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Everything posted by Milou

  1. Akon stinks. I really really hate him. He's so stupid. Especially when he threw a kid in the audience. What was the F*head thinking?
  2. she's sad. I used to like her. But that went a way quite some time ago.. I don't know what she's doing..
  3. Milou

    Gay or not?

    I think she means we could still pretend he'd fall in love with us.. if we know for sure he's gay that would be a lot harder. But I agree with you..
  4. hahha poor Luke. The guys probably hiding himself in bed for days. Too scared to go online again!
  5. Paul Anka is old! That's no replacement! Well.. no one can replace Mika anyway.
  6. too bad! Well I hope he's enjoying his vacation anyways! He'll come back, I'm sure!
  7. *hugs you and gives you lollipops* Don't cry! You can still be friends! You could come over and drink some tea at our place!
  8. Hey.. you guys really believe in fairytales don't you? I'M ALREADY MARRIED TO MIKA. Yeah, we married in red pajama's, with ponytails in our hair. Phunkygal witnessed!! Sorry girls, I know the truth is hard!
  9. Milou


    OMG, you shouldn't be appologizing! You're going trough a hard period, and i really hope you'll be fine! I'm sure you will. You're strong! I send you luck and strength. We think about you here
  10. all songs can be found on youtube..
  11. hmm, persoonlijk zie ik het nut er niet van in.. ik denk dat ze allang jullie emails hebben geblokkeerd.. en anders bereik je alleen maar dat ze helemaal NIETS meer plaatsen, en dan loopt Mika weer publiciteit mis..
  12. hahaha It's positive.. so it's good:naughty:
  13. ooh that's too bad it was last week. Youtube, anyone?
  14. ohmygod, I think it's sad they just copied a WHOLE interview. Wonder what popworld has to say about that?
  15. Haha I love that. I would SO eat that. loool, those pasta things are seriously something for me. I would laugh so hard while eating it, that I would most likely choke. Docter: What did you choke on? Milou: On a.. ehm.. penis. Docter: on a what? Milou: It was pastaaa!
  16. I'd wear the most beautiful designer dress I've ever seen. I'd be so beautiful, Mika would drop down on his knees in the middle of the song and propose to me rightaway. Now THAT would be cool:biggrin2:
  17. I do the 'love, love me' thing. And kachingggg! ofcourse.. that's all i think..
  18. so cute, I love the hand-thing he does at the end of the video. It looks funny and cute!
  19. hahaha this is amazing. I'm gonna think of an unusual place to be taking a picture. Lol.
  20. omygod, i just realise (looking at the first page, picture of Mika) That my boyfriends body is almost the same. The only difference is all the hair, oh and a few muscles! I must be the luckiest girl ever.
  21. hahaha omygod, he will need an extra room for all of our gifts.. or maybe another HOUSE.
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