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Everything posted by lcmlcm

  1. 其實對於我呢d英文不太流利既人... 都冇咩可以比人選擇 不過想認識下其他唔同國家既人... 我個fd話最大娛樂就係夜晚同不同國家既流浪客吹水.... 同埋要自己煮野食... 丫...排行是不跟前後次序的... Madonna紅了咁多年還真不可思議..... 我個fd話頭一二日就話新鮮好食...但之後日日係咁食真係食到佢嘔 :roftl:
  2. the best is yet to know http://www.wahyuenfoods.com/sdp/111988/4/pl-1000264/0-501261.html it's very delicious and healthy!!! *eating kimchi flavor in front of monitor * u mean this? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheatgrass i always drink coz it's claimed to be healthy... *goggle for what's bubble tea in chinese* *found* awwwwwwww!!!!it's one of my fav drink, it's a taiwan drink!!! like eating gummy candy!!!! u miss a lot i can say .... oh, it's not true? then do u eat rice? i really have no idea fish and chips is selling like gold here
  3. haha...just green tea flavor of lolly 50 mark
  4. 所以佢地好夾 XDDDD 如果英文叻可以做waitress.............. 我都驚...有d工真係男仔先好做..eg要爬梯個d....唔好搵命黎博 哈....誇張左d....都仲有包裝...waitress...個d... 但有一樣野...因為個度好熱但太陽好曬, so點都要著長袖衫... PS我岩岩上左discuss...Mika拎左香港IPFI外語碟top 10呀!!!!! 雖然我諗得其實得一萬幾千... .Confessions Live - Madonna .The Best Damn Thing - Avril Lavigne .Not Too Late - Norah Jones .Mintes To Midnight - Linkin Park .All The Lost Souls - Jame Blunt .Live In Cartoon Motion - MIKA .The Love Album - Westlife .One Chance - Paul Potts .Long Road Out of Eden - Eagles
  5. 哈哈, 講得還很對! 就算香港咁細...我都仲有好多未去過!!! 其實如果可以的話岩岩畢業去就最好! 一來無負擔, 當一個gap year, 之後先去做野, 個人會成熟好多 人愈大, 再要放低既野就好多, 起碼而家做緊部工...仲有未來一年既人工... 不過最大都係一個決心, 英文唔洗好叻, 錢唔洗好多 一生人得一次機會(其實可以去三次, 仲可以去AUS同Ireland, 不過我唔會lu~) 工作要自己找......我朋友去過話大把工貼係hostel... 睇下你想唔想做o者, 真係體力勞動既工黎=P 應該十月尾會去....不過我同我朋友都話未到最後一刻都唔知係咪真係去得成 不過四月一號會搞Visa了 有個目標比自己瘋狂一下都不錯!!!!好過洗埋d無無謂謂既野 其實total有四個人, 另外兩個係fd既fd.....可能去到兩pair人各自散 然後我個fd又唔想去咁耐.....so可能佢話番黎先 咁之後就我自己一個人慢慢玩...
