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Everything posted by Milou

  1. how this work? You've added me, for next month, and I like that, but I've never seen any other thread than this one on the hot seat. So where do we ask and get questions?
  2. No, I haven't even seen Big girl on tv here. All we have is GK, Relax, and LT. I want Big girls and Happy Ending too! Luckily by best friend is youtube:wink2:
  3. http://users.skynet.be/sb340300/site/HTMeng/indexeng.htm I think that's her site. Let's contact her and send that list, and then tell her she sucks and she should get retired by now. Oh and than go stalking her even more. Who will send the list
  4. I asked him what his biggest addiction is
  5. just hire a serial killer on her and the problem is over
  6. N..N..Ne...NEXT WEEK *faints* Omygod, I hope it be on the tv on my birthday (monday the 10th). OMG. *jumps up and down* I CAN'T WAIT!
  7. hahaha I don't think those people take it seriously anymore. Though, they should, Mika is the sexiest man in the list.
  8. there's already a thread about this But I think it's stupid.
  9. i love3 k9ikq qjed 6thyu kjrc Hmm.. maybe I have to consider giving up my dream of being a professional nose-typer.
  10. I don't have an uniform at school, I'll post pictures of my style later, I'm off to bed now
  11. if the copyright is only for belgium, why bother? He could change his name only there. I thought one english band did that too here in holland, not quite sure which one. But erm.. she's not getting more fans with this, I tell you. Plus, she'll never get big under the name 'Mika' anymore.
  12. volgens mij bestaat er geen zondageditie. Hij is van vandaag volgens mij.. 3 september. Anders was ie zowieso wel eerder gepost. Can you imagine him being 44 and still performing in those tight jeans? Lol. I'd be 36.. and would have children and be married probably. God, looking in the future can be fun!
  13. Ik las t net ja Ik flipte bijna toen ik dat artikel zag. Echt vet groot! Joepie!
  14. this year he's basically fully booked for europe, so next year..!
  15. Milou

    The Big M

    I use Mikaman a lot, it sounds fun..
  16. Ehm, I went to the ema site and then clicked for vote now? Maybe I'm hallucinating, wait a sec. http://ema.mtv.nl/# There's a vote now button, click it, and then you will get long lists of names, and you can click for Mika, and I think if many people do so, he will be nominated . I'm not sure though, I just clicked his name.. Did the voting start today? I can't remember the last time I was there I could vote. Well.. whatever, just vote
  17. I read it this morning, I was so happy! When is it exactly?
  18. imagine he was a nobody and I'd see himwalking down the street. Yes I would look at him, and my head would turn. You said it was still for looks, that's true. And you think that's shallow. But you don't know the personality of some random hot guy walking down the street right?
  19. wow, I haven't thought about that. I'm sure it'll be fine though, he'll create the best album ever
  20. it was posted before, I knew it, but that's fine. I don't know the song, but if Mika sings it it will be fantastic I'm sure!
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