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Everything posted by Kates

  1. How come this music teacher of yours isn't part of the MFC?!
  2. WELCOME to the MFC!!
  3. I WANT NEW ALBUM If he stops the LICM tour does that mean he won't sing and of the LICM songs anymore?
  4. What do those 12/15, 12/10 thingys mean? I've never been to a concert or anything.. so haha.
  5. WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Any ideas how much the Vancouver tickets will cost?
  7. VANCOUVER!!!!!!!!!! Maybe I can go:biggrin2: A friend might be able to take meeeeeeeeeee!
  8. Anybody home? I'm sooo close to 1000 posts.. need to start POSTING!
  9. Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. You know what.. I can see Mika doing something like that
  11. And that link to Mika dancing as an elf!!!!!!!!!! :roftl: :roftl:
  12. Hmm Well isn't that cute we both like rainbows!
  13. Is it even possible to get a seat next to him ? (for the second time ) As I was saying I'd have the biggest laugh attack.. I'm terrible with those, like today we were eating dinner and it said 'NIP' on the pop bottle. I ran into the hallway and sat there laughing for 15 minutes:roftl: Sorry ... **needs to get mind out of the gutter**
  14. Is is actually possible to get a seat next to him?
  15. I'm laughing just thinking about it now :roftl: Wow I just can totally imagine myself laughing so hard I stop breathing.. But then Mika would have to give me mouth to mouth
  16. I think I'd start laughing too, and he's give me a weird look like 'What are you on'
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