  6. ok, give u some hints tip 1: green in color tip 2: good to health tip 3: Mika would love it
  7. 睇report時成日都好羨慕點解個d人咁鬼易去另外一個國家... 但我地亞洲fans就要考慮一大輪, 儲一大筆錢先得 不過佢地真係好癲...就算Mika連開四日...我諗我又唔會睇哂咁多場... 我最多睇頭尾 我同你初初對NZ既印象都差唔多 XDDD 因為我有朋友已經去完番黎, 佢又講到好好玩唔捨得走云云... 我又成日睇人地去完working holiday既blog... 睇得多你就會好想去架啦... 其實原本去唔成...因為我驚驚地一個人去...(其實最好係一個人去 ) 我個fd因同佢拍左七年既bf分手...佢想散心...so我先去得成...... 睇下http://paper.wenweipo.com/2007/10/03/RW0710030001.htm 仲有法國
  8. then who's the most suspicious? detective pink? :roftl: who knows dun forget he had a lot in his gallery
  9. 唔可以用有勇氣黎形容我, 我只係一個唔識死, 不理後果既死o靚妹(仲o靚?!) 我聽過有人洗哂d錢搞到冇錢要番香港...我亦聽過有人賺到一筆番香港, 因為個邊時薪好高, so要睇我點做化了.... 政治, 宗教呢d真係唔識講....太敏感...好容易踩到人家既界限 對對, 有想過去日本, 只是想過.... 我還從未去過日本啊!!! http://www.nzbible.com/news.htm 我已經睇熟本nz bible XDDDDD only see the pic on the internet make me i cant wait to see in my eyes, walk in my foot, and feel of the nature in my heart XDDDDD 我:follow what i say mika, 我愛你 Mika:鵝哀尼(XDDd!!!) 我:Me too start worrying..... yup...everyone's busy? or still in the sleep?? XDDDDD
  10. nevermind, doesn't matter my feeling is not so easily hurt too much money spend on postage is kinda waste if u ask me..... i cant accept either, why can be so costly?? the postage i send from HK to all the place (scotand,slovenia,poland) is under US$16
  11. yes yes yes!! everywhere!! http://www.jusco.com.hk/chi/10_plaza/index.htm#hotitem it likes a paradise to me everything's $10 HK dollar!!!! (errr...actually there are some $20, $30 now... )
  12. 你d廣東話真係好親切XDDDD 因為我係"勇"員(突然間唔記得點打.....) so 大把時間睇....不過做埋今個月.....個下temp job之後就等去流浪 yeah! 背囊友 哈哈....其實唔好玩, 不過想體驗下每日五點起身...九點訓覺... 摘下士多啤利咁...其實係去做苦工... 湯唯都係....拍拍下戲都會比封殺 佢上個月先係香港開完concert 今日睇到d新聞都. ...唉... 都唔知邊個岩邊個錯 so...how is the result?
  13. im totally ok i would treat her well HI, my new partner, I live in Hong Kong =) $80??????????that's lots of money u can withdraw if u want , i really dun mind is that Jackie Chan movie? XDDDDD
  14. errrr....sorry to interrupt....your pm is full
  15. no , so that's the fun part maybe , because there is sogo supermarket here =P i saw this before!!!!!!!! awwww....i made up the name
  16. it's not anything suprising to me.... they even block Hong Kong newspaper site...HK radio site...
  17. i wrote "snack, candies, chocolate" on the paper Let's see your MM receive first, or i receive first oh, but it's easter after 3 days... what???? my post count's over 1000...i didn't really notice...
  18. 就係"打工度假計劃", 一邊打工一邊度假 襯三十歲前申請 XDDD 我聽說台灣很受歡迎的, 有部分我都在台灣forum找資料 其實我本人對Aus感興趣多d, 好玩d 但我朋友又想去NZ, 因為佢就係想遠離城市, 搵一個同香港完全唔同既地方...香港太大壓力喇 什麼語言都有!!!!勁!!!! 仲要大部份人都識兩至三種語言以上.....犀利
  19. 我又黎喇 MQ Queen XDDDD 你好嗎? i can read those 漢字 only... waiting for mika touring Asia 最恐怖真係最算離開左電腦, 你個腦都仲係諗緊佢.... 真係多得佢唔少 但佢又真係咁迷人, 咁完美.... 其實我覺得睇還可以....但寫就仍然好差..... 係啦 所以我睇得好慢...學下vocab 不如我地post下d學識左既vocab 係度丫 容易記得d XDDDD 仲有有時有d post 成千字個d我又好鍾意睇 睇下佢地argue我都覺得好有趣 我真係從未見過有個fan forum咁好玩... Welcome! 我今年年底會去NZ 流浪呀 (如無意外的話...XDDD) 而家搵緊資料, NZ真係好鬼靚
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