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Everything posted by rockinbabzz

  1. Wait a sec, does it work now? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZK87fRoOF88 EDIT: No
  2. I'm so in love with that whole Wembley gig, it's simply fantastic! We hardly get gigs that good anymore these days.... if I only I was born a couple of decades earlier! AAAH I wanted to post this ADORABLE video of Marc dancing and eating a peach in garden with Shy Boy playing but it's been removed from youtube I've watched it like 200 times last week and showed it to everyone and now it's gone
  3. Ingieee what was the job interview for?? I had one at Didi last week but didn't get it bc of lack of experience so I'm still unemployed, meh Today I played guitar like, all day! My fingers hurt like a motherbitch
  4. You don't have any! Aww come on I wanna know what your costume is! It's not the 'sexy' clown is it?
  5. Nothing but a pink feather boa and golden knickers Cherries rock, I really feel like eating some right now
  6. Yeah man, that totally rocks. I also want a catsuit completely made out of peacock feathers
  7. I really need to check it out! Will keep my eyes open at the dvd store You get a mohawk if you want, I'm getting a perm and put glitter in it so I'll look like Marc Bolan
  8. Yeah man, there's not much time left to take over the world! Oh and didn't we hire Niki as a keyboard player? About shock treatment, I haven't seen it! Is it good? I've heard that it was quite a downer after RHPS
  9. Lolz how old are you then? You're never too young to be Frank N Furter IMO
  10. Hello I'll introduce myself then, I'm MFC's Dutchie rocker, one of the original Mikawhores, the bassplayer in the band Mika is Homosexually Gay (it's Diana on guitar, Ingie on vocals and Starrats on drums) I'm obsessed with glamrock, ladybugs and a band called Stone Gods and my favourite thread on MFC is the boys kissing thread. I guess that's all you need to know
  11. Hey girrrls I've been told by Ingie to come post here, and it seems like it's just the thread for me because I love cherries I actually wore a cherry patterned dress at the Mika gig last year in HMH Can I just brag again about the fact that I talked to Mr Jann Wilde on the phone?
  12. It's on my own livejournal community so I'm the judge Anyway, back to T-rex, this is my favourite part of Born to Boogie, Marc's mad hatter tea party
  13. Yeah, they asked me where the back entrance was bc they wanted to meet Mika, but were complaing that they couldn't stay too long bc they had school, to which I replied I was happy I didn't have school, and then they looked all surprised that I'd still be in school, so I asked how old they thought I was and they said 'Erm, like, 30 or something?' The pushing at that gig wasn't too bad really, NOTHING compared to Brixton atleast...
  14. I have no idea! You'd say that picture would be enough inspiration! I am working on a fic that involves Marc btw, but it's Weird with a big W, for a ficchallenge about Stone Gods finding a time machine I'm gonna send Dan to the 70s and slash him with Marc and Robert Plant
  15. Such a fantastic gig :wub2: Good memories: -Meeting Ingie and Diana for the first time, and Starrats and Blue for the second (and a lot of other cool people) -Mika pointing at me and Starrats when he was anouncing Holy Johnny 'they know it!' -Cameras in underpants/bra's Bad memories: -Little girls thinking I was 30 -Not being able to stay and meet Mika bc I had a bloody driving lesson the next day
  16. I've searched like, all night after posting that pic but didn't find ANYTHING But don't worry, I'll keep looking and warn you if I found any
  17. He needed them to give Marc sexy lovebites Omg I wanna find some Marc/David slash now lol
  18. I guess it was meant to be that way because their music would have been of such brilliance that anything anyone would ever do after that would seem pointless... HOT LOVE!
  19. My avatar is just really cool and very 'me' because well, I do really love glitter, and my sig is a quote from The Ark's song 'It takes a fool to remain sane' which I love and find very true
  20. En klopt, ik was op GeenStijl tv bij Nico Dijkshoorn, want dat is de beste vriend van m'n pa
  21. Nou het was zo, mijn Finse vriendinnetje was naar Jann Wilde's concert (Jann is zegmaar een Finse glamrock zanger die ik aanbid) en zag hem daarna en belde mij toen, en voordat ik uberhaupt doorhad wat er aan de hand was hoorde ik 'Hello, this is Jann Wilde...' in een ****ing sexy Fins accent toen zei ik heel veel random dingen over hoe geniaal ik hem vind en dat zijn muziek goddelijk is en toen zei hij dat hij zeker een keer in Amsterdam komt spelen en dat ik ook vooral een keer naar Finland moet komen om hem te zien, en ik beloofde dat ik dat zou doen, en toen zei ik 'I love you' en hij zei 'I love you too', wat best gek is aangezien hij mij alleen maar 2 minuten aan de telefoon heeft gehad, maar toch Nu zou ik het liefst naar Schiphol rijden en op een vliegtuig naar Finland springen
  22. Ik ben blij want het is m'n onjaardag en ik heb Jann Wilde aan de telefoon gehad, en hij zei 'I love you'
  23. Bowie and Bolan is Hot Love I soooo wish they would've done more stuff together....
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