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Everything posted by agnieszka

  1. wrocilam. powinnam nadrobic zaleglosci, ale jakos nie moge sie zebrac. dzialo sie cos ciekawego w mikaworld jak mnie nie bylo? jakos nie chce mi sie czytac mfc dzis, ide na pmfc.. szit, jak mi smutno. nie wierze, jak szybko minely te dwa tygodnie.
  2. ok, now i really am off. just wanted to thank avoca for giving Mika the album and for the text messages, it was great to sit here knowing he's gonna get it any minute. and thank you Rak for keeping us updated!! ok, my sisters are going kill me already and we didn't even leave home yet bye bye and thanks again!!
  3. yeah, here it is: http://mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=16074
  4. nooo!!! i have to leave soon, i've got a plane to catch. can't believe i will have to wait two weeks to read this thread! actually i may never come back, i'm spending summer holidays with my siblings. five of us together, i may not survive it anyway, sorry, my way of subscribing are OTs..
  5. in 2 hours i'm leaving for holidays. i don't think we'll get avoca's report by that time.. or maybe? two weeks without mfc, that's gonna be weird, longest since i've become addicted, i mean active. i don't even want to think how long it's gonna take for me to catch up on everything
  6. dzieki noa!! nie wiem jak moglam to przegapic, specjalnie pochodzilam po mfc dzis.. uciekam, do uslyszenia za dwa tygodnie!! sciskam robaczki!!!
  7. wlasnie ja tez nie, ale smiesznie, ze tez z Polski skad wiesz, ze we wrzesniu?? fakin szit, ze tez jutro wybywam, tez bym sie zglosila tam jest napisane, ze trzeba miec transport do Bejrutu.. tez lubie te blogi, balam sie, ze beda w odbiorze tak sztywne jak ich zapowiedz, ten pierwszy vid, ale nie, sa wlasnie takie.. przystepne
  8. spoko loko, dobrze rozumiem czemu to piszesz.. i czemu tak sie czujesz.. avoca dokonczyla dzis album urodzinowy i da go jutro Mice! to tam po lewej na gorze to ja http://s206.photobucket.com/albums/bb235/avoca_mikacards/?action=view&current=P7220005.jpg godzine wycinalam ten napis, a potem wspielam sie na drzewo, zeby urozmaicic zdjecie. czy to juz ten moment kiedy powinnam zaczac sie martwic?
  9. I noticed that too. and i felt so proud of myself as i NEVER notice things like that. so i came here at once to see i wasn't the only one
  10. ok, i've only been here for a year but this is the weirdest thread i've seen. kinda spooky even. but then i realized this is mfc and it might have turned funny. and it did
  11. heh, no to tyle dobrego, ze ja raczej nie uzywam polskich znakow strasznie zaluje, ale nie bardzo moge teraz pomagac. zjechaly do domu wszystkie hermany, za dwa dni mam ostatni egzamin, a w srode ruszam z rodzenstwem w piatke na 2tygodniowe wakacje.. przepraszam, chcialabym jakos czynnie w tym uczestniczyc, ale naprawde nie dam teraz rady
  12. i actually hardly ever post reports here on mfc when i'm done writing them on the Polish forum i'm so tired i can't make myself write them in English. last one from Amsterdam had 4,500 words that was my personal record i have to write lots of essays for my English Studies and it's always painful to reach 1,500 words yet it took me less than two hours to write the report.. just for the record, if it wasn't for the horrible exhibitionist that i met walking alone in the middle of Paris at 3 am, my report from Parc des Princes would be 100% positive I'm very happy i managed to go there in the end can't get no Mika gig without sacrifice it was worth it though.
  13. no fear, you are subscribed we will be informed when the right time comes, be patient
  14. I'm pretty sure I've read about that story before and he did say it was Rome. So either it wasn't a one time thing or indeed that's one of HIS stories I like to think it's true T4P, first time I saw this vid
  15. *subscribes to come back when the mystery is solved*
  16. wlasnie wiem.. a on nic tylko kariera i kariera, pomyslalby chwile o nas mam mieszane uczucia, bo jakkolwiek glupio to brzmi, troche ten Mika mnie obchodzi i chcialabym, zeby mu sie wiodlo w zyciu dobrze. niech juz biega po tych stadionach z tymi smokami i klaunami jak tak bardzo chce, ale uwazam, ze nie przestanie robic malych koncertow. a ze w kilka godzin beda sold out to inna sprawa.. bo ja tak z milosci krzycze szmeg.. i jaha, myslalas, ze bedziesz tu brylowala jako jedyna tysiecznica a tu zonk, superaga wkracza do akcji i po ptokach! wiedzialam, ze cie zolc zalewa by the way your hair looks fabulous
  17. i LOVE that idea. i'd love to organize a meeting of Polish fans. unfortunately i don't think it's possible. people are leaving for holidays and so on. I was thinking of doing it this way, everyone would have a letter to do and would then send a pic of themselves holding this letter to me or any person responsible for collecting the pics. and then the pics would be put together and form a 'happy bday' sign. that seemed like a good idea at first but after all it's about being together and having fun so it's not as genius as it seems
  18. i'm probably brainwashed 'cause i don't mind him swearing and i love the 'scream' during relax. but maybe that's 'cause i love screaming during concerts and that 'scream' thing gives me more motivation and also i swear A LOT myself. Polish has lots of great swear-words i'm actually sometimes using them as commas
  19. i had absolutely no problems with that. thank you again! i wish i spoke French, it's such a beautiful language. unfortunately it's a mission impossible for me to learn it, it took me two weeks of French classes to realize that. i was saying in the Paris thread that i'm even worse than Joey from Friends and people didn't believe me. well, i tested my skills, meaning lack of them, in Paris and people didn't understand me when i was using my mini dictionary and they rolled their eyes when i kept on reading the same sentence. english yes, spanish si, French non non non, not for me why am i writing a mini essay now? anyway.. merci!!
  20. whoaaa! a complete translation!!! you've no idea how grateful i am. thanks a lot!!
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