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Everything posted by lcmlcm

  1. yeah, me too...i just knew it was Pink's idea 2 days ago... my first reaction is "WHAT???hahaha...funny...:lol3:" when i think of the whole thing on the thread.... she was really covering up and leading us in wrong direction but i think it's just a harmless joke, she spent buying 660 lollies.................................. first , at least this intention is good to some extent.... errr....no second... i believe she's just a bit naughty, and has a bit crazier mind than normal ppl WHAT????he's male????
  2. 係架, 搵d志同道合既人一齊仲好玩, 我個fd去完好耐番黎都仲同個d人keep到contact 哈哈, 其實我有少少驚...我同我fd去會唔會鬧哂交咁番黎香港....XDDDD 仲要學下點同其他人相處, 廚房...toilet都要同其他人share 同一班完全唔識既人由唔fd玩到fd呢d真係好難得既經驗黎 我都係 臨訓上多次無端又得, 頂頂...聽日要番工 我要戒MFC呀......
  3. Welcome Back behave yourself !! and keep creating some interesting thread!!!! yeah, and i believe ppl here are nice ppl with good heart
  4. yeah...kind of....hope she takes thing more seriously this time well done, FD! Case closed ?! errrrrr....
  5. dun u see my similies? i want to keep Mika in my title i dun care what is Easter, i just care how many public holidays i get :roftl: U and pink
  6. she's the one who create the mystery? haha...... wow, i start to admire her i mean it she started a game!!! then we all know what's going on, right? if the fact is disclosed by herself, i think it's totally different story, it's fun, isn't it? she's just a bit naughty but she carelessly fall into her own trap.... get pink backkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!! we nd someone who's creative as u!!!!!!
  7. oh update IE can help?coz my computer can read all characters all over the world, like japanese, korean........ though i dun know the language... 世事冇絕對 我一路都以為呢個只係我既妄想tim... 我講比我個fd個時佢都話一定一定唔會去, 唔會放棄而家份(人)工.... 唔可以skip 夜晚讀書... 一年後竟然.... 不過17真係細得滯...遲多幾年啦...or 同同學去自由行下其他地方, 當實習下先都得... 其實真係睇人...如果你夠active夠大膽就唔洗驚 我個fd會完全自己去自己番....係o個度識其他backparker一齊遊 玩到咁上下就各自散, 之後又同另一批人玩, 其實咁先真正體驗lor.. 再唔係, 我見forum都有人搵partner一齊係香港去...
  8. :mf_lustslow: i feel that he was a bit shy in front of telly Bruce Lee's son???
  9. wow, geniusssssssss your handwriting is pretty well Pink must be rest *she must be coming back* errr...no!!! u idiot u foreign people even spelt wrong foreign word XDDDD how's my custom title? i can't delete Mika in my title :blush-anim-cl:
  10. :punk: hopes im not too late add my name plzzzzzzzzzz
  11. that's likely to be happened........ coz that's her character............ she should be labeled as dangerous person then :roftl:
  12. agreeeeeeeeee she just cant control herself swearing like mika............o_O yup, Petra had experience me too they do it so harsh coz it's her third time..........? :tears:
  13. 出年alevel...我知你幾歲了...哈...我諗呢度我最大.. 其實我個fd都仲未講比屋企知..哈哈.. 佢話臨去先講...仲話講去三個月...去左先算...哇哈哈!!佢真係..... 我個去完打工既fd話NZ治安超好, 人又勁nice, so唔洗太擔心 不過壞人度度有, 危險度度都會發生, 我都顧唔得咁多... 哈..絕對唔會, 因為個個都係睇youtube出事.... 我真係未見過cute得黎又搞笑又咁有sense既歌星, 第一樣吸引我既地方就係佢既personality HAPPY EASTER Everyone~~~~~~! 死..我淨係re呢條thread打左成個幾鐘
