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Everything posted by rockinbabzz

  1. It's a her I've seen her this summer, but I miss her everyday and didn't think we'd meet again before next summer! And it's really cool we'll go see Negative bc she's in love with their singer (and he likes her too, squeee)
  2. SQUEEEE my best friend from Finland might come visit me to go see Negative together :wub2:
  3. Who knows with a bit of luck he got tired of his blonde brainless g/f by now. Who called you a bitch? She'll burn in hell Such cute kitties
  4. Everyone likes you ZOMG I'm seeing Stone Gods on thursday.... even if it's the 7th time it's still exciting
  5. He's the Manic Street Preachers guitarist, and he suddenly dissapeared at some point, but apparently he's dead now he was such a pretty boy!
  6. Ingie if you wanna go dress-shopping in London you MUST go to Camden, there's tons of cuties with dots and flowers and CHERRIES
  7. I also like cutesy dresses, Ingie you should just wear them with thick leggings and a cardigan when it's cold And congrats on the new job!! Of course you can be my bridesmaid, that'd be really cute <3 Is the weather in Brabant as awful as it is here?? Storm and thunder and heavy rain and all
  8. I won his album, which is great because I've been trying to order it for months but I can't understand all the Finnish on the website Clothes that people make fun of are usually the coolest clothes Of course you're invited, everyone should come and you should all dress in glitter and leopard and wear stars on your face! Seriously, as soon as I can I'm going back to Finland and start a romance with Mr Wilde. I just know we're meant for each other. By the way, you remember my Finnish friend Ella who was flirting with Jonne Aaron? She met him again and he came to talk to her and promised he'd come and have hot chocolate at her place next time
  9. Lolz, I wasn't allowed to dress up at my bridalshop work experience either, I wasn't even allowed to wear jeans or any colours I'm really getting into 70s fashion at the moment, after wearing skinnyjeans for about 3 years I'm starting to throw in some flared ones again! I actually wanna get really cool wide legged trousers in some crazy colour and then sew stars on them. Oh by the way, I won Jann Wildes drawing competition!!! With this piece of art: I never thought I'd win but I came in 2nd Diana did I already tell you I spoke to him on the phone too? My friend went to his gig and got him on the phone to me! He said he loved me. And we talked about T-rex on his forum. I think we'll probably get married soon
  10. Yeah man! Sometimes I even wear blue leopard skinnyjeans with a purple top with glitters + a hairy black jacket and silver glittery all stars. But that's only on the days that I really wanna look like I escaped from 1972
  11. Hey, I still wear leopard print all the time! It be glamz Yesss, and so is the ass-guy
  12. How dare you insult Ola's holy bum!! As punishment he'll show you his otherside:
  13. Aah dammit... we'll just have to organise another Dutchie meet-up sometime soon then! Maybe in the new year
  14. Oooh I thought you'd be there during the day... I guess we're not gonna be able to meet then I'm flying from Stansted
  15. Wowzers, that's a really groovy car it's shiney!! Yeaaah that's true, what time are you getting there??? I need to be at the airport at like 18.00 or something, I'm probably meeting Celine in the morning/afternoon in Camden
  16. Lolzz that whole trip was fun in general the first thing we saw when we got into London was 10000 chicken restaurants haha I told you I'm in London just a couple of days before the MFC party huh? I kinda hope my return flight will get cancelled so I'll just HAVE to stay a bit longer but I don't think that's gonna happen for some reason.....
  17. Yeah it's been put back up apparently! Isn't it adoooorable? Oh the things I would do to be that peach....
  18. Lol yes and the stupidest thing was I had already boarded a plane at that very gate only a month before so I really should've known And yes they have giant penises that are supposed to be art. We're so freespirited in here
  19. No I didnt know about the car! What kind of car?? (Not that I know anything about cars but nevermind lol) I live really close to Schiphol and I kinda hate it, it's always a 40 minute walk from the plane until I'm at the bloody customs! But it's kinda ok to go shopping if you have to wait for your delayed flight
  20. Yes yes I know about Sammie! And I've heard from Sophie about the rather strange behaviour after the gig... that was totally not fair! And I've seen a pic of your cat, Hugo right? He's soooo cute What have I been up to, I've been making rockstar dolls! I have Ola, Dan, Jimmy Page and Marc Bolan now lolz, I'll photograph them soon. Yaay you'll have to book loads of hot musicians for all of us
  21. Oooh I've heard about that, where are you gonna do it?? You can become a really bitchin booking agent who gets to hang around with all the cool bands You don't have to 'know' a lot about music to realise BoRhap is a masterpiece! Lolz, he is the kind of cool uncle that you can get drunk with. I used to always go to gigs with him and his g/f and then crash on his floor (he lives in Amsterdam Oost in the coolest apartment ever) So Diana tell me, what have you been up to lately??
  22. Oooh what are you gonna study then, music management?? Freddie Mercury would turn in his grave! Blasphemy, that's what it is
  23. Classic Rawk very 70s and bluesy, I really like them. Speaking of bands, I've been officially hired as my brothers bands manager they're called Allergic to Horses (they were first The Motherfunkers but their mama's didnt like the name, and they're all 14/15 so they had to listen haha)
  24. Diana I've been missing you!! Hows everyone today? I went to see my uncles band yesterday at the Waterhole and got royally drunk
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