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Everything posted by agnieszka

  1. i'm afraid i need help i'm usually pretty good at organizing things, getting to know public transport in different cities and so on. however it seems impossible for me to find a way to get to the Charles de Gaulle airport at night, after the show. i wouldn't like to go by taxi as i must have some money left for Amsterdam. i need to get there till 5am latest. i hate to bother you all with it but i've been going through the numerous pages with infos for 2 hours and i'm clueless.. anyone?..
  2. great! thanks! i will try to stalk my friend tomorrow and take a pic of her. i hope it won't be too late. me likes! lol, it's so easy to imagine things like that after reading pages and pages of caz's scripts
  3. it really feels sometimes as if Paris was stealing Am's thunder.. i do wonder though how it's gonna be like in A. will it be normal and usual, like the previous gigs? will Mika 'take things to another level' in Paris and then go back to normal for the next gigs? i hope not.. great to hear you're all set violetsky! lol, every now and then i come to this thread and it's all about weird dreams *keeps fingers crossed* you made me a happy bday thread
  4. omg... that't too good to be true
  5. me, talking to my sister: basia! it's a chicken, i just noticed! my sister: like duuuh.. and it's a one gay chicken.. me very happy with my MM isn't it a perfect thing to wear for a Mika gig? thanks celien!!
  6. here are the pics! five items from celien in one pic stickers and my already upgraded phone
  7. i just got an amazing Mika Mail from celien! i mean, it's perfect!! there's umbrella, and stickers, and chickens, and Mikado, and lollipops and THE chocolate of course thank you thank you thank you! i was so wrong when i thought making MM is the fun part, getting is even better! i can't stop smiling! i love the postcard! and the note in notebook was so nice. and the accesories she bought for the Amsterdam gig! i've been wearing them since the morning Party Time lol! you'll know what i mean when i post a pic that was one pointlessly delicious Mika Mail! i looooove it! i will post pics tonight
  8. ok, my Tshirts arrived! I will send the pics tomorrow as i have to meet my friend to take one of her also.
  9. i really don't wanna get my hopes up too much but it all sounds amazing! first impression was like bleh, i imagined the messages a little more personal, him talking to the camera and this one just seemes a bit too worked on, if you know what i mean. however now that i think about it the 'hello my little diary cam' style would maybe be even worse than this advertise-like one but then i started paying attention to what he's saying instead of how the vid is made and it all sounds good, especially the part about the vids from the gigs. and man, he really is planning some weird stuff for Paris, can't wait to see it!!! btw, was this great striped jacket Mika had on lately this man's doing? if yes, well done
  10. i also think he wants people there, i'm calling it an invasion becouse he's calling it an invasion
  11. "but if 300 people do it then we can have fun" i remember the February gigs in London. i only had ticket for the last one on the 28th but two Polish girls went to all three of them. they were planning the invasion before they went to London and i was keeping my fingers crossed for them. i know it's not for me though, i would only break my legs and lose my teeth. but anyway, on 26th they almost made it but one got stuck behind the crash barrier and the other one made it through but fell on the ground. on the 28th though they both made it and it was so nice to see them both dancing on the stage lots of people invaded that day
  12. and it actually made me like this song, so great!!
  13. i want to get prepared and everything so yesterday i bought this mini Polish-French dictionary. it has phrases, questions, anything i may need. and it's depressing. i'm so bad. have you seen Friends? i'm even worse than Joey
  14. same here. guilty. scarfs and bags today i got the most amazing bag, it's made of wood, my sister bought it in Bali, it's beautiful
  15. omg, it would be so amazing to have the opportunity to see the show afterwards, i hope it's true! oh, i'm getting excited
  16. that's nice! i can see the one i bought there sadly, the family is on the trip ever since i turned it on, stupid exams get in a way..
  17. if you still can go than maybe you should? eek, i hate the word 'should'.. not that you should but it really sounds like a great opportunity, why to turn it down when we don't know if there's going to be any tour at that time? it's only 9 days and such a great place to go to. my sister travels a lot and she said that Machu Picchu was one of the most amazing places she's ever seen. i really hope though that if you decide to go in the end, he won't have any gigs in your country
  18. wow, it looks amazing one question though, shouldn't it be "knowN artist"? dunno, i'm probably missing sth, don't hit me, i'm your fellow ho..
  19. ok, so i thought i'd share a few threads that cheer me up when i need it pointless signs http://mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15392 vintage Mika, it's kinda funny that we already call some vids vintage but still i found a few nice ones that i haven't seen before http://mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14714 Cazgirl's scripts of course http://mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14337 one fo my fav Mika vid http://mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15062 great compilation of Mika quotes http://mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5043 a thread with links to funny YT videos http://mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7515 Mika Mail thread, making MM was a lot of fun for me, so i recommend that http://mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7429 and the best of the best http://icanhascheezburger.com/
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