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Everything posted by sesil17aa

  1. Don't worry, it can't be sooo boring. If it really is, you can remember about "If you were stranded on a desert Island with Mika" thread, that will cheer you up:wink2: Have fun!
  2. Wow, I guess that's cool to hear something like that from your dad! Yeah, maybe there won't be a surprise about the tickets anymore, but it's wonderful to know that he approves what you like and that he is proud of you.
  3. Welcome to the forum! Have lots of fun!
  4. Woah, in Latvia we hear Relax and Love today, but I have only seen two rather short articles about him in newspapers. It seems that nobody's mad here. How can that be?
  5. This is what we call politically correct answer to a tricky question :roftl:
  6. Kind of Don't you accidentally happen to be Mika?
  7. Hmmm...maybe I will be near him in December. And all those card projects are sooo lovely. I might think about that.
  8. No Would you marry a millionaire that you don't love?
  9. Mika-crazy aunt - sounds brilliant lol, I've been planning everything about Mika's gig like crazy for the last week and my mum finally asked me yesterday "Umm, so you really like him?"
  10. Only in this case Mika couldn't bite back
  11. Though it could be hard to eat... anything else than the tip of your fork *ok I didn't really mean that*
  12. I think it was just a joke. Who wouldn't want Mika on all the forks in his house?
  13. I don't know. My friend warned me not to stick Mika's pictures on every fork in my house - she thought my parents would not be satisfied. I wonder why.
  14. You know you're obsessed when your dad sends you to a market and asks you to buy canned fruits and you can't resist buying exactly these
  15. I agree, love it:thumb_yello: It is very emotional, anthem-like and in the end you really want to sing out along.
  16. Haha, I've never heard about Mika on TV... that's cool
  17. This is getting really funny, I guess it is the forth thread about that :roftl:
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