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Everything posted by FOUCHONNERET

  1. Bienvenue alors Mrs Penniman,et amuses-toi bien ici!!! bisoux a tous et bonne journee!
  2. Ok,so sure i'll help you tonight or tomorow if you want(see me on myspace if i wasn't here; to catch me : http://www.myspace.com/mikaacupofteaplease) hope we find what you want! bye
  3. but i don't see england...just so much other country on the top right of the page...but you can choose US for example to have it in english? why don't you try so the fnac.com,i'll help you(you buy immediatly?cause i'l go in a few minutes)
  4. and this one is ok too now for standing tix: http://www.fnacspectacles.com/processreservation/disponibilite.do?codman=PPMIK&seance=0 Try the tix: "Bas" down,low;and "Haut" is high; "presidentiel" is at the right of the stage,"paris" at the left,and "auteuil" in the bottom; it is clear for you or not to choice,or not?
  5. so,do you find your tickets;they're still avalable for standing here: http://www.digitick.com/index.php4?p=205&idEvt=10496&idDis=1&gclid=CNXCjs_uiZECFSPsXgodXEFHrw do you try this one?
  6. great news girls!!!! i i can,i'll drive you to your hotel this time!!!! you have to reserve your seat on "mikacar" now....!!! what about your tickets??
  7. If you want some seating tickets,it's here: http://www.francebillet.com/processreservation/disponibilite.do?codman=PPMIK&seance=0 and you,not this tickets,isn't it? and for "pelouse",it's here for the moment(print your ticket alone): http://www.digitick.com/index.php4?p=205&idEvt=10496&idDis=1&gclid=CLaKuqfdiZECFSNWZwodJFARBA
  8. so have a mikalistick day for your happy birthday!! :trumpet: :yay:
  9. of course; so another idea for some who would come soon in paris,see the accord website, for some "aparthotel"?see all of theme here and decide where you want to stay: http://www.accorhotels.com/fr/reservation/liste_hotels.shtml when you clic on "afficher ces hotels sur la carte",you have a map pf paris and the hotels;what do you think about that?
  10. of course; so another idea for some who would come soon in paris,see the accord website, for some "aparthotel"?see all of theme here and decide where you want to stay: http://www.accorhotels.com/fr/reservation/liste_hotels.shtml
  11. Thanks so much for the post!! he look very well,happy,and always smile,great!!! go to US tour now!!
  12. i'll buy for you a really good wine for the moment if i can,you love white wine like the mika and the band or red wine??? so,omg,i'm now starting to think again.... well,here the information;it isn't a really good hotel,but it's near and not expensive/ Adresse : 12, rue Jacques-henri Lartigue ZAC Garibaldi 92130 ISSY-LES-MOULINEAUX FRANCE Tel : (+33)892680713 Fax : (+33)146383848
  13. i'm happy to stay here....thanks to all for the fabulous pics!!!!
  14. i'll happy to help you again,it's ok for me,but just let me sse the pics of the "fiat 500".... :mf_lustslow:
  15. beacause some of seller say that they aren't so much tickets to sell;omg,i'm afraid about that...sold out now???!!!i suppose they will sell another part of tickets in few days,but we don t know exactlly if yes and when....Take care....if somebody want to take his ticket,take it now and sell it to another member if you couldn't come finally... i find this hotel at 4km of the "parc des princes";if someone is interesting,here the link: http://www.etaphotel.com/etaphotel/fichehotel/fr/etp/2596/fiche_hotel.shtml i go to sleep but feel free to ask some questions for people who come from another country and perhaps don't know france! i hope i could see a lot of members in paris!!! bye!
  16. great kath,you have your tickets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and freddie come,waouhhhhh!!!!! robertina,you should come to see paris with the other members.... for the hotel,some of french's fan come at a cheaper hotel,i'll try to find it. here the link for more information about "parc des princes": http://www.leparcdesprinces.fr/
  17. i think it's finish for us...but not for jemma and all of mfc's members;we just have to waiting now for some report..... :shocked:
  18. hi christine and all of "non speaking frenc";my english isn't very well but i'll try to explain; the concert ins't sold out,they just sell in sevreal parties. neauvais isn't so bad,but it's far of paris...if you want to come with niki,you'll pass the time more quickly from bruxelles! if you have other question,i'm ok,but i'll answer tomorow! sweet dreams!
  19. j'aime cette idee;tu as une reponse???? salut melman92; Oui,mika sera certainement present;il est sur toute les pub tf1 ou plaquette pub;donc je pense que oui; bonne soiree!
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