got security to escort them up stairs, which Serena followed and they all just disappeared like that. Then some one in a professional suit came up to me and asked if i had the list of VIPs because the shirts were here and they wanted to coordinate how they were going to separate the VIPs from the general public and how many we could let in. i told them i was the VIP coordinator for the Mikafanclub and he said "good" and sat me down to explain everything. Then he started explaining what would happened when Mika and family arrived. He said that i needed to be at the door with the rest of security and that i needed to make sure they get in without a hassle. Apparently sound check was soon and Mika would be arriving around 6:30am.


    My mind was spinning when he left. I was thinking "what did FD get me into" but i wasn't complaining. I was about to meet Mika and family, this was great!I


    Later on Cherisse and the guys came back down and started queuing up for the sound check. they kept giving me the that look.


    (hands need a break)

  8. Wow, i had to take several breathers before i wrote this because so much has happened that I've got to take it all in. Just to you know I am not good at writing and what i do write, tends to become very long. So if your in the mood for reading then here it is.


    So...*big sigh* Naomi and i arrived at La Guardia Airport at 12:30am due to a delayed flight out of Atlanta. I admit i was so tired because and the girl next to me on the plane kept waking me up from my sleep, it seemed like every five minutes just to use the restroom.


    Anyways, We headed over to Bryant Park Hotel just to see what was going on and if there were any MFCers hanging around we could meet. By the time we got there we got there it was 1 something in the morning. We went in the hotel lobby to ask for the lady i was supposed to pick the t-shirts for the MFC from. Oh. wait let me back track. FD asked for someone to volunteer to be a representative for the MFC and meet with a lady who was going to make sure we all got in and got shirts. That will explain a lot of things later on.


    So the lady at the front desk wasn't in a mood to divulge the room number or any information about the lady i was supposed to be meeting(her name was Serena Gallagher). So Naomi and i went back to the park which was literally across the street from us to hangout until more people showed up. There we met a Lady named Brianna who wasn't a part of the MFC and had just come from Kansas City and had been there since the day before. So we kinda talked up the MFC for a bit, which I'm sure she will join now if she already has since yesterday. Shortly afterwards it started raining and the three of us headed over the hotel again to wait in the lobby until things started picking up.


    About half and hour went by when security approached us and asked us what we were waiting for upon which i explained to them our circumstances, after which he told us the show was canceled and that Mika and entourage weren't staying at the hotel and that we had to leave. Upon hearing the show was canceled Biranna offered to go to ABC studio to see if they posted any news about this because both Bri and I had a feeling that this guy was lying. So after hashing it out a bit with this guy to find more flaws in his story was told there was a place i could go check my e-mail and find out for sure. So when i finally did, low and behold FD had sent me an e-mail about the change of venues due to the rain and such. i was completely confused as to what i was supposed to do. i was supposed to be meeting with Serena and getting shirts at this very hotel. So i went back to towards the hotel and met up with Bri who had just come back from ABC studios and said that she didn't see anyone there and the guy she talked to didn't know anything about a change in venues. But as we were talking a black van pulled up and several guys in blk shirts came out of the hotel. My first reaction was "omgs, that guy lied Mika is about to come out, Crap,crap,crap! I'm not prepared (emotionally that is). hahahaha. I think Naomi and Bri were thinking the same thing by the looks on there face. But.............hehe, it turned out to be a second alternative. i was Mika production manager Ray Amico and team. I didn't know this at the time though. So i asked them if they knew anything about a Mika concert? Which they said they did and that we weren't aloud to hangout by the hotel but that the venue had been changed due to bad weather but that we were more then welcome to go to GMA studios and wait in front until they let people in. So Bri left as i do what i do best. Hash away fr more answers, mainly because i had a feeling this guy knew more then what he was telling us and was just trying to get rid of us. Through my hashing i was able to introduce myself as the MFC representative and that i was supposed to be meeting with Serena to pick up t-shirts for the MFC for where at the concert and that VIP status wasn't as powerful as it was when the gig was outdoors. No one was guaranteed entry to the GMA studio since space was extremely limited. he also said that Serena did mention me and that she was awake in the hotel but that i should probably wait for her over at GMA. So i gave him my name and cellphone upon which he finally(after a hald hour of hashing) told me that he was Mika's production manager and that he would pass the information to Serena in a bit after they loaded up the van.


