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Cynthia Mulat

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Posts posted by Cynthia Mulat

  1. Right ypu lot - shall explain the mystery of chicken to night to you - being that I am the video submitted and an oldling!!!


    One friday night us olides were chatting in our thread - some of us a bit tipsy - the chat got onto the subject of "S*X" - a lot of us had never been on a forum before so didnt know we couldnt type that word in.


    So lo and behold the mods appeared and told us to change it - for some reason it became Chicken and then we weont off on the chicken nuggets chicken to night etc.. and it stuck..


    We knew that Mika sometimes reads the threads and that he knows some of us oldies - so when he started having the chicken outfit on during the gigis we thought it was rather ironic!


    Roll on a few weeks and me and my two kids are due to meet up with other MFCers for the Big Girl Video shoot. Following a discsussion with the oldies it was decisded that our pressie for Mika was to be a fluffy chicken signed from us - do you know hhow difficult to find a fluffy chicken outside of easter season!!


    So we duley went to filming and during a break I went up to Mika and gave him the pressie and explained the meaning behind the chicken - he said he had seen some our chats and thought we were mad!! we had a laugh about chicken tonight and I said could he do it to camera for us oldies.


    This joking carried on thru the day with Mika singing I feel like chicken tonight whnenever I was unable to access my camera - him with a V knowing cheeky smile - even saying ha - no camera now and singing it!!

    When I did have the camera out he woudl say "No not gonna do it now - I know you want to post in on the web!" - as if!!


    So at the end of the day when he was singing all our stuff I asked again while I was filming - and that is what you have seen - him V cheekily saying - NO No chicken tonight!!!


    For further ref - I wne to the ICA gig on Sunday night. He wore the outfit - I shouted out I fee;l like chicekn tonight - he came over and gave us that Look!!!


    Bumped into him on the way out and apologised for my out burst at which point he laughed and said "you really must stop dpoing that!" and then he said my kids were really

    cool on the video - espceially my boy Theo!!!


    So there you go - the original Chicken meaning and story - does that make me No.1 now? :)


    Carri x x x x x


    I know this is so late and now i know and love this thread. To be honest i was like"why is my name u p there? All i did was ask a question and now i'm a member". lol! :thumb_yello:

  2. Ok.


    What exactly is knitting???

    (a better question, do i want to know??)


    I have an idea of what it is but that just might be my dirty mind going into overdrive.


    If i get to meet Mika at Good Morning America, i might ask him how he likes his chicken. And which part of chicken does he prefer.


    Then i'd run away.:naughty:


    ^^im wayyyyy too shy to do that but i can pretend.

    (actually, i don't even know if i should mention that i'm a member of the MCF 'cause he might run away if he realizes that:roftl: )


    I know!!! Same question here.

  3. I'm sooo excited to see this! AH! So it cut out ALL the talking? Like, the cute little, "now I'm playing for you...HAAA!" and the thing about his mousse dripping in his eyes?


    Did it show a shot of the crowd in line screaming before the concert? The camera man came up to where I was standing and told us to scream and filmed right in our faces. :roftl:


    NO, they didn't show any of that. I was wondering what all the was for anyway.

  4. At the Atlanta gig. :) The girls near me had the sign, and Mika went over, made a hand motion like, "let me see it," and they handed it to him. During Lollipop, after Cherisse beats off everyone else with her drumsticks she holds it up.


    Oh i did see the poster, but it was the back of it. He took it but Cherisse can out with it when they did the skit. But they didn't show Mika hold it up and Cherisse did say"what's the big idea". But i bet its all the editing that made it different.

  5. He will, I just know it! At the Atlanta gig, a group of girls made a "Hey, what's the big idea?!" poster, and before Lollipop, he reached over the crowd and motioned for them to hand it over. They gave it to him, he took it back stage and instead of Cherisse saying it before the song, she held it up. :)


    When was this?

  6. Were there any interviews or anything? Oh, and did you happen to see a girl in a black polka-dotted shirt wearing a pink necklace on camera? :roftl:


    I can't wait to see this...Ahhh, it's only a matter of time! I hope I get my copy soon!


    No, i was in front of Martin showed ever they show crowd scenes i looked there. Where were you? But i bet you were there if you were in front? They didn't do any interviews but i hoped they would. Maybe i'll request the uncut version.

  7. Love Compatibility of Virgo with Leo


    If there's one thing a Leo can't handle, it's criticism, which may be hard for a judgmental Virgo to hold back. Lions needs endless amounts of praise and attention, and will reward their partner with devotion, love and generosity. You tend to be more reserved, which could have a negative impact on your Leo lover's self-confidence. Remember not to use your razor-sharp wit to tease your partner. If you learn to handle your Lion with honor, even when they're acting like a bratty little cub, you'll find yourself in a relationship with long-term potential.



    I am not judgemental!!


    Who writes these things?? :naughty:


    And i would never tease Mika...well not a lot :wink2:


    Let's see how we would get along as friends:


    Friendship Compatibility of Virgo with Leo


    You're a brave soul to take bossy Leo on as a friend, Virgo! Actually, it's not hard to understand your fondness for this sign, as they simply ooze warmth and love. :wub2: Still, stroking the Lion's ego can get tiresome, especially for a humble creature like you. Similarly, Leo sometimes gets weary of allaying your myriad fears. If you can stay focused on this friend's many strong points -- loyalty, capability and common sense among them -- Leo will pay tribute to your efficiency and reliability. The two of you may share a deep fondness for cats and can probably talk for hours about your pets. Dancing may be another common interest, along with film.



    I guess we'd be good as friends. *cough* (but better as lovers.....just a thought:naughty:)


    All this stuff i knew. I'm a virgo too. Am i'm not judgemental but its true i do hate to play up someones ego. its too much work. Good thing i'm married though. So no worries. :bleh:

  8. wow i know a leo! that is totally true all of that! wow .......too bad im an aries ....poo......oh well! lol


    What are you talking about? lLeo and Aries are very compatible together.

  9. Well I am just so distraught now, we have nothing in common, I don't listen to Take That or watch Hollyoaks, and I don't even like Bond movies or Mariah Carey, oh no all chances of me running into him and becoming his best friend and lover are now ruined! :tears: I must start watching all the shows he mentioned and eating lots of spaghetti with meatballs so that when we meet he is so impressed by our similarities that he proposes on the spot!









    Jack darling, you are hilarious!!!:roftl: :roftl: :roftl:

  10. oo great idea, I wanted to be in the last one too but sadly it died.

    So erm, I can mail you a few things I have on video and you can just edit out the bits you want as some of it goes on for ages lol.


    Let me know how and where etc, when you giving it to him? It was good to see you at SH btw, I recognised you from you pix,:biggrin2: I was the sparkly nun btw.


    Do you mean me? I wasn't at SH. I wanted to go but something came up last minute.

  11. awww your message was beautiful! but damn you ruined what i had in mind...i was hoping i could give Mika a strip tease.


    haha jokes, obv!


    you can use my competition video entry if you like! i'll have to rummage for the CD somewhere unless you can somehow get it off youtube?! O.o?!


    i will make a video aswell though as soon as i can...im a bit of a busy bunny at the moment. but i'll try and get it done! x


    lol! maybe i should take that out? lol! I think i can get you video off youtube buti thin its easier if you send it to me in an e-mail.

  12. I acted like a sad little puppy. :roftl:


    I first emailed them about when it would be airing, and they said that they didn't know as of yet. Then I emailed them again and told them about how I was desperate to see it again as it was a magical moment in my life and I want to preserve the memories (I'm not joking :roftl:) and a woman emailed me back saying that once it was ready to air on television, she would email me back, get my address and send me a copy. I think she felt sorry for me. :roftl:


    I hope that she emails me today asking for my address, and if she doesn't, then I will email her on Monday and ask her if they have a copy ready to go. :roftl:



    What gig were you at? I'm confused?

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