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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. It was ok. Been at uni all day,I had an assignment in and got it in just in time. Hope you feel better soon! I bought the mika dvd yesterday am looking forward to watching it later! Have u got it? Liz x x x
  2. Does nobody want a ticket to 26th Brixton academy gig? You can pick it up jus before gig or if u live nearby I can drop it off but I will be at the Hammersmith gig too so I can give u the ticket then of u r going? Liz x x x
  3. That sucks, what year u in at school. I'm at uni but luckily only about an hour away from London so I may come each night or stay over a few night, would prefer to stay in b and b somewhere but it might be too expensive!! Liz x x x
  4. Why no go on 28th as well?, I am hoping to goto all three gigs as I have bought a ticket for each but bought a spare for 26th to let someone else from mfc who didnt get one to go! Liz x x x
  5. Hi, Jus wondering if anyone wanted to room share because I am a broke student and its often cheaper to share a room. I shouldn;t be able to afford the mika tickets I bought, but its Mika and I had to!!! Please pm me if interested in booking together a twin room or something like that! Liz x x x
  6. I'm coming, woo! and I have a spare ticket for 26th!!! I have posted on ticket thread so look there! Liz x x x
  7. ok people. I hve ONE ticket available for 26th Feb at Brixton academy. I thought I would buy two because I knew some of u guys may not be able to get one, so this way I can help someone else go to the concert! I will sell it for the same price as I bought it for, am not after profit jus trying to help out! Just PM me and whoever pms first gets it, I think that is the only fair way!! Ready......GO!!! Liz X X X
  8. I missed a ticket for 26th feb, so till looking for one as they are all sold out again! so if anyone has one??? please! Otherwise I will jus have to keep trying for one, oh well!! Anyone know of anymore on any websites for 26th Feb? Liz x x x
  9. I don't think it is closed but Mika tickets for 28th Feb are not on sale there until Monday at 9am. Hope that helps! Liz x x x
  10. btw, Hi everyone!! Hope everyone had/is having a good day! Liz x x x
  11. are u planning on going to any of the London gig then? Liz x x x
  12. Yeah I am good, jus writing a 2000 word essay today so I am taking a break. Yeah I know what you mean, life is so much better when it is Saturday or Sunday and even more brighter and more colourful when you are seeing Mika in concert the next. (Feb 24th I will be so hyper jus u wait!) I am really envious of you now, he seems so sweet and nice! I REALLY REALLY hope I get to meet him in Feb now!!! I am off to London tomoz with a friend to go xmas shopping, I love shopping! So, out of interest how old are u? I am guessing under 20??? Speak soon Liz x x x
  13. Definitely, no doubt about it I would go for Mika instead of Leonardo without a second thought! Liz x x x
  14. Do u think he will be well enough to do this? Or more importantly should he be doing this showing having recently been very ill! What do u guys think or has anyone heard anything? Liz x x x
  15. "I'm the king of the world" (Titanic quote)
  16. Mika is now 2ND in the Best track category with 14.08% you guys are doing great, we are nearly there! Liz x x x
  17. Wow, I am getting so excited now, I hope I can get a photo with him! But I hope that guy doesn't do what he did in Berlin. At least you got to meet him though which I am so envious of! I bet it is an amazing experience, I bet you can't really imagine until you have actually been there! So, did u have a good day? Liz x x x
  18. What concert was that you werent allowed to take piccies of mika at? I am so jelous that u met Mika, OMG i really do not know what I would do, I hope I can in Feb!! Hope to see loads of you guys at the gigs in Feb! If anyone needs ppl to go with, I would love to queue with peeps!!! Liz x x x
  19. MIKA- 41% HE IS WINNING, and by quite a bit, 2nd place(johnny depp) has 22%. woo! COME ON LETS KEEP IT THAT WAY!!! liz x x x
  20. wow, this is so cool, i love it! wonder where Mika is?? Liz x x x
  21. thanks i'm sure i wil, i loved the bournemouth gig! have u met him after the gig before? Liz x x x
  22. He's getting there, our voting has helped so much. Here are results so far: Best Track: Mika- Grace Kelly- 3rd Place with 12.82% Best uk Act Mika- 5th with 6.36% (we need to work harder at this one!) Most fanciable male- Mika- 5th with 8.40 (major voting needed here, 1st place has 30.38% of votes) So come on guys, we can get Mika these awards!!! Liz x x x
  23. Thanks...That's so cool that you used to live in Farnborough, do u still live nearby? It's not useless info I think it is really interesting? Liz x x x
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