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Everything posted by lcmlcm

  1. 很久冇上來了^_^" 講起mikamail..我冇理過我個partner...XDDD 佢女友唔係一齊上堂...不過一早黎左接放學... 哈哈...其實咁耐我差d唔記得呢單野XDD 不過之後睇到converse個廣告睇到林一峰即刻覺得好似Leo啊 XDD 我比張合照我d fd睇...佢地睇到都話..下你撞到林一峰?...XDDDDDDDDDDDD 其實呢條thread應該係cantonese thread XDDD hmmm...mika真係好nice:wub2: 好鍾意佢著d好sharp..就好似呢條青BB褲 有其母必有其子 我冇車牌...我都諗緊學唔學呢..但我覺得我學野能力好差.. 無論跳舞..游水...煮野食都學唔識...==" 有時我看一些台灣節目..主持人有時會突然轉channel講一些不是國語的語言...(和中文subtitle不一樣...)是台語嗎????..... 你們真的超幸運啊!!!!!!!! 只是看他的眼睛我想我會昏倒!! 看了你的blog, 你拍的照不錯啊, 另一樣我希望在去NZ之前做到的就是學攝影呢! 現在我買一部新相機...去NZ時影....但又不能太大部...我驚會弄丟.... 那部好呢.......? 我一直想寫英文BLOG...因為我的英文太爛...生疏了很多... 每日練習才會進步....但不知怎麼我打東西很慢....常常打一篇文章or覆人家email..要用上大半天.....==" Cd rom即是read only.......哈哈.. 之前佢tour個排真係分分秒秒部住MFC... 搞到兩三點...身體真的差了很多....我不想暴斃啊 好彩呢排mika休息緊...咁我易d脫離MFC...get back to my real life..哈..
  2. http://www.towngas.com/tgweb/eng/cooking/recipes_content.asp?con=74& try it
  3. 係啦平時d fd見我對男仔斯斯文文...突然變得咁主動XDDDDD 我諗起佢都 第一日我同佢一組 之後其中一個task係班中揀覺得最吸引既人...我揀左佢...仲話"你好似林一峰呀,,佢係我偶像呀!!!" 然後每一次見到佢我都話你真係好似呀....你地真係冇關係???佢都係姓林...然後我話我都係姓林架... 然後又lay係我d fd後面同我d fd講係咪好似呀...係咪好似呀...XDDDD 之後佢hip hop look上堂跳hip hop...哇....間直攞我命 然後其中一part要hug人...(dun get wrong...上完你就會發覺其實冇野架...mika都成日攬人啦...\^O^/) 但我唔係同佢part...so...臨尾我都問左佢話想攬攬佢 然後last day諗住同佢影相...點知我以為佢走左....勁冇mood準備執野走... 突然有把聲係我後面話:做咁咩呀你.....原來係佢喎!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 哇!!!!!我即刻捉住佢隻手話:唉吔...以為你走左tim....我要同你影相!!!!!!!! 然後佢話其實佢剪左頭髮之後冇咁似....我話你同佢個走luv一模一樣呀!!!!!!!!!!! 好彩佢女友行開左...如果唔係實睇到眼花爆XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 希望唔好比我fd睇到....佢實打死我XDDDD 其實有d野唔講得架...但呢個經歷實在...
  4. nono...係leo ku呀..... 同埋我係去NZ呀...XDDD 類似NLP呀...什麼飛躍之旅個類course..... 咩人都有架...我地個班最後生十九歲到最老五十七歲都有......... 其中一part要跳舞...原來佢識跳jazz..hip hop個d... :wub2: 哈哈..我唔知係咪個邊物價乜都貴定乜....當然佢地人工應該都高d...so冇得咁比較.... 但佢地d郵費貴到我眼突...o_O 之前有個係美國寄香港竟然要$600..........我寄去咪頂多$200........ 可能我寄又唔係太重....最多一斤多d...我寄個d國家...都係around 百一至百四.... 我玩完先知其實香港真係有好多特別既野食架.... 你想要咩同partner溝通下啦....我話要薯片...佢真係寄左十幾廿包比我.... 不過我發覺到一樣野就係...無論任何國家....好多人收到個d stuff都話朱古力同糖太甜... 所以我建議你request其他野好過....
  5. that's why i love Japan!!! is it eatable? how about fried banana, fried milk, fried soft shell crab i saw too:mf_rosetinted: my love again....
