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Everything posted by lcmlcm

  1. wow, i dun know he's really into yoga! i actually know someone go to India as a soul searching, enlightment trip and master his yoga practice for half year! India is the place coz it's origin of Yoga!
  2. u have potential to be a reporter
  3. i love MM too!!! the process of preparing the stuff, and then waiting for MM sending out and arriving just make me feel so exciting!!! =P my mm3 still didnt arrive >_< u are defo crazier than me yr house is soooooooo big !! and yr dog is so curious XDDDD mika ate them?actually what's it?i never heard it... and ..........u tasted bird seeds before? XDDDD wow!very lovely keychain! and u too the idea of exchanging mag is good too, most of time i only read the mag once and seldom read the texts.... it's fun to read about fashion/gossip/skincare column in the mag from other countries , it's so different sometimes =p
  4. wow, 今日終於last day了... 一份做左超過六年既工...今日終於來個了斷 沒有不捨.....只有興奮 其實今日好累....尋日做了十一小時parttime.. 今日主要執拾的工作... 臨走前老細問有沒有執漏呀... 我笑著答:沒有了...應該.....bye bye... 咁就走了.. 還襯今日食左碗炸醬酸辣米線+土匪雞翼, 我愛上食米線都是因為呢間鋪頭... ...基本上以後都很少會再來這區了... 仲特登搭巴士歸家tim...(呢個唔關事....只係知道今朝燒左十架巴士想搭下 , 我平時搭開西鐵 ) 好了, 今晚準備報visa先~~~~因為四月一日既凌晨開始報
  5. how about puting some marshmallow in it? it's very light
  6. good try it's cantonese mixed with english or chiguish?> hahaha... i dun know why u mean i guess u want to eat 辣雞+幼麵+不要菜....... haha....估不到.... u make me hungry too...
  7. 我好像沒有說過...應該係半年至一年........ 機票都成七八千(台幣三萬五至四萬) 當然去耐一點啦 咁難得機會 因為我應該都唔會再去啦XDDDD 其實我想辭很久很久了...我現在的工作真的沒有前途..... 所以對我來說, 今年是去是最好 有d咁既事????????? 講得岩 我地係度講中文粗口佢地都唔知啦XDDDD 先聲明我不會講XDDDD 如果我係個user一定心痛死了 百幾個file一野delete哂 你好呀, u learn chinese?? 我不是太明白"一步一个冰雹".....哈哈! *kiss*
  8. agreeeeeee! this is the box from my partner XDDDD i like the idea of recycling me too, if u let me choose, i wont take candy and chocolate so why i would join this project???haha.... shamelessly i admit...hehe... i really feel im in heaven when i taste the crispssssssss!! XDDDDDDDD it's very yummy!! i only told my partners that all i want to get is CHIPSSSSSS!! i dun know she really know my preference XDDDDDDDD i dun know too...doo dads? if u have more spare time, u can decorate with many mika pictures, like someone XDDDDDDDD actually it's fun this's my way =P picturesssssssss (before eating up) XDDDDDDDD
  9. ok here's my MM from wolfs_cry! it's a sea of CHIPSSSSSSS i warn u !! i can't stop giggling when i saw the chipssssssssssss! 12 packs of walker corn snack!!!! hot / beef / onion 10 packs of tesco crispssssssss!!!!!! cheese & onion / salted / chilli / steak & onion a big pack thai swet chilli of walker !!!!!!! ahhh!!!! and popcorn, i just ate it, it's f*****g yummy!!!! and others look very delicious too !!!!! my sister's seeing me as crazy.....well u cant know how i feel if ure not a chip addict XDDDDDDDDD i nd to calm down a bit....... forget to say, i stole the smilies from smilies thread XDDDD
  10. are scotland and UK similar???? then hang oooooooooooooooooooon!ive got my mika mailllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll! :mf_lustslow: woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo t! when i just read the word BIG, i already know what u mean
  11. 我絕對係一名方向白痴...我都有d驚迷路... 所以我一定會做好reseach先安心去!!!! 係呢...好似爭廁所沖涼呢d芝麻小事都可以搞到好煩...... 我fd岩岩好完泰國....可以用不歡而散黎形容...... 一個想去shopping另一個想去戶外玩.... 所以一個人有一個人好玩既.... 其實去旅行都係想開心者~~~ yeah~~take it easy~ 我份full time下個星期一就last day了... 之後會放一個悠長假期比自己叉叉電...每個人既反應都係 我就 (電視重播緊long vacation好應景...哈哈...)
  12. http://www.verybestbaking.com/products/carnation/evap/default.aspx http://www.verybestbaking.com/products/carnation/sweet/default.aspx milk thats sour is called yogurt we mix the condensed milk with Ovaltine / Horlicks icecream is supposed to be sweet i like Tofu icecream
  13. it's (canned) litchi i saw it at sogo supermarket before!!!!!!!!!!! then i know who's Bianca................... well yes she is cost about US$230 for 1 good taste XDDDD yes, just condensed milk is more thick and sweet how condensed milk is used in JP? i just eat it with bread / soda cracker
  14. writing songs is not like sit down and melody comes out finding inspiration is the process of working
  15. how about fruits eating with evaporated milk? it's very yummy !!!! :punk:
  16. http://exodus.interoutemediaservices.com/dyn/98673a2d-2f56-41bd-9c83-c96c5e1fd451/download/id/default.aspx/biz41.mp3
  17. haha.....sweet mix with salty........ In thailand custom, Mango / Guava is with sugar absolutely more tasty
  18. wow, so efficient and i just bought some snacks today...again.... so im ready !! dun cry for me Argentina............ wow~~~~ me too, when i get my MM, i dun know which i taste first , so i taste a bit every pack how long do u think u can finish? im still not yet mine still didn't arrive...
  19. wow!!! most of the pic i never seen before why there's a pic he felt like screaming??????
  20. where is that? the ceiling is so cool
  21. wow, so nice of him and thanks for his news :mf_lustslow: wonder when we can see his new hair
  22. yeah! and my MM must be already arrived (easter's over!!), hope i can take it after work
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