    Oh wait, sorry i have to back track a bit to share something funny. When we Naomi Bri and i first found out that these guys knew had information about Mika's concert, Bri asked since we are VIP's does that mean I'm guaranteed to get a picture with Mika? Ray was like " NO , that entirely up to Mika not us". but Bri continued " if i help you all load equipment, then will you help me get a picture with him?" Ray: 0_0 "what!? "Us load equipment?" Were going to make Mika help us load equipment." lol! Hence me realizing this guy was more then he put on.


    Anyways, back to the report. Ok, so Naomi and i went over to GMA studio to meet up with Bri but as we got there we saw that about 12 people were already waiting in line and Bri was lucky to have saved up the 6th and 7th spot. I was kinda hoping to be the first as i didn't want Serena to miss me. I was really excited about the t-shirts,especially since on Mikasounds they are like, 30 bucks without shipping cost to the US. yeah, but we met Kjoshi and cousins and Finkster(so nice to meet you guys by the way, even though it was brief), with her adorable "make a bear" Monkey. I think there where only 4 mfcers there including me and Naomi, and that was out of 12ppl. So yeah, i check my phone out of habit and realized that an unknown number had called me. I was like, "omgs! someone with a NY number just called me". Upon calling back i found out that Ray Amico had called me". So i called back like ten times only to get his answering machine with e-mail and info about how to get in touch with Mika's management etc. Then i panicked, he definitely called me and was up so why didn't he pick up the phone? By that time i had just noticed that a lot of people where in side setting up for Mika performance at like 3am. Apparently they were doing that before i got there and i just hadn't noticed. So i took left my stuff with Naomi and Bri and headed back to the hotel calling rays phone all the while, hoping and praying that i hadn't missed my opportunity to meet with Serena, Since so many things were changing i though she may have bumped our meeting to an earlier time as well. So when i go to the hotel everyone was gone except the van driver so i knocked on the window to see where everyone went,as plained that Ray had called me and asked if i could use the drivers phone to call him back since i was sure he'd pick up. So the driver let me in and i could immediately tell that Mika and family had been in there. (it was a feeling i had and its hard to explain unless you've had such feeling before.) So as expected ray picked up the phone and i explained who i was and that my phone was on silent when he called and apologized. He said it was ok and that he was over at the GMA studio setting things up and that i should come back and wait over there for Serena. Serena would be meeting with me at 5:45am instead of 6am. So i explained to the driver that i had to go back after such a brisk walk and that i was tired but before i could get out he offered to drive me and said that he had to come back swiftly because he was picking up the band at 4. You can imagine my reaction, silent excitement was running through my head. I just played it off as professionally as a could making small talk with the driver as we road towards GMA. Then i started to wonder," was he going to drop me off in front with the people waiting in line or was i about to be ushered backstage?" that though was followed with, "if so then I'm sure I'd get kicked out and put back in line, but lets see how long this can carry out." So low and behold, i was right he dropped me off around the building right in front of the backstage entrance. the men at the door where looking intently at the dark windows trying to figure out who was about to get out of the van. As i got out i thought to myself, "i must be confident otherwise they'll know I'm not supposed to be there." So i smiled and said "hello" which was met with pleasant smiles and weird stares when i right pass them into the backstage area. There i was in awe about the many Mikafied decor that was being setup i went into an "authorized only" location because i had spotted the bathroom and need to freshen up from panic and calm down. I was surprised to see that the area was filled with different camera and the security guard didn't say anything to me but just smiled. So at this moment i was feeling very lucky that i had several chances to get kicked out that i had by passed two at least so far. I had a feeling it would take more then that to stay backstage up until the band and even Mika arrived.

  9. Awe, oh no!

    I met Mika in the studio, it was rushed, but I still got a hug and talked to him for about a minute.


    I remember you, you had the monkey made from him right?


    oh i got backstage because fd asked if someone could volunteer to meet with a lady at the bryant park hotel to pick up shirts. So i met up with mika's production manager at like 2 am and he gave me his cell number and his driver brought me backstage. So i just stayed there and people thought i was wayy more important then i was so i got to meet the band, mika family/cousins/ lollipop girls/friends/big girl and the band members/assistances. It was crazy, everyone was asking me where to go. More in the report i have to finish because it was long.

  10. Here's a few pictures to tide you all over. I could only take a few as i was acting as VIP coordinator etc. Anyways, here:a017.jpg here's what the gig would of looked like if it wasn't canceled. Naomi and i got to BP at 1 am as planned and waited around to see it we could find any more MFCers.


    just in case you don't know who i am. I'm the one on the left,. Naomi(mfc:moriina) is on the right.


    backstage with the lollipop girls





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