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Everything posted by buttnugget040

  1. hello everyone !!!!!!!!!!! what are we talking about now?
  2. aaaaaaaaaaargh ........I'm cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!wh- oh that's why there's a fan blowing on me lol:roftl: I never noticed that until now ha ha
  3. oooooooooh I'm getting my first cell phone soon ....maybe ! I would love to have his laugh as my ring tone it's so ....adorable:blush-anim-cl: lol:roftl: it makes me crack up too
  4. hiya everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I slept in my new shoes last night ....my brother called me retarded for it though lol:roftl:
  5. lol I slept in my shoes last night ha ha ha :roftl:
  6. Well......It happened like this : A couple months back I heard the song grace kelly on the t.v. , I wasn't paying much attention then ( I never pay attention lol) and I forgot the name of the song . SO.....about 3 weeks ago I had JUST remembered who had made the song and I looked Mika up on youtube........slowly (not really ) I became more and more obsessed and after watching all of his interviews on youtube over and over I was in love ....ahhhhhhhhhh.... And now I listen to his music every day ....i even dance to his music while brushing my teeth lol:roftl:
  7. Hello everyone ! I"m happy but im tired because I just woke up ! and yippee harry potter and the deathly hallows comes out at midnight and ill be there lol
  8. this might sound kind of dumb ...but! what is facebook????
  9. lol no ha ha ......it would be funny if he was though lol rotflmao
  10. oh........well in my family it's kind of hard NOT to be a pessimist....oh well at least I'm not one of those people who like to make people feel miserable (hint hint : my brother ) lol ah if my brother was reading this he'd be sooooooo mad lol:roftl:
  11. no....but I REALLY want to ...... too bad that'll never happen...sorry im not much of an optimist when it comes to myself
  12. IDK ! nothings up but im trying to get a pair of lime green shoelaces to go with my red shoes ...lol
  13. oh im good sorry my mom got on the computer for a bit
  14. hello everyone!!!!! how are you today ? I'm happy happy i got new shoes...and they're red and i'm gonna write mika on them lol
  15. dude my brother downloaded the new harry potter book ( dont know if it was legal though lol) and he said it is awesome so far!!!i can't wait to read it
  16. i think mika would have to gain a tinsy weensy bit of wait before he could play Dr.Frank-N-Furter > but other than that he's perfect ! I know who could play Janet Weiss (susan sarandon) her daughter she looks just like her well except for her hair but that can be changed!
  17. lol.....I haven't even thought about having children..............hmmmmm.......i am able to have them arent i lol.......i think i will have my first child around 23 maybe....after college
  18. well look at it this way ! MEN ARE WEAK! lol well with the exceptoin of a few
  19. HAPPY HAPPR HAPPY ME! my mom got me red converse! yay ! and she's going to get me lime green shoe laces!! woopeeee!!!!!!!!lol:biggrin2:
  20. that's ok ! how was the show? I heard it was really good!
  21. awwwwwwwww....oh well !!!! how was the show?
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