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Everything posted by sesil17aa

  1. I also don't think you have depression. As much as I know, sadness is one of the main symptoms of depression, but if you are just addicted to computer or stay up late, it doesn't mean anything like that, as long as you are happy with it:wink2: I'm pretty sure I have had depression a while ago but now it's ok. I never actually told anybody, only one or two of my friends kinda knew that. Sometimes I really wished someone would take me to a therapist but nobody did that - well, maybe it's my fault because I didn't tell my family. It's ok now, but I know I'm kinda depression-prone and it could come back again, but I hope it's gonna be fine.
  2. Maybe you should ask Suzy, I guess she was the one who got Mika's drink and found out that it was Ribena+water if I'm not mistaken.
  3. Haha, if somebody asked me how many times love is mentioned in LICM, I would say a few. Maybe that's why the songs uplift people so much, because in their unconscious they hear all the time - love love love love love...
  4. She does not sing bad, but I don't like it. Totally different feeling from the original, the song has lost it's meaning in this case. Nobody can sing it like Mika
  5. Wow, I'm sorry I didn't look at this thread earlier. You all said many things that I agree with. I agree that every obsession once comes to an end, I think the limit is about 2 years (although you never jnow, my sister had an obsession with ABBA for about 5 years ). As for my case with Mika, I became obsessed very quickly and I still am. I do not know how long it will lat, but now I'm planning to go to his gig together with my friend although I haven't been abroad without my family - just to see Mika. Yeah, it is kon of escapism to me (I am typical Pisces, you know), all about Mika is so inspiring, so positive. I've addicted to this forum, because people here are so great, friendly, active and creative - I just love all those wonderful gift projects for Mika! I know this will come to an end one day but still I feel that this whole Mika thing has changed my life and also my thoughts about what is important in life. I know I will always search for the feeling that Mika, his music and this forum gave to me. Haha, I arranged my meeting with friend a bit later just to read this thread Hope you understood what I mean although I write quite messy, thanks Suzy and everybody for the great thread
  6. I vote every time I can
  7. I like your threads, they always have something... dunno...fairy-like I am a bit worried about him getting famous so quickly. No that I start having a hope to get to his gig I would extremely sad If I couldn't reach him and talk to him. I wish I knew about him earlier, but let's just see what happens..
  8. Thanks so much about the pictures! I was also afraid that it will not be allowed to take photos there and I won't see how it was. Still I would like to know which drawings are Mika's and which are DaWack's. It is great that there are also sketches so that you can see how the ideas developed. Greeeat
  9. Aaahh, I forgot to square the numbers, doh Thanks, it's clear now
  10. I just like those productive comments
  11. Krk, got a bit confused. Sooo 20,7 cm(visible part) +3*2 cm (border on both sides) =26,7 square cm (the area of the patch that we send) Sorry for nit-picking and asking all the time, I just want to make sure it's correct
  12. Yep, I've also read about this before, although I usually avoid the knitting thread
  13. Emmm... I didn't understand all that's written on the poster... but I suspect that it could be banned if someone tried to translate it
  14. I wonder how many of those works are his and how many are DaWacks? Their both works are there, right?
  15. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! THANKS-FOR-POSTING.... :shocked:
  16. Thanks so much for posting! Looks so nice I wish they would have shown more.
  17. Yep, that's true. When you adore somebody it gives you more inspiration and energy that anything else can give. It's just amazing what a group of people can do - all those amazing cards, greetings etc - when they do it with all their hearts.
  18. Many people really think it's funny that you get very excited about somebody, especially pop-stars, they call it pokemonic and say it can't be taken seriously.
  19. I feel really sorry for those who planned to go to these events. I couldn't get to them myself but I would be just terribly disappointed if I had planned to go. Actually I'm afraid that now we will never be able to predict when the gig happens and when not. I really hope Mika will recover soon and his schedule will be arranged so that neither he is exhausted nor his fans disappointed.
  20. But this is suspicious. Then he is ill, then he is ok...I don't get it. Is he ill or well now??
  21. Caz, I'm seriously hypnotized by your signature
  22. ThatRadFreak, so it's about 21,7 square centimeters, but we have to leave 2 cm plain border, so the whole picture thing is about 19,7 square cm large?
  23. Aah, I guess it's not bigger than the previous though Anyway, I sent it.
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