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Everything posted by Sarina

  1. Yes, is a hard task but let's try anyway I saw that some fans started already so...if you want, you can start too Everyone can start now if is easier, just do it as long as you can! Thanks!
  2. Abbiamo avuto l'idea di cercare di far diventare Mika trend su Twitter in tutto il mondo durante questa sera e vi chiediamo di partecipare se vi va ! Inizieremo stasera alle 18:30 e continueremo fino a dopo la mezzanotte e anche oltre. Sarebbe un modo carino di far sapere a Mika che i suoi fan sono sempre con lui e sempre lo saranno anche nel 2013! L'hashtag da utilizzare è #Celebrate2013WithMika Grazie a tutti e buona serata e buon 2013!!!
  3. Dont know if is the right place but I'm posting here Hello people Some of us italians had the idea to try to TT Mika worldwide during this night so we ask you to join us We'll start today at 6:30 PM (GMT+1) and we'll keep trying till will be 2013 in every timezone...so everyone could join Could be a nice idea to Celebrate Mika tonight and in 2013! If you want to join..here's the hashtag #Celebrate2013WithMika Thanks everyone and..have an amazing new year's eve
  4. Awwww! So so sweet and wicked at the same time!!! T4P Deb and thanks Mika for the message
  5. I see your point... maybe to "save" his voice to sing better?
  6. Btw he sang Elle me Dit in Italy too even if we have Emily in TOOL!
  7. Maybe the setlist was chosen cause off his vocal conditions? Could be that some songs like heroes or kids are harder to sing with vocal chords problems? (But Stardust is even more difficult imo) I'm driving blind here (I wasn't even there)
  8. Just read it on FB and I'm really afraid too...this thing seems serious and I hope he'll listen to doctors and he'll take care of himself! His health is what matters..not gigs or other things..and I'm sure fans will understand!
  9. Chiara Won XFactor and Mika via twitter @mikasounds Chiara, sono contentissimo per te e congratulazioni agli altri finalisti, sites tutti molto bravi e spero avrete il successo che meritate! (Chiara, I'm really happy for you and congratulations to the finalists, you all are very good and I hope you'll have the success you deserve)
  10. no Rosa, I think it was taken by Luca Tomassini (a choreographer) this afternoon, maybe I RT It, I wasn't in Milan today. Yes, I thought the same and I HOPE so cause Stardust is a great single! But...can I say that...NO one can sing like MIka? ...his voice is SO special! He was amazing
  11. The video here (can you see it?) http://xfactor.sky.it/showvideo/143720/chiara-canta-con-mika-stardust/07-12-2012/
  12. Ma chi gli suggerirà questi posti?
  13. Like Roberta said someone will try. Not me tho Thanks for the tip Karin I see
  14. No tickets to buy for this show and many many people that want to go! Also, in the final part of the competition many seats were reserved for singers' parents/family and fanclubs...and when the authors gave the instructions to the crowd they asked fanclubs to wave banner and do a lot of noise and everything was already set like the fanclubs were always part of the show. Anyway I'm really glad they asked Mika to sing again on stage with them Hope Mika's voice is ok tho and i think that maybe he'll sing with Chiara (if she'll make it till tomorrow) cause there was alchemy between them!
  15. My little report of the MIKA-day I woke up at 3:30 AM cause my train was at 4:25 AM and I arrived in Milan at 10:40 AM. Me and my friend tried to take the underground to reach Deejay to meet other fans and DA man (long walk btw!). We missed when he arrived (he was late BTW...) but after a bit he came outside. He was in a hurry again but he was lovely and he took some groups photos (few indivual ones with "pushy" people) and then he was away again. We went at FNAC at lunch time and no one was there, we ate at MC Donalds near the shop and then I left with my 2 friends cause we needed to collect 3 tickets for XFactor (within 7:30 PM). Everything was on strike..bus..tube...and we couldn't take tickets...it was too late and the place was not reachable in time to come back! So we decided to go to Fnac that was in a central location of Milan. The place was really intimate, I loved it! Mika arrived, he seemed really relaxed and happy to see many people there waiting for him! The crowd was singing with him all the time and when he sang in italian everyone was glad and surprised! He is really good The little gig finished and me and my friends couldn't wait for the signing session cause we needed those damn tickets..! Too bad cause he signed many autographs with names and I don't have one ! We took the tube to reach Assago (that is far quite far from Fnac..), we were able to get a ticket (26,50 € cause our tickets were for the city zone and not outside but we didn't know that! ) and we reached the theatre. In the end we got the tickets and we went inside, the place is big! Mika came outside immediately on stage at the beginning and he stumbled while he was going on the big mirrored heart in the middle of the stage:shocked: but the performance was great! He wore pink tie and pink pocket-handkerchief to commemorate a young guy who killed himself cause he was bullied and accused to be a homosexual. Everyone on stage was wearing pink in his memory We made some apples to wave during the performance..but of course 3 people aren't enough to be noticed so I guess he didn't see us at all! Then it was Underwater time and they installed some plastic clouds in the ceiling and many branched candlesticks...very very nice! And Mika was on stage again! Unfortunately his voice was not at his best (we noticed at Fnac too) but the performance was great and very evocative. I saw it online cause we were far from the stage! Then they asked Mika to be a judge and he agreed. He came back with a black leather jacket and the hair you all saw (Zuko style!). I can say that one of the nicest things of being at XFactor was to be able to watch Mika all the time, speaking with the other judges, listening to the music and moving his head with the rythm. Also...the best part (I'm lame...I know) was to see the hairdresser combing his hair during the break . What a LUCKY guy..he passed his hands on Mika's head to style the hair wisp and Mika was absolutely relaxed during that moment Then...I was shocked about photographers...they took photos of him but they were at lest 8-9 flashing him at SO close distance that I felt for him...his eyes must have burned a lot after that! Anyway, after a bit he left. Of course we were inside the venue so we couldn't see him neither before of after the TV appearance. Here're the 3 pics I took at Deejay! here's my video at FNAC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skCtef3epOc and while they're preparing the stage for Underwater at XFactor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lyCA05-eS4&feature=plcp How far we were Apples Thanks!
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