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Cynthia Mulat

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Posts posted by Cynthia Mulat

  1. Thanks Sivan for this thread. I feel the same way. I'm hoping everyone is ok, and that no one is too sick. It is a lot on Mika, the band and his family traveling all over the world like that. Its not surprising that people are getting sick.


    Much love to all of you for working so hard to bring us your best,it means a lot.


    And for the people who are missing Mika from canceled gigs, my heart goes out to you. But lets pray for Mika and his team that they are healthy enough for there to be a "next time".


    Much love to everyone!!! *big hugs*

  2. What a cute interview. I felt all warm inside because they were talking about summer. Its nice to know Mika likes his quiet time because thats when you know yo u can appreciate something,when its quiet.


    Gosh, guys and their incitations. That terrible! but i bet Mika is good at rugby. i'd play him.

  3. :thumb_yello: :thumb_yello: For Cherisse scolding Mika for almost breaking her symbols. Its about time she retaliated for all that, standing on her drums every show and straddling her before every "lollipop".


    FD I think Mika is jealous of you. He's aiming so much aggression at Cherisse recently. You see, your starting a war. lol!

  4. Okey Dokey Ive had a few PM's asking about me so Im kicking off the getting to know you thread , Im on Myspace somewhere but it does my head in so here we go .......................


    Im 34 , a designer from Sunny Sunderland ! , design microchips for Intel , they go into your mobile phones , televisions , light sabers or whatever else is electrical these days! , I started off designing microwave ovens and TV's!


    Im a lucky lad and have been blessed with travelling the world with work , 6 months in south korea was my first off , then France , Italy , Holland , Germany and seven times to Portland , Oregan on the west coast of the USA..


    I love music , and have seen heaps of bands .. bon jovi , guns and roses , orson , big country , the who , the killers , muse .. etc etc , I NEVER got to see Queen live and that will say with me forever:thumbdown: although I did go to his tribute concert in 91 which was amazing , 3 rows from the front!!! , Queen came on to Tie Your Mother Down - freddie , il never forget it


    I also like travelling for holidays , last year I was wth 25 mad scots on a greek island as two of them were getting married , superb , also like Madrid , Dublin , Berlin..


    Im sociable , love meeting new people , errrr and thats it for now!




    Wow, this is old but i like it. I guess that answers my "what kind of designer" question. I've also been to south Korea a total of three time since August 2005. My hubby was in school there and just graduated this summer. I love South Korea! I'm going to start my restaurant there. No sense in competing in America.

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