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Scut Monkey

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Everything posted by Scut Monkey

  1. Awww, what precious little girls he has.
  2. So far so good. *continues reading* I approve of anything with Saranayde. Especially gratuitous womanlove.
  3. Actually, it's not a bad idea. Could you delay it until Wednesday?
  4. Thank you. Don't worry, there's no rush to write more. I just wanted to read what you had saved so far. As for fic suggestions, you could write a fic each with each band member and then make them a "collection".
  5. I have a gym membership and I now have (ugly) bathers to go to the sauna with... but I've yet to do either. There's only so much that external motivation can do, motivation needs to come from myself. But that's the hard part: how do I motivate me? I'll let you know if I ever figure out how.
  6. Yeah, I was going to add the crying smilie to make it look whinier but I forgot the shortcut. Nope. I only accept PayPal.... and slash fics. Trust me, that's by Soangel standards, not by Scut-post-overseas-holiday-plus-pre-uni-starting-splurging-plus-post-breakup-depression-eating-plus-easter-chockies standards. I've never been heavier in my life. I need to start exercising/dieting again. Brilliant.
  7. In his wizard hat of course. That's why they're so pointy.
  8. At this rate I wouldn't be able to fit into your uniform even if I wanted to. But Soy got a PM. *waits for next installment* I do not respond to bribery or flattery. Only money.
  9. *grants you Aussie citizenship* The fact that you felt that you needed to justify your statement in such depth makes me suspect that you're guilty. "I was never really an INXS fan" = citizenship revoked. (But Mika's "INXSex" Freudian slip in the Video Hits interview was amusing. )
  10. No, the Afrikan Queen one was the best. It was a classic. Shameless plug. But yeah, that hair is deffo Michael Hutchence circa 1987.
  11. Luckily you're not 30 yet, eh. I have gone swimsuit shopping lately, to find something to wear so I can use the sauna at the gym. It was more depressing really than motivating. I've never been in worse shape. That fact alone should motivate me yet I still don't really try. Thanks, pass some motivation on to me if you find it. I need it. I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully you'll be back on your feet again. Good luck.
  12. Teegs, why has your number one literary crackwhore not gotten any PM's? Chicken. And I don't mean that Maccas uniforms are sexy. Luke's the lucky one, he's the one who wore our old bras in my dream (read: nightmare). Lookin' forward to it. Isn't the legal drinking age in the US 21?
  13. Yes, Sebastian is my laptop, Mika should be honoured to be associated with the sexy beast that is my black MacBook. My sub-conscious mind clearly has a lot of respect for him: the only thing more degrading than toilet paper from the bottom of my shoe would be if I asked him to sign my boobs. Anyway, when he eventually tours here I'm going to stop whining as I'll have nothing to whine about. I'll go back to being a happy fangurl as I once was. I know, it's hard to believe I ever was. Yeah, even in my dream I was cynical about the time-line. I won't drop dead. I'll be so convinced that he's going to cancel that I won't bother to be shocked or get excited. He doesn't need a loop-hole, just a whiny excuse. I pictured me in a Maccas uniform? It's my dream job, literally, eh.
  14. Blasphemous. No woman with a single straight bone in her body could say that. *confiscates Teeg's Aussie citizenship* That indeed. Despite being not many we've filled this thread with more crap than anyone else. Thanks, it'd be good to know when we can expect it. Or maybe instead you should ask him what his definition of "ASAP" is. Kelzy suggested one:
  15. You dreamed of official-ness and I dreamed of wacky Aussie gig. We spend way too much time here. Yep, we welcome whining with open arms in the true spirit of Mika.
  16. You dreamed about official-ness, I love it. And I dare you to wear your Maccas uniform to one of the days in April.
  17. No we didn't. But they'd be harder for Luke to put on anyway than the bras.
  18. Ouch @ the injuries. A cross-trainer machine is less impact, and so is swimming actually - that's a really good whole body work out. Good luck with your new exercise plan. I can't speak for your case of course but I think that 10 pounds is a pretty easy goal to achieve. I lost 10kg (22 pounds) before but then gained it back in the last year. When I added more to it on top over the summer, making me right now the heaviest I've ever been, I decided that I really need to get in gear again and work it off. Now if only I had the motivation to actually act upon it...
