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Everything posted by Anzuzu

  1. Have the time of your life today! Let's show to Mika that Scandinavian people rock.
  2. Thanx guys! I'm sure it's gonna be AMAZING!
  3. My first Mika trip starts tomorrow! I can't believe it's finally true. Trevlig resa för mig, Marianne och alla som ska resa till Stockholm! Vi ses på Globen on Fredag!
  4. OMG I'm leaving home tomorrow and on Thursday I and Marianne are travelling to Stockholm. THREE DAYS and we're on the gig! Wish us luck! It's my first Mika gig! And BTW Mariposa is going to forward my reports here on the MFC on Friday evening!
  5. Hej alla! I have Mariposas phone number so that we can send reports straight from the gig to MFCers who are waiting there whole evening.
  6. Exactly! Nice that you all had a great time yesterday!
  7. Hi Sivan! Did you noticed that Mika is feeling better already? CAN'T WAIT TILL FRIDAY!
  8. Avril Lavigne voitti molemmat kategoriat, joissa Mika oli ehdolla. Mä oon sitä mieltä, että esiintyminen EMA:ssa oli Mikalle parasta julkisuutta, ei jotkut hemmetin pystit. Ja kyllähän se ihan kivan potin korjasi kotiin tuolla Monacossa sunnuntaina.
  9. OMG! That sounds awesome! You're a lucky girl!
  10. It would be awful if Mika lost his voice. Well... Let's talk about something more positive... I'm wearing braces today with 70's style jeans and nice white shirt! I rock!
  11. I'm looking forward to news from this gig! It's very intresting to hear how's Mika doing today. I keep my fingers crossed he's already in better condition. Have fun guys and send my love to Mika!
  12. I thought the same: maybe he's saving his voice cuz he has so many gigs this week. And yes, we're always the most important thing!
  13. Yes, and today Berlin and Oslo on Wednesday. Hopefully he can manage these gigs! I think it's good thing that he hasn't got any gig on Thursday. He can take a bit rest before Stockholm.
  14. I think we've to pray that Mika gets well soon
  15. It's in this thread: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10106
  16. Home for the day! I can't concentrate on anything cuz I'm too excited about Stockholm gig on Friday. And... I just read that Mika has laryngitis! I'm a bit worried about it. How are you BTW?
  17. WOW! I'm happy for him! But... laryngitis! He has plenty of gigs this week and one of them is in Stockholm. Mika, please get well soon!
  18. Itse asiassa Mika oli kipeä EMA:ssa ja on sitä vieläkin. Mielenkiintoista kuitenkin huomata, että sairastelu ei oo juurikaan vaikuttanut Mikan esiintymisiin. Toivotaan, että pysyy tolpillaan Ruotsiin asti.
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