  14. 所有原味既野我都唔會揀...哈哈... 我d fd唔中意食薯片..唔食spicy野....我覺得佢地間直係異品.. XDDDDD 不過我諗如果我天生唔中意食呢d野, 咁我就唔洗戒都咁辛苦.... 就係呢個問題....我同我fd係度嘈... 一野去咁extreme既地方..... 三個月日日淨係對住d花草樹木...我驚會悶死....哈哈 香港實在太方便..食野買野落街搞掂..高效率!!! 澳洲應該會城市d...好玩d....不過算.... 我當係一個心靈之旅...健康之旅...XDDDDD 比我思考一下我既人生....改變一下我夜訓既習慣...XDDDD so我諗我會中意NZ呢個地方 人有咁多年..無理由住同一個地方一世, 間唔屎感受下其他地方都幾好... 一諗起Xmas o係個邊過, countdown又o係個邊過, 哈哈, 超興奮!!! 但如果一世就咪喇XDDDDDDDDDD hi i wonder u know simplified chinese or traditional chinese or cantonese.....haha... i feel a bit shamed that foreigners can even speak fluent putonghua than us.... yeahhhh...chinese ppl are everywhere...XDDD 我都唔知今日係復活節正日...哈哈... 我都唔太理...有紅假就得..XDDD 雖然我都要番parttime 講起myspace...明明我上年申請左...諗任整靚佢然後add mika.... 但整整下又擺左係度...冇理tim... 我好中意discuss d smilies.... 但好憎個度d人..haha...
  15. 2箱薯片!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (不過原味同洋芋我都麻麻...哈!pizza味同芝士味先係我至愛 ) 呢個係我諗過其中一個方法令我戒薯片既方法之一....(希望你明我意思._.) 如果我日日係卡樂B工廠度做....咁我應該嗅到都想嘔 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkqBbr7Ewsw& =D 我對薯片又係太瘋狂...我可以半小時內一次食哂大包裝既lays..... 哈, 我爸爸以前真係薯片廠度做過... Hito FM?不知道什麼.... 我最想佢拎Brit award呢d大獎多d ... 其實呢個都好好, best album喎!!! HIHI, 歡迎呀, 唔會嚇親呀, 呢道人氣太少喇...五隻手指數得哂... 介紹下自己丫, 你plan去旅行? 有冇睇Eason個塵世美呀(個名實在.....)?? 搞到我好想轉太去澳洲 http://campaigns.discovertasmania.com/intl/asia/hk/paradise_tr/ 講起隻DVD... 我睇左一次就唔知丟左去邊....haha.... 佢係里面真係好Q:wub2: 你點樣開始中意Mika架?
  16. really? haha...what we think it's weird maybe normal to other countries.... i love this thread !!!!
  17. i heard someone has yogurt on bread and did anyone eat avocado with .. soy sauce ..? it taste like salmon i heard from a radio program and try it by myself in front of fds the result is ... yes
  18. would u mix up together then??? 2 totally different tastes....
  19. i think pound means sterling .... PINK!!!! u still own me a MM partner or we hijack her MM thread !!!! she should add more smilies next time like "B***h !!!! " , "grow up !!! " *wait for her too*
  20. yup...do u think his eyeball and eyebrow are too black? his mouth is too red? and his face is too white............? :roftl:
  21. look so delicious =PPPP and is it Choya plum liqueur?????????!!dun get drunk!!!! :roftl: peanut butter + Jam
  22. dun know why when i look at the first page of the photos, my hearting's beating so hard his eyes totally catch my breath, he looks so femine hmmm...he's still gorgeous anyway :wub2:
  23. "OH gross" <--- my instant reaction errr...suddenly think of Turtle Jelly that's i usually eat in HK.... dun ask me where does it come from http://www.flickr.com/photos/shimmertje/100444285/ u mentioned in Brown color no any idea..... u should try it and tell us how it taste
  24. look like someone is trying to mislead us for covering some fact
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