  19. My dreams don't usually make sense: the only other Mika related dream I've ever had was after a festival where I didn't expect to meet Mika so I went to the toilet. For some reason by the time I came out the entire venue was empty and a friend who isn't a Mika fan and Mika were waiting for me and I asked him to sign a piece of toilet paper that was stuck to my shoe because I didn't have anything else and he signed it as "Sebastian". After that me and the friend happily played charades on the empty stage.
  20. I posted this in the Cover Song Fantasies thread but I'll post it here too since you Aussies feature in it. Last night I had a Mika-related dream (which is actually the first dream that I've remembered in several weeks, I don't usually remember them). After 2 years of waiting Mika finally toured Australia and all of the Aussie Mikamites were at his Melbourne concert: me, Kelzy, Soangel, deconstruction, Nico_Collard, Rainbow Sky, Happikali, and some others I can't recall right now. Anyway, the concert went as usual except we threw some feral bras onstage during Love Today and Luke put them on saying something like "I'm at the back, no one will see me anyway". The last song that he played was Stuck In The Middle (which was cool 'cause he sang it in a Dame Edna/Barry Humphreys voice for some reason ). After they finished the song he went "Sh!t! We did the show in only 45 minutes. What should we do now?". After the audience screamed out random crap like "do Hanson's Mmmbop!" they decided to do some INXS covers. First up was Original Sin which I could hear barely anything of despite being in the front row since everyone was screaming/cheering so loudly. Then it was Never Tear Us Apart at the keyboard! Everyone was deadly quiet in awe during this one... except from me, Kelzy and deconstruction in the front row who held each other and cried the whole song through. I remember Soangel standing there looking a bit bored, wearing her Maccas uniform for some reason. Then next one was Devil Inside with Saranayde (who for some reason wasn't there for the rest of the concert but was there for that song), which was super-sexy. At the end of it the front row or two scrambled onto the stage and we danced like maniacs. Then when it was over Mika literally sprinted (he couldn't wait to get away from us, maybe he knew of our after-show plans) and we exited via backstage and left the venue through the stage door, but not without stealing some Evian water bottles first. Then that was it, I woke up. I didn't get to see whether we ended up sarcastically anti-fangurling him after the show or not. Anyway, if dreams are expressions of the sub-conscious mind then it means I have a thing for Stuck In The Middle, drag, bras, Maccas, Saranayde and Michael Hutchence. Which is all true. That is all. You may now return to your regular programming.
  21. Oh sh!t, I forgot to mention my dream last night, it was cover song related. (It's actually the first dream that I've remembered in several weeks, I don't usually remember them). After 2 years of waiting Mika finally toured Australia and all of the Aussie Mikamites were at his Melbourne concert: me, Kelzy, Soangel, deconstruction, Nico_Collard, Rainbow Sky, Happikali, etc. Anyway, the concert went as usual except we threw some feral bras onstage during Love Today and Luke put them on saying something like "I'm at the back, no one will see me anyway". The last song that he played was Stuck In The Middle (which was cool 'cause he sang it in a Dame Edna/Barry Humphreys voice for some reason ). After they finished the song he went "Sh!t! We did the show in only 45 minutes. What should we do now?". After the audience screamed out random crap like "do Hanson's Mmmbop!" they decided to do some INXS covers. First up was Original Sin which I could hear barely anything of despite being in the front row since everyone was screaming/cheering so loudly. Then it was Never Tear Us Apart at the keyboard! Everyone was deadly quiet in awe during this one... except from me, Kelzy and deconstruction in the front row who held each other and cried the whole song through. I remember Soangel standing there looking a bit bored, wearing her Maccas (Aussie slang for McDonalds) uniform for some reason. Then next one was Devil Inside with Saranayde (who for some reason wasn't there for the rest of the concert but was there for that song), which was super-sexy. At the end of it the front row or two scrambled onto the stage and we danced like maniacs. Then when it was over Mika literally sprinted (he couldn't wait to get away from us, maybe he knew of our after-show plans) and we exited via backstage and left the venue through the stage door, but not without stealing some Evian water bottles first. Then that was it, I woke up. I didn't get to see whether we ended up sarcastically anti-fangurling him after the show or not. Anyway, if dreams are expressions of the sub-conscious mind then it means I have a thing for Stuck In The Middle, drag, bras, Maccas, Saranayde and Michael Hutchence. Which is all true. That is all. You may now return to your regular programming....
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