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Everything posted by Kates

  1. I think we should just limit them, like give him something for each holiday. Or maybe to a project every couple of months or so (maybe more then a couple) Something like that, and maybe we could think of something other then a book? I know it's probably the easiest thing, but we need to get more creative! And not so many messages to him, imagine if you had a zillion messages to read?
  2. Aw, Sivan lucky you! Before you know you're going to married to him
  3. What are some good paint programs? And what does PSP stand for? ..
  4. I'll do something, are you giving the book to mika?
  5. Actually... I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask
  6. Sounds like a plan Thanks, I'd totally buy my own if I was allowed to use our credit card that I found out we had yesterday..
  7. Oh that's great then! I probably would have started taking pictures with the flash anyways, haha.
  8. Suzanne, where'd you get your flashy hearts?
  9. :mf_lustslow: That's be awful nice of you Where'd you get them though?
  10. That's what I think I'll do.. **crosses fingers**
  11. Well I would buy mine asap, but I'm getting there with a friend for her birthday and she won't know if she can go or not intil Jan.16 (her birthday) so if I bought tickets on Dec. 15 and it turned out we couldn't go.. then that would kind of suck.. Hmm any suggestions maybe?
  12. Yaaay for you! What do you think would happen if I bought tickets to the Vancouver one in mid January? Sold out? Bad seats?
  13. Kind of sucks? BIG TIME SUCKS!!!! So no cameras inside? or none while he is preforming?
  14. Now that you say it.. I noticed this And doesn't he hate that?
  15. Oh!! okay thanks! I'm pretty sure Suzanne said ticketmaster earlier in the thread, but I doesn't say anything about Mika on the website.. EDIT: Just looked .. and it must have been another thread..
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