  6. Leo..keke..........那時我應該走了XD~ 宜家淨係做parttime...同埋其實上個禮拜開始上一個course... 呢個course真係犀利到呢...... 佢係密集式連上五日...然後break一日又番一日...又break一日又番一日...琴日終於上完..........!!!!!!!!!!!YES!!!!! 呢個course係關於人生...我諗我咁大個女都未試過咁深感受.... 我只可以話係充滿眼淚同愛既course...(哈哈!很嘔XD~) 同埋真係要知道自己既目標, 但我始終都係班中最hea o個個.... 我最想講係其中一位buddy激似林一峰!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 呢五日我都都好似fangir咁成日l昅住佢XDDD, 又當面話佢好靚仔~呵呵.... 而且跳舞又係勁掂個d!!!!parttime TVB dancer!!wow!可惜人家有女友T_T 不過呢幾日我都攬左佢一下 (for mika_baby, 意思即係hug =P:blush-anim-cl: )同埋同佢影左相!!!YEAH! 佢又係叫Leo~=D http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7429 好好玩架...就係share零食...你寄比我我寄比你~ 我收到斯洛文尼亞/愛爾蘭/波蘭既零食, yummy! 其實我上親sina部機都好似就hang............. 我上親大陸搵news....都好鬼驚hang.....點解可以擺咁多野落一頁度架,,, http://news.sina.com.cn/ 對對!!但真他的太特別了 那時我真的睇完又睇,睇完又睇,睇完又睇XDD 下.................唔係買碟就有得送個咩???? 個時我仲未中意Mika...V______V wow~第三行
  7. YEAH! U should learn some, it's an interesting language ^^ 剛剛電視上看到Mika同Eason坐係一齊做訪問....北京o個個 Mika個樣好搞笑....一臉茫然...HAHA! 初初Mika宣傳...係有英國Eason...或之稱香港MIKA.....=_=" Mika作既歌咁高難度....真係唔知邊個唱得黎... 好呀, 昨天又差點遲到.... 最衰MIKA!!!!-__-" 昨天睇緊蘋果日報既時候...有關Eason既報導....旁邊那是MIKA嗎???!!! 下...完全不知道他在北京...還有出席節目...... 便勁找他的pic及vids..........找了很久.....貼完便閃走了~ 我真的會dup在mp3機里聽他的訪問呢.... 棒棒堂我是在找Mika既vid時發現的... 說真, 當時覺得他們不錯的說...唔唔 但之後他們每次來香港看到一眾fangirl瘋子似的..便開始反感...so主要原因不明 reality show真的很容易令人一夜成名....但我都相信他們真的很有實力才能勝出.....但同時又會害了他們...熱情過後........................ 香港目前還未有任何reality show...我都有點期待看的說 還未plan呢, 不過我fd常說要帶我去食好野..XDDD.. 她去了兩次仍想去...哈! 很多...但我不知叫什麼... 只知大雞大...蚵仔麵線...肉燥....yummy... 香港一個商場會搞台灣節, 2..但沒有時間去.... 係呢...之前MikaMail都chat了很多....忽然過千....... 大部分reply都在news同Mika乜pic.... 我發夢都發過MIKA, 一齊痴吧 真的!!!!!!! 我看親電視都是台灣藝人來香港.....然後就一班fangirl蜂擁而上...心想係咪痴架.......=_= (雖然如果我見到Mika都會=P) 不過怪就怪在香港既藝人....大部份又不睇得又不唱得又不跳得....唉.... 古巨基!!!yeah!佢係香港少有唱live唱得好既歌星 講起818...我有個朋友都係818... 佢82年...但Mika個樣大佢好多XDDDDDDDD 其實我除左Mika..仲鍾意林一峰...他不錯的XDDDD 咦?好英式咩??? 我聽bbc radio..Chris moyles..Jo Whiley..個d就真係好英式喇 http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/djs/ 佢地d英文真係好難聽懂.......... 多謝你.. 我初初真的信以為真...MIKA竟然有飛機牌?!~_~" 義大利拍的?那里...太笨...找不到... yeah世界咁大, 很多地方都想見識下 對對...我朋友常說S.H.E很捧, 我想說MIKA更捧, 但就是對大家的偶像喜愛不來....不要勉強了XDDD o係北京讀書我聽過下...但有個妹香港呢個真係未聽過.... D vid我自己都未睇....哈! 我都好驚訝佢失驚無神黎左北京...真係經過香港都未定喎XDDD 我成日想打番好d書面語 打打下又變回白話XDDDD 記得有次一個自由行問路...我嘗試用我很爛的國語答... 她說:你還是說白話好了......-__- 這個我自己看得比較心水清... 一係宣傳..一係搵錢.... 好似world tour個d....只係工作地點其中一站... 記者常常問d歌星幾時來香港開演唱會 我心想:有錢請..有sponsor咪得lor...=_=" 18萬港元 ?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!咁平????????!!!!!!!!!!!! 同軟硬咪都差唔多????我以為要幾十萬tim...... 但d飛都幾貴下...郁下都$680........ 下???!!!咩事咩事???!!...轉頭去睇!!!!!!!! 我而家第一時間睇呢條thread!XDDD 不過中國而家真係幾敏感... 講真我心諗關奧運咩事呀.......... 外國人事威個班...知唔知自己做緊乜架.... 好似佢地先係引起暴亂個班.... 我會係香港火炬接捧幫手(幫手企=_=) 希望到時冇咩發生啦.... 仲有咩teriyaki boyz...N.E.R.D... 冇興趣==" 係呢度既特式之一... 任何野都比佢地講度negative...=-=" 點解佢地諗野可以咁唔同..... 長篇大論可以講d似是而非既野..... that's why我鍾意呢度XDDDD mika....但真係佢走左之後...我冇係電台聽到佢既歌...... 希望佢同Eason合作得成啦!咁會多d人識......... 今朝換了拉闊飛 希望唔洗做野去得成==" 5萬.......好似少了點....不過佢又算新人... 哈..我不知價........
