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Everything posted by agnieszka

  1. holy dilek, that's the first thing that came to my mind, oh my, i'm brainwashed so, my suggestion is that for the sake of MFC people let me in to the middle of the first row ok, it doesn't even have to be the middle
  2. sir yes sir my battery is charging right now i hope i'll have a better spot though
  3. i was wondering about that and decided that not really. but dunno. good to know, not being a native speaker i find it hard sometimes to sense whether what i wrote is correct or not. but that's what i have google for
  4. i asked that so many people on Friday and nobody in the line next to me was from here. and even though some of the non-mfcers were nice i felt so lonely until i met people from here and from polish mfc they didn't even sing with me when we could hear Mika rehearsing.. but i think MFC will be everywhere in Amsterdam
  5. lol, i did a number of people don't like it (this "don't" instead of "doesn't" sounds a bit odd for me but i checked and it's correct http://www.askoxford.com/asktheexperts/faq/aboutgrammar/numberofpeople you learn sth every day here ) and that's ok, i don't like My Interpretation, we don't have to like everything he does.
  6. wow' date=' you are very very lucky. it must've been awsome to watch this one from that spot! at what time did you arrive there? mah pleasure
  7. well, maybe you're right, maybe i don't like it because i'm not as intelligent as Mika. or maybe that wasn't a good idea and it really looked stupid. either way and whatever the reason for this might be, i disliked this concept a lot. but that's just me
  8. now, as i wrote yesterday, i think he's playing this song to test it, not because it's so good, the best ones he's saving. i hope. it's not my fav but i'm listening to it now and i remember clearly 50th second of it. it goes like 'ready for..' and then silence and 'More than this..' and at that moment Iva looked back at me and we were like WOW. so yeah, not the best but i like it a lot.
  9. i totally agree but seriously, i do. the moment they made a line by the piano i was like oh now, that's too much..
  10. accordion? but i guess you never know
  11. thanks! that's a great vid, sariflor has lots of good ones. i'll make sure i got the routine alright next time i see him i like the little things he does every time, like the big jump during relax.
  12. thanks so much for the info! i do! i have my lovely barcode! thanks Rak! ok, i have to make some myspace investigation today, i want to be prepared
  13. i really don't know but that's how i understand it. hence my little theory of the little boy's tap dancing but it might as well all be rubbish but that's the beauty of music and art in general, you can take it and make anything you want out of it, it's there for you to interpret.
  14. really? thats's funny i hated ring ring but after hearing it live i like it a lot, it sounds completely different for me. i would too i can't imagine Mika gig without GK.
  15. have a safe journey! see ya!
  16. :roftl: i was busy holding the camera, all i could do is give her mad looks..
  17. twenty five... people tell me mine is ok, but i'll have spare 25 just in case, you never know
  18. i only found this: http://www.westergasfabriek.nl/agenda/agenda_item.php?id=1739&year=2008&month=07 19.30, is this the time when they let people in?
  19. lol, just some random girl, fainting drama queen she was ok, had some water and started jumping again i'm happy you like them
  20. Thank you! I'm so relieved, i love you. the last thing i need now is a problem with my chicket. after three support acts on Friday one doesn't seem that bad dionisos were funny though. anyway, you'll see, time will go by so quickly and finally we'll hear this: http://youtube.com/watch?v=mpKAA2VxWY8 oh my, i got excited listening to it now i know, right? i was like new Mika song? NOT!
  21. you're welcome! oh, i was going to answer you comment and deleted it by mistake
  22. hmm, do you have two by any chance? i also ordered my friend's ticket this way.. naah, it's going to be fine, it must.. just out of curiosity, how much is it?
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