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Scut Monkey

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Everything posted by Scut Monkey

  1. Chill, it's not worth it. Anyway enough Apples have been banned already.
  2. OkD, Teegs just ground your previous MQ attempt to dust.
  3. Yep those and the old lady flashing, and a couple of other things that might get me banned so I won't say them here.
  4. It was funny 'cause I had already thought of most of the things that they commented on.
  5. I don't mind the list format. Just maybe include Appleman somewhere in the title so when I search it'll come up with the other Appleman threads.
  6. I have doubts about that. LT demo indicates that you're too old. And you're not a lesbian.
  7. The joys of internet shopping where there are no receipts. Wow, that was really nice of him. Especially since it was only meant as a joke anyway. I can see where the Apple love of donuts stems from now.
  8. I just watched Video On Trial Grace Kelly now... I f*cking love it. It's over here:
  9. The best is be Mika. No one can whine like him. I'm not sure if it can go away, I doubt it can go ever away completely but check with your doc if they have treatments. The air purifier would help because it would reduce the amount the allergen (i.e. what irritates you) in the house.
  10. Hurrah for that at least. Half-Lebanese men most especially.
  11. If you include twat in the title I will build a fruit shrine. I envision they'd look something like this:
  12. You want crap? I have some. It's EnFa's fault that I found these: Video On Trial: Pro Nails by Kid Sister ft. Kanye West (Babs, you feature at 1:58)Video On Trial: My Love by Justin Timberlake ft. Timbaland Video On Trial: Wake Up Call by Maroon 5 Video On Trial: Ridin' by Chamillionaire It's amazing how low the standard of music is these days. But at least they gave me a really good laugh at 4am yesterday.
  13. 320 hairs. And they'll be blonde 'cause we need to contrast artistically when we cry in the front row to a never-to-be-performed Never Tear Us Apart.
  14. Did you just crack a whiny "Mika hasn't toured Australia yet" joke? Well done, you've learned fast.
  15. I think that the hypocrisy of it all is highlighted here: "I am transgender, legally male, and legally married to Nancy. Unlike those in same-sex marriages, domestic partnerships, or civil unions, Nancy and I are afforded the more than 1,100 federal rights of marriage. To our neighbors, my wife, Nancy, and I don’t appear in the least unusual. To those in the quiet Oregon community where we live, we are viewed just as we are -- a happy couple deeply in love. Our desire to work hard, buy our first home, and start a family was nothing out of the ordinary. That is, until we decided that I would carry our child."
  16. How about "Take Your Appleman and Multiply Him by Four". Oh, wait, did someone else already do that one?
  17. Love it. It's a great look, he needs to try it.
  18. If you're exposed to something for long periods of time you can develop a hypersensitivity to it. It can apply for anything from latex to copper to dog hairs. It's not my fault that he's so damn tall that I'd have to crane my neck to see him. (Or so good-looking that I'd even bother to in the first place.)
  19. I like it, it keeps all camps satisfied: wiz, apples, bappleman, cats, donuts and incognito/innuendo. Except no one will have any clue what it means.
  20. So basically even though we know the answer... Are we there yet?
  21. I'm saving it for a time that I can grill him myself. (Read: become fangurly and say nothing but "omg, I love your music" and develop neck pain from craning my neck to stare at him. )
  22. Are those people immature? Are the easily amused? If so, wooow, I've never seen people like those. Are we there yet?
  23. I finally sold my ticket. ...for $100. Mika, you owe me $40. I accept PayPal. Please send payment within two business days.
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