  8. here is his interview @ sina.com.cn http://video.sina.com.cn/ent/y/2008-04-10/101713435.shtml http://video.sina.com.cn/ent/y/2008-04-09/154213381.shtml http://video.sina.com.cn/ent/y/2008-04-10/101513433.shtml this is transcript and pic....... http://ent.sina.com.cn/y/2008-04-09/17201980462.shtml his new hairstyle ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EDIT: Here are lcmlcm's videos on YouTube: (Mika mentions MFC at 4:13) (The second link isn't working for me...is anyone else having better luck?) (PS: The audio sync is off - sorry about that, but at least they should play!) I can't get the second link to work at all - maybe someone else might have better luck with this one? ~lollipop_monkey (Mana) ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. He was a secret guest to present the highest honor award to HK singer Eason Chen !! my english translation pretty sucks...so i use online translation instead....... "In promulgation honored guest, most special nothing better than from Britain's human spirit singer Mika, because the younger sister studies abroad in China, Mika visits relatives the status first time to arrive at the China, the result “is grasped by the company the promulgation honored guest who the recruit” holds the post this promulgation ritual. He just came on stage then teases with the stage under honored guest, the audience said: “my standard spoken Chinese is not good, has the place which anything speaks incorrectly, asks everybody very much to forgive.”But when promulgation Mika said the award item name with the standard standard spoken Chinese, but also practiced to Eason Chen to speak Cantonese specially “to congratulate” two characters, these Chinese he might not work hard by no means that the director was sharp-eyed had discovered in his control recorded the award item name “slightly to copy”.    Because Eason Chen then recommends Mika whoever before the phonograph record, therefore feels regarding the Mika arrival is excited, said that is completely an accident is pleasantly surprised, and expressed that the hope will have the opportunity in the future with it cooperation." vid:http://video.sina.com.cn/ent/y/2008-04-09/150513378.shtml http://video.sina.com.cn/ent/y/2008-04-09/134213344.shtml
  10. EXACTLY!!!!!! 其實佢算係美式口音!OK易聽 我十月先去....so冇咁早plan定.... 而我個fd去完佢d野未丟, 佢會比我, 正, 唔洗買XDDD 不過遲d要拎埋存款證明(要有NZ$4000係銀行) 其實你轉頭拎番出黎都得, 佢唔係捉得咁緊 XDDDDD 同埋而家睇定currency, 襯低入定先!!!又有利息!!!六月打後我諗要對6.3...... 你去過很多地方啊!!!!!!!!!! 我想去吳哥窟!!!!是不是因為花樣年華????!!!XDDDDD 吳尊............死了...不知怎的, 我很討厭台灣組合..sorry...尤其捧捧堂 我一早知道有他們存在.....因為佢地有個節目好似扮MIKA? re到有少少頭暈, 哈哈! 現在又要走了!!! YUMMY YUMMY 我覺得台灣的美食更捧 我電視看見的都是台灣獨有!!!! 去完NZ下站便是台灣XDDD 來自我MikaMail partner 我覺得超好味!!真係成杯芝士!!! 香港唔見有既??!!! 死死死!!!!!!!!遲到了遲到了!!!
  11. 我估中了, 哈! 因為我記得有中文subtitle.... 而且未見有其他version 真的很可愛...我是由呢幾個vid開始知道Mika原來咁鍾意作野XDDDD 如果全部傳上myspace便好了... 一係我pm我個email address比你send比我 定upload去sendspace個d......等我dl做放出來....... 真的超期待同希望合作成功 我諗Mika不是隨便寫歌給其他歌手, 就像之前的boyzone......... 不知為什麼現在每看Eason, 都很有Mika影子, 傻了 hostel有notice board貼出來的, 而且YMCA會幫你, 基本上當地人唔做個d大把你做 除非失收........ 我淨係知同一份工唔可以超過三個月.... 睇睇http://www.travellife.org/viewthread.php?tid=4344 係呢, 哈哈 基本上我直頭唔睇, 只係立下個title, 哈哈, 我連mug都唔知乜黎XDDD 除非一d得意既topic...我就會睇黎學英文..XDDD 對對, 但有時睇得太多又唔係咁好, 我成日睇人地個流浪blog...搞到好似自己去左, 冇左個驚喜 呢個thread太少人了!!!! 我開始忙做其他野...不能像以前做勇員時般逗留太耐... 隨便搭訕啦 哈哈...有個問題想問好耐...點解quote里面有d字會斜有d又正常O_o?
  12. this one is stunning, i love the way he enjoyed himself stop showing off!!! :roftl: am i the only one who prefer slim Mika?
  13. 唔知真定假 :blink: copy "陳奕迅本年度廣東大碟將於10月頭推出 據了解,eason今次大碟的歌曲將會全由其他唱作人作曲 現時eason決定食老本揾番上年合作過既周董 同時亦成功向阿信(五月天),曹格,哈林,王苑之,信(信樂團)邀歌 據知五月天的信更完成作品! 但最值得期待是,eason在上年"ltec"的"滑鐵盧車站"找來外國樂隊作曲 今年更因同是環球公司之緣故,有幸得mika為他作曲的機會,更經確實!"
  14. he bend so hard who's the guy behind him????? he was scatching his hair i love his hair like this
  15. she can reply 10+ppl in one post
  16. OMG that's terrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shocked: were they out of their mind? were they happy with this??????????!!! I dun get them??? moron!!!!!!!!! they should be sent to jail!!!!!!!!!!! :rocket: take care of yourself
  17. errrrrrrrr....the yellow in color ones(milky sweet) in front of the bag XDDDD she gave me alot! about 15-20 sweets.... i only ate one and my mum took all
  18. what???????????!!! i still love him even he's bald:roftl:
  19. we only use long chinese actually i just know how to read simplified chinese a few years ago as the book in simplified chinese is WAY cheap!!!!!!!!!! i nd to learn Visa已搞掂! 今日又照完肺! 十月應該順利起行! (下...咁早申請?!) 驚爆quoto嘛! XDDDD yeah!真的好食! 呢度最好就係食得方便, 乜國家既野食都有 今日食左牛肉飯+小丸子 sorry...我太無聊....乜都影一餐.....XDDDD 我有排都未去~yo! 不過減少上MFC就真的...... 不想太過浪費時間..... 是不是那個 5 facts about mika之類?????????????????? 我想要呀 youtube特別煩的....放係56.com/tudou/myspace安全d:biggrin2:
  20. i never get tired with this pic :wub2:
  21. u are so sloooooooooooooooooooooow! i already received my third MM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHIPPPPPPPPPSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! it's my main food !!!XDDDD i was very thrilled when i opened the box!!!dun know why my mum also felt very excited she took most of my chocolate bar !!!!though i will give her anyway coz it seems very sweet...XDDDD why we give all the sweet stuff to mum???^_^" we are such bad daughters XDDDD actually my mum grabbed the chips but i said "no!!!!! not this , (pt to the chocolate bars)these are better!! XDDDDD) (click to enlarge) below is the tour mini book of Warszawa (Poland) , and next to it is chocolate with marshmallow inside yummy ! ^_________^ and can u see the confetti????yes it's from the london gig!!!!!!!! wooTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!! !!!feel like i was there!!!!!!!MIKA!!MIKA!! thanks Kamila & Iwona \^0^/
  22. u didnt watch this? http://youtube.com/watch?v=iyfvig7OHO4 i think he doenst want to show in front of ppl, me either, it's stupid and it's not something for show off (??!!) i only do that at home / during my yoga class
  23. ok, i'd answer this, u both are i saw your garden!!!*jealous* i had the same idea for my mm4 in HK, i think only ppl who had 10 millions can live the house like u.... our house is not a house, it's a flat..... our kitchen is hell small like this http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=K0T812XvCds warn!naked man XDDDD The Holiday!!! i think u wanna die if u live my place, its like a trash !! i see kitkat haha...no...i guess it's kitkat PS:why i nd to deduct my smilies everytime .....................only use 7 images is not enough -_-"
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