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Everything posted by FOUCHONNERET

  1. thanks so much!! so: he doesn't want to do the "eurovision",he don't want to play in the gay's series(we don't know this in france) but in "chamless"(it's that?) it's possible cause it's more funny for him; it's just for a fun!he want to sing!!he work hard since 11years;he had chance to do what he do and have money whith what he loves to do!today is a good success in colmar and he hope having lot of success like today! he had no revenge!he think about US when he present BILLY BROWN.he sing for himself;he protect himself,had family and friend with him,it's her cousin today in big girl!his school friend sing on happy endding with him;he like mineral vine ,he like alsace wine but it was too expensive...he is in alsace for the two days...an restaurant 4 stars in "michelin" tomorow(so:today....).the group can pay now;yesterday it was him for ten personns.the life of mika is coloorfull but he isn't a hippie(her mother was...);he loved lot of country...but not one in particulary,perhaps he prefer lives in a caravans! he just hear the interview and write for you,sorry if you don't understand anythinf!ask me if you want!
  2. i try to find it cause i have so much video,but bad quality;i do that after the pics,on myspace only i think; what so amazing day!!
  3. yes laurence!and don't forget that he tell in the gig that he taste the vine of alsace!!!!no,it's a joke,he was very cool at this moment and really love the banner and the group too;we were very slackened after the show,nobody is crying or something else,just happy to be there!!!waouhhhhh
  4. an agent of security told me before they arrived...so,we waited mika cause we knew that he arrived...but when?perhaps he ddid'nt make the balance?polnareff or nora johnes didn't do the balance....but he finally arrived at 16H30 and i told to him:"do you enjoy you trip on gerarmer";he was very surprised and we joked together about that...it was my best moment...the sky could fall on my head...!!! here is the banner after the show:
  5. yes,they eat in colmar the day before the show...and have a good trip in the lac of "gerardmer"(east of france,about 80km from colmar); sorry,cath,i'm too excited...and don't give the good link!see it here girls: http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=197764039&albumID=861815&imageID=6798147 i try to bring all the pics tonight,but it is hard for me,i have so many things to do!! mika and the band was amazing,the sound was spectacular! we saw all the band after and sign lot of autograph(not luke),mika joke with us,look at the banner,and we make lot of pics with them! cherisse was so pretty!!she's lovely!!!! see you soon! fanny
  6. so here it is the first pic of our fan's group(all will be on myspace or ine the album of sivan):
  7. hi! you have to take one!!! i just take one too!! see you soo for a big party!and try to meet him and the band of course.... bye! fanny and the lollipop's family
  8. He came with the band in there bus(came from allemagn and had a good meal in alace the evening before,told in the french paper); after,mika came in a car with one of his sister
  9. Hello girls!! i came from colmar! it was so great!met him(and one sister);and martin in the bus before;had two autographs and a joke with mika....waouhh!!! the gig was the best of mika(martin told allegra(an italian fan who know mirtilla...hello girl!)the sound was better than the olympia) in france:10000 persons!!!was on the first in front of him with biche,and near olga and his friend sandrine; after the party,it was so amazing;met mika again for an ultimate autograph and all of the band(not luke...);made photo with all of us and with the banner!they was so cool!!!!!omg!!! see all of you again in a future date(perhaps i'll go in italy....i come to luxembourg and the tree dates of london in december!);it's just me first short comment;see you son for other and pics(but it's just have my phone...as in festival du gaou...); bye!!!! have a wonderful day!!! fanny and the lollipop's family i send all of my pics to sivan for the album,and the in mysapce! the other girls come to home on the evening!
  10. Hi! never too much for mika!! see you soon on luxembourg!! yeah,great for biche and ela!!!! bye! fanny and the lollipop's family
  11. hi!! don't you forget me?????? bouhh!!! add me!add me!! add me!!! please! thanks;fanny
  12. hi hannah; i'm ok! what do you think about some world translate in french??(for the audio's birthday,i spoke to him in french) bye; fanny and the lollipop's family
  13. HI; CATH,i'll go!!!!! see you soon for the gig!!! have sweet dreams! fanny and the lollipop's family
  14. 50minutes in "festival du gaou",pure pleasure!!! mmmm,a winstub after the show,don't you,mika???i now some adress in colmar...i'll wait to tell him after the show!!! as so many people...10 000,waouh,the biggest show for him in france! hope he can't cancelled! sweet dreams! fanny and the lollipop's family
  15. Hi catherine,croce,lollypop,yoppappop,violet_sky and the others! i post my pics in my album;see it on myspace(the link is here http://www.myspace.com/mikaacupofteaplease); they're two albums,i'll put videos after(cause they aren't good and i'll make a medley from those); tell me what you think about my pics(but taken with a phone); bye! fanny and the lollipop's family
  16. hi! i would like to speak in french cause i'm too bad in english to explain that.... ce soir la, nous pensons bien que mika et le groupe sont partis immediatemment(il y avait des rumeurs concernant le groupes,mais il semblerait qu'ils soient tous parti ensemble);pour ces raisons:plusieurs agents(dont certains vraiment cool et sympathique au point de dire qu'ils ont ete francs avec nous) nous ont confirme le depart de trois voitures des les dernieres minutes du concert,lorsque tout le monde attendait le "rappel" qui n'a jamais lieu pour mika!nous n'avons pas vu de voiture "particuliere" par la suite! la sortie de l'ile se faisant par un seul pont,etroit,ils sont partis immediatemment pour ne pas etre bloque comme ce fut le cas jusqu'a point d'heure pour nombre d'entre nous!! d'autres agents nous ont belle et bien dit que le site n'est pas prevu pour faire des seances de dedicace,donc ce ne fut pas prevu par mika sur ce soir la! pour notre part,mon mari et moi-meme sommes vraiment sur qu'ils sont partis immediatemment,nous avons attendu le depart des equipes de securite(50personnes tout de meme!!!!); l'ile fut boucle,les vip quitterent la tente de reception et les camion de materiel sortirent,puis les poubelles...mais rien d'autres!! voila pour mes premieres explication(je suis la perruque blonde....lol);je vous en dit plus plus tard et transmet mes photos des que je peux! bonne soiree! fanny and the lollipop's family
  17. voted for the both! have a good day! bye! fanny
  18. yes,sign me up! you are the largest forum for all of fan of mika in the world ! even if my english isn't well,i try to learn more of mika through your forum! thanks! fanny
  19. hello; you can go to TOULOUSE because it's the largiest room(10 000 places); and i will go to see him in TOULOUSE.it will be so amazing! so, see you soon in france! we organize some meeting before show;what do you think about that ? bye; fanny
  20. We just have to don't care!! lot of star receive this thread! its very diffuclt for the people but they are prepared to receive this when they are famous. queen,Elton John have special sexuallity and are/was great singer;but it's not our problem to know something else about his sexuallity. so, don't care about this, fans are here to take care about him! have a good day; fanny sorry but my english isn't perfect....
  21. not yet; but you can have some by e-bay...and so expansive! good luck! take you ticket very quickly for the october tour in france! bye! fanny
  22. moi moi j'y vais!!!! vous avez vos places j'espere car c'est complet depuis peu...ou alors il faut tenter e-bay ou l'organisateur(ça marche parfois:http://www.ticketsud.com); bonne nuit et a bientot sur la plage....! sea, sun and mika:mf_rosetinted:
  23. comme toutes ses dates en france, c'est complet!!! le festival gaou vient de l'etre aussi!! comme ecrit au dessus, 10 000places, c'est enorme!!!! bravo MIKA, roi de la pop moderne!! bonne nuit